♘  "I want to be a world champion... as soon as possible." -Carissa Yip  ♘

WCC News 2022 ♔

Miscellaneous News & Other Chess Events of Interest:

MACA Event Calendar of Tournaments throughout Massachusetts

NHCA Event Calendar of Tournaments throughout New Hampshire

Relyea Event Calendar of Open & Invitational Tournaments

Continental Chess Association Tournament Schedule for All States

SENECA Southeast New England Chess Association Tournament Schedule

Connecticut Chess Magazine by Rob Roy blog.

♔ US Chess upcoming Tournament Schedule for New England:
Massachusetts, ♛ New Hampshire, ♖ Rhode Island, ♝ Connecticut, ♘ MaineVermont

Metrowest Chess Club Monthly Event NEW LOCATION:
Henceforth all Metrowest Chess Club events are at our new location,
St. Paul's Episcopal Church; 39 E. Central Ave., Natick MA
See http://www.metrowestchess.org/Community/Club/Maps/Location_and_Maps.pdf for maps.
Also: The time control is now 40/90; SD/30; d5

(Formerly located at the Natick Community Center, 117 E. Central St. (Rt.135) in Natick Massachusetts.)

Billerica Chess Club weekly standings are now available on this site.
Legacy results may be found in the Other Organizations section.

Ayer Chess Club at Billiards Café Now at 63 Powers Road, Westford, Monday nights.

Keene, NH Chess Club events calendar

Waltham Chess Club events calendar

Boylston Chess Club events calendar

Greater Worcester Chess Club events calendar (Inactive until further notice.)

New Britain CT Chess Club events calendar

MetroWest Chess Club events calendar (In Hibernation mode at least until February 2023)

♔ ♞ Print or download a .PDF version of the Wachusett Chess Club Flyer ♘ ♚

♚ ♛ An Archive of these & earlier News Links is now available in the "Chess Online" section ♛ ♚


An unofficial but nice to have Glossary of Chess terms ♜ ♘ ♝

ECO code to enjoy =  C50 Hungarian defence: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Be7 
♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   Four Random Mating Patterns   ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚

Pawn Chain Bishop Mate

Stan Talcott's Mate W

Smothered Mate

Stan Talcott's Mate

Note: For information regarding the current Fitchburg State University COVID-19 policies, go to:

♟   ♟   ♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚   ♙   ♙   Ratings In Effect Starting January 4th, 2023:
12224 Tony Ceolini
22200 Rob King
32177 Brett Kildahl
41960 Paul Godin
51952 Ray Paulson
61950 Anand Nair
71936 Bruce Felton
81920 Bob Secino
91901 George Mirijanian
101900 Roger Cappallo
111891 Shawn Xu
121881 Tom Newman
131769 Luis Bermudez
141764 Frank Cao
151737 Stephen Murray
161724 Don Ostrowski
171705 Mike Urbonas
181700 Larry Gladding
191700 Gary Brassard
201698 Ken Gurge
211691 Mike Commisso
221676 Dave Couture
231669 Tim Antonelli
241657 Michael David
251654 Jim Donahue
261654 Krishna Narayanan
271629 Todd Tsakiris
281613 George Jordy
291605 Leo Marzotratti
301600 Roland Booker
311503 Nkosi Muhangi
321500 Tom Fratturelli
331478 Walter Paton
341453 Riadh Alzuhairi
351415 Bob Mathieu
361405 Brian Biglow
371388 Mike Bergeron
381360 Mark Wheeler
391358 Steve Koroskenyi
401313 Bruce Rising
411300 Larry O'Rourke
421281 Hugh McLaughlin
431280 Matthew Moore
441237 Larry Spencer
451188 Anish Saravanan
461017 James Essary
471003 Emily Gawboy
48685 Laura Xu
49662 Michael Cote
50549 Timothy Ryan

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 1 of the Reggie Boone Memorial Tournament on January 4th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 978-906-1325 before 6:45 p.m.
All participants must be members of the USCF with an expiration date of Feb. 28, 2023 or later.

♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   Curdo Puzzle of the Day   ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚

December 28th, 2022

Tony Takes Top With Perfect Score!

Results for Round 4. Kate Gasser Premier

10 Shawn Xu (1873 2.5)1 Tony S Cesolini (2201 3.0)
20 Robert King (2209 2.0)1 Brett Kildahl (2173 2.0)
31 George Mirijanian (1900 1.5)0 Stephen Murray (1721 2.0)
41 Dave Couture (1627 1.5)0 Michael David (1711 1.5)
50 Jim Donahue (1645 1.5)1 Don Ostrowski (1652 1.5)
6½ Bob Secino (1967 1.0)½ Ken Gurge (1697 1.0)
7½ George Jordy (1632 1.0)½ Gary Brassard (1700 1.0)
81 Mike Commisso (1706 0.5)0 Brian G Biglow (1400 0.0)
 0 Tom Newman (1896 1.5) BYE
 0 Bruce Felton (1963 1.5) BYE
 0 Frank Zhongti Cao (1610 2.5) BYE
 0 Mike Urbonas (1720 1.5) BYE
 0 Ray Paulson (1959 2.0) BYE
 0 Roger Cappallo (1900 1.5) BYE
 0 Krishna Narayanan (1660 1.0) BYE
 0 Tim Antonelli (1664 1.5) BYE
 0 Todd Tsakiris (1642 0.5) BYE
 0 Mike Bergeron (1410 0.0) BYE

#NameIDRatingRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Total
1Tony S Cesolini128448782201W17 (w)W15 (b) W2 (w)W4 (b) 4.0
2Brett Kildahl129244452173W20 (b)W23 (w) L1 (b)W8 (b) 3.0
3George Mirijanian100044711900H---H--- D5 (b)W10 (w) 2.5
4Shawn Xu302643621873W24 (b)W5 (w) D10 (b)L1 (w) 2.5
5Don Ostrowski124201841652W12 (w)L4 (b) D3 (w)W21 (b) 2.5
6Dave Couture124137211627L15 (w)W17 (b) D12 (w)W16 (w) 2.5
7Frank Zhongti Cao301581131610W16 (b)D10 (w) W14 (w)U--- 2.5
8Robert King126812472209H---H--- W23 (b)L2 (w) 2.0
9Ray Paulson124016161959H---W18 (w) H---U--- 2.0
10Stephen Murray167529641721W22 (w)D7 (b) D4 (w)L3 (b) 2.0
11Bob Secino100054341967L23 (w)D21 (b) D18 (b)D19 (w) 1.5
12Bruce Felton124150861963L5 (b)W24 (w) D6 (b)U--- 1.5
13Roger Cappallo100119651900D21 (w)H--- H---U--- 1.5
14Tom Newman127129211896H---W19 (w) L7 (b)U--- 1.5
15Mike Urbonas110153281720W6 (b)L1 (w) H---U--- 1.5
16Michael David166363061711L7 (w)W22 (b) D21 (w)L6 (b) 1.5
17Mike Commisso125250991706L1 (b)L6 (w) D19 (b)W26 (w) 1.5
18Gary Brassard111566651700H---L9 (b) D11 (w)D22 (b) 1.5
19Ken Gurge129279381697H---L14 (b) D17 (w)D11 (b) 1.5
20Tim Antonelli168354511664L2 (w)W25 (b) H---U--- 1.5
21Jim Donahue126332411645D13 (b)D11 (w) D16 (b)L5 (w) 1.5
22George Jordy303822231632L10 (b)L16 (w) W26 (b)D18 (w) 1.5
23Krishna Narayanan168427871660W11 (b) L2 (b)L8 (w)U--- 1.0
24Todd Tsakiris125236341642L4 (w)L12 (b) H---U--- 0.5
25Mike Bergeron125409421410U---L20 (w) U---U--- 0.0
26Brian G Biglow128249881400U---U--- L22 (w)L17 (b) 0.0

December 28th, 2022

Leo Marzoratti Tops U1600 With Perfect Score!

Results for Round 4. Kate Gasser Under 1600

91 Leo Marzoratti (1578 3.0)0 Matthew Moore (1204 2.5)
101 Riadh Alzuhairi (1434 2.0)0 Walter Paton (1533 1.5)
11½ Mike Bergeron (1410 1.5)½ Hugh McLaughlin (1235 1.5)
121 Larry D Spencer (1092 1.5)0 Mark R Wheeler (1437 1.0)
131 Nkosi Muhangi (1551 1.0)0 James Essary (1023 1.0)
14½ Larry O'Rourke (1300 1.0)½ Emily Gawboy ( 990 1.0)
15½ Michael J Cote ( 641 0.0)½ Laura Xu ( 714 0.0)
 0 Brice Rising (1189 2.5) BYE
 0 Brian Biglow (1400 2.0) BYE
 0 Anish Saravanan (1239 1.0) BYE
 0 Steve Koroskenyi (1367 1.5) BYE

#NameIDRatingRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Total
1Leo Marzoratti169389721578W15 (w)W11 (b) W7 (b)W3 (w) 4.0
2Riadh Alzuhairi169172681434L5 (w)W13 (b) W6 (b)W10 (w) 3.0
3Matthew Moore302031861204W10 (b)H--- W5 (w)L1 (b) 2.5
4Brice Rising304005211189D14 (w)W12 (b) W9 (b)U--- 2.5
5Larry D Spencer307480101092W2 (b)D6 (w) L3 (b)W14 (w) 2.5
6Nkosi Muhangi164634471551D9 (b)D5 (b) L2 (w)W16 (w) 2.0
7Mike Bergeron125409421410W16 (b)H--- L1 (w)D9 (w) 2.0
8Brian Biglow128249881400W13 (w)H--- H---U--- 2.0
9Hugh McLaughlin156283531235D6 (w)W14 (b) L4 (w)D7 (b) 2.0
10Walter Paton105367401533L3 (w)H--- W16 (b)L2 (b) 1.5
11Steve Koroskenyi125224611367W17 (b)L1 (w) H---U--- 1.5
12Larry O'Rourke132509921300H---L4 (w) H---D13 (w) 1.5
13Emily Gawboy15591405 990L8 (b)L2 (w) W17 (w)D12 (b) 1.5
14Mark R Wheeler121087401437D4 (b)L9 (w) D15 (b)L5 (b) 1.0
15Anish Saravanan167321651239L1 (b)H--- D14 (w)U--- 1.0
16James Essary126505241023L7 (w)W17 (b) L10 (w)L6 (b) 1.0
17Laura Xu30265160 714L11 (w)L16 (w) L13 (b)D18 (b) 0.5
18Michael J Cote30544907 641U---U--- U---D17 (w) 0.5

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 1 on January 4th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 978-906-1325 before 6:45 p.m.

December 21st, 2022

Tony Cesolini Leads, Xu & Cao Half Point Behind

Kate Gasser Memorial

Standings after Round 3
Kate Gasser Memorial: Premier

#NameIDRatingRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Total
1Tony S Cesolini128448782201W27 (w)W12 (b) W5 (w) 3.0
2Shawn Xu302643621873W28 (b)W15 (w) D7 (b) 2.5
3Frank Zhongti Cao301581131610W13 (b)D7 (w) W11 (w) 2.5
4Robert King126812472209H---H--- W25 (b) 2.0
5Brett Kildahl129244452173W14 (b)W25 (w) L1 (b) 2.0
6Ray Paulson124016161959H---W23 (w) H--- 2.0
7Stephen Murray167529641721W26 (w)D3 (b) D2 (w) 2.0
8Bruce Felton124150861963L15 (b)W28 (w) D17 (b) 1.5
9George Mirijanian100044711900H---H--- D15 (b) 1.5
10Roger Cappallo100119651900D16 (w)H--- H--- 1.5
11Tom Newman127129211896H---W24 (w) L3 (b) 1.5
12Mike Urbonas110153281720W17 (b)L1 (w) H--- 1.5
13Michael David166363061711L3 (w)W26 (b) D16 (w) 1.5
14Tim Antonelli168354511664L5 (w)W29 (b) H--- 1.5
15Don Ostrowski124201841652W8 (w)L2 (b) D9 (w) 1.5
16Jim Donahue126332411645D10 (b)D18 (w) D13 (b) 1.5
17Dave Couture124137211627L12 (w)W27 (b) D8 (w) 1.5
18Bob Secino100054341967L25 (w)D16 (b) D23 (b) 1.0
19Paul Godin124593891960H---H--- U--- 1.0
20Anand Nair152235271950H---H--- U--- 1.0
21Luis Bermudez124825791769H---H--- U--- 1.0
22Larry Gladding100048021700H---H--- U--- 1.0
23Gary Brassard111566651700H---L6 (b) D18 (w) 1.0
24Ken Gurge129279381697H---L11 (b) D27 (w) 1.0
25Krishna Narayanan168427871660W18 (b) L5 (b)L4 (w) 1.0
26George Jordy303822231632L7 (b)L13 (w) W30 (b) 1.0
27Mike Commisso125250991706L1 (b)L17 (w) D24 (b) 0.5
28Todd Tsakiris125236341642L2 (w)L8 (b) H--- 0.5
29Mike Bergeron125409421410U---L14 (w) U--- 0.0
30Brian G Biglow128249881400U---U--- L26 (w) 0.0

December 21st, 2022

Kate Gasser Memorial

Standings After Round 3
Kate Gasser Memorial: Under 1600

#NameIDRatingRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Total
1Leo Marzoratti169389721578W16 (w)W8 (b) W7 (b) 3.0
2Matthew Moore302031861204W6 (b)H--- W10 (w) 2.5
3Brice Rising304005211189D13 (w)W15 (b) W9 (b) 2.5
4Riadh Alzuhairi169172681434L10 (w)W18 (b) W11 (b) 2.0
5Brian Biglow128249881400W18 (w)H--- H--- 2.0
6Walter Paton105367401533L2 (w)H--- W17 (b) 1.5
7Mike Bergeron125409421410W17 (b)H--- L1 (w) 1.5
8Steve Koroskenyi125224611367W19 (b)L1 (w) H--- 1.5
9Hugh McLaughlin156283531235D11 (w)W13 (b) L3 (w) 1.5
10Larry D Spencer307480101092W4 (b)D11 (w) L2 (b) 1.5
11Nkosi Muhangi164634471551D9 (b)D10 (b) L4 (w) 1.0
12Tom Fratturelli125915621500H---H--- U--- 1.0
13Mark R Wheeler121087401437D3 (b)L9 (w) D16 (b) 1.0
14Robert Mathieu112847951415H---H--- U--- 1.0
15Larry O'Rourke132509921300H---L3 (w) H--- 1.0
16Anish Saravanan167321651239L1 (b)H--- D13 (w) 1.0
17James Essary126505241023L7 (w)W19 (b) L6 (w) 1.0
18Emily Gawboy15591405 990L5 (b)L4 (w) W19 (w) 1.0
19Laura Xu30265160 714L8 (w)L17 (w) L18 (b) 0.0
20Michael J Cote30544907 660U---U--- U--- 0.0
21Timothy Ryan30325251 541U---U--- U--- 0.0

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 2 on December 14th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.

December 14th, 2022

Tony Cesolini to Face Brett Kildahl Next Week

Kate Gasser Memorial ♙ ♞ ♗ ♜ ♕ ♚ ♕ ♜ ♗ ♞ ♙  Kate Gasser Memorial

Standings After Round 2
Kate Gasser Memorial: Premier

#NameIDRatingRd 1Rd 2Total
1Tony S Cesolini128448782201W25 (w)W14 (b) 2.0
2Brett Kildahl129244452173W17 (b)W18 (w) 2.0
3Shawn Xu302643621873W26 (b)W19 (w) 2.0
4Ray Paulson124016161959H---W23 (w) 1.5
5Tom Newman127129211896H---W24 (w) 1.5
6Stephen Murray167529641721W27 (w)D7 (b) 1.5
7Frank Zhongti Cao301581131610W15 (b)D6 (w) 1.5
8Bruce Felton124150861963L19 (b)W26 (w) 1.0
9Paul Godin124593891960H---H--- 1.0
10Anand Nair152235271950H---H--- 1.0
11George Mirijanian100044711900H---H--- 1.0
12Roger Cappallo100119651900D20 (w)H--- 1.0
13Luis Bermudez124825791769H---H--- 1.0
14Mike Urbonas110153281720W21 (b)L1 (w) 1.0
15Michael David166363061711L7 (w)W27 (b) 1.0
16Larry Gladding100048021700H---H--- 1.0
17Tim Antonelli168354511664L2 (w)W28 (b) 1.0
18Krishna Narayanan168427871660W22 (b) L2 (b) 1.0
19Don Ostrowski124201841652W8 (w)L3 (b) 1.0
20Jim Donahue126332411645D12 (b)D22 (w) 1.0
21Dave Couture124137211627L14 (w)W25 (b) 1.0
22Bob Secino100054341967L18 (w)D20 (b) 0.5
23Gary Brassard111566651700H---L4 (b) 0.5
24Ken Gurge129279381697H---L5 (b) 0.5
25Mike Commisso125250991706L1 (b)L21 (w) 0.0
26Todd Tsakiris125236341642L3 (w)L8 (b) 0.0
27George Jordy303822231632L6 (b)L15 (w) 0.0
28Mike Bergeron125409421410U---L17 (w) 0.0
29Brian G Biglow128249881400U---U--- 0.0

♟ ♘ ♝ ♖ ♛ ♔ ♛ ♖ ♝ ♘ ♟  Kate Gasser Memorial

December 14th, 2022

Kate Gasser Memorial ♙ ♞ ♗ ♜ ♕ ♚ ♕ ♜ ♗ ♞ ♙ 

Standings After Round 2
Kate Gasser Memorial: Under 1600

#NameIDRatingRd 1Rd 2Total
1Leo Marzoratti169389721578W17 (w)W12 (b) 2.0
2Mike Bergeron125409421410W13 (b)H--- 1.5
3Brian Biglow128249881400W18 (w)H--- 1.5
4Hugh McLaughlin156283531235D8 (w)W15 (b) 1.5
5Matthew Moore302031861204W14 (b)H--- 1.5
6Brice Rising304005211189D15 (w)W16 (b) 1.5
7Larry D Spencer307480101092W10 (b)D8 (w) 1.5
8Nkosi Muhangi164634471551D4 (b)D7 (b) 1.0
9Tom Fratturelli125915621500H---H--- 1.0
10Riadh Alzuhairi169172681434L7 (w)W18 (b) 1.0
11Robert Mathieu112847951415H---H--- 1.0
12Steve Koroskenyi125224611367W19 (b)L1 (w) 1.0
13James Essary126505241023L2 (w)W19 (b) 1.0
14Walter Paton105367401533L5 (w)H--- 0.5
15Mark R Wheeler121087401437D6 (b)L4 (w) 0.5
16Larry O'Rourke132509921300H---L6 (w) 0.5
17Anish Saravanan167321651239L1 (b)H--- 0.5
18Emily Gawboy15591405 990L3 (b)L10 (w) 0.0
19Laura Xu30265160 714L12 (w)L13 (w) 0.0
20Michael J Cote30544907 660U---U--- 0.0
21Timothy Ryan30325251 541U---U--- 0.0

♟ ♘ ♝ ♖ ♛ ♔ ♛ ♖ ♝ ♘ ♟  Kate Gasser Memorial

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 2 on December 14th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.

December 7th, 2022

Kate Gasser Memorial ♕ ♚ ♕ ♚ ♕  Kate Gasser Memorial

Standings after Round 1
Kate Gasser Memorial: Premier

#NameIDRatingRd 1Total
1Tony S Cesolini128448782201W24 (w) 1.0
2Brett Kildahl129244452173W25 (b) 1.0
3Shawn Xu302643621873W26 (b) 1.0
4Stephen Murray167529641721W27 (w) 1.0
5Mike Urbonas110153281720W28 (b) 1.0
6Krishna Narayanan168427871660W21 (b) 1.0
7Don Ostrowski124201841652W22 (w) 1.0
8Frank Zhongti Cao301581131610W23 (b) 1.0
9Paul Godin124593891960H--- 0.5
10Ray Paulson124016161959H--- 0.5
11Anand Nair152235271950H--- 0.5
12George Mirijanian100044711900H--- 0.5
13Roger Cappallo100119651900D19 (w) 0.5
14Tom Newman127129211896H--- 0.5
15Luis Bermudez124825791769H--- 0.5
16Larry Gladding100048021700H--- 0.5
17Gary Brassard111566651700H--- 0.5
18Ken Gurge129279381697H--- 0.5
19Jim Donahue126332411645D13 (b) 0.5
20Roland Booker105691761600H--- 0.5
21Bob Secino100054341967L6 (w) 0.0
22Bruce Felton124150861963L7 (b) 0.0
23Michael David166363061711L8 (w) 0.0
24Mike Commisso125250991706L1 (b) 0.0
25Tim Antonelli168354511664L2 (w) 0.0
26Todd Tsakiris125236341642L3 (w) 0.0
27George Jordy303822231632L4 (b) 0.0
28Dave Couture124137211627L5 (w) 0.0
29Brian G Biglow128249881401U--- 0.0

♔ ♛ ♔ ♛ ♔  Kate Gasser Memorial

December 7th, 2022

Kate Gasser Memorial ♕ ♚ ♕ ♚ ♕  Kate Gasser Memorial

Standings after Round 1
Kate Gasser Memorial: Under 1600

#NameIDRatingRd 1Total
1Leo Marzoratti169389721578W16 (w) 1.0
2Mike Bergeron125409421410W17 (b) 1.0
3Brian Biglow128249881400W18 (w) 1.0
4Steve Koroskenyi125224611367W19 (b) 1.0
5Matthew Moore302031861204W14 (b) 1.0
6Larry D Spencer307480101092W15 (b) 1.0
7Nkosi Muhangi164634471551D12 (b) 0.5
8Tom Fratturelli125915621500H--- 0.5
9Mark R Wheeler121087401437D13 (b) 0.5
10Robert Mathieu112847951415H--- 0.5
11Larry O'Rourke132509921300H--- 0.5
12Hugh McLaughlin156283531235D7 (w) 0.5
13Brice Rising304005211189D9 (w) 0.5
14Walter Paton105367401533L5 (w) 0.0
15Riadh Alzuhairi169172681434L6 (w) 0.0
16Anish Saravanan167321651239L1 (b) 0.0
17James Essary126505241023L2 (w) 0.0
18Emily Gawboy15591405 990L3 (b) 0.0
19Laura Xu30265160 714L4 (w) 0.0
20Michael J Cote30544907 660U--- 0.0
21Timothy Ryan30325251 541U--- 0.0

♔ ♛ ♔ ♛ ♔  Kate Gasser Memorial

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 2 on December 14th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.

November 30th, 2022

Brett Kildahl Tops Curdo Memorial with Perfect Score

John A. Curdo Memorial

Results for Round 5. John A. Curdo Memorial: Open

10 Mike Commisso (1627 3.5)1 Brett Kildahl (2162 4.0)
21 Bob Secino (1951 3.0)0 Ray Paulson (1976 2.5)
30 Tim Antonelli (1557 3.0)1 Bruce Felton (1973 2.5)
41/2 Roger Cappallo (1905 2.5)1/2 Don Ostrowski (1652 2.5)
51 Luis Bermudez (1745 2.5)0 George Mirijanian (1900 2.5)
60 George Jordy (1639 2.0)1 Stephen Murray (1781 2.0)
71 Dave Couture (1738 2.0)0 Larry D Spencer (796 2.0)
81/2 Riadh Alzuhairi (1446 2.0)1/2 Nkosi Muhangi (1569 2.0)
91/2 Jim Donahue (1716 1.5)1/2 Mark R Wheeler (1392 1.5)
101 Brian Biglow (1401 1.0)0 Emily Gawboy (920 1.5)
111 Steve Koroskenyi (1335 1.0)0 Mike Bergeron (1454 1.0)
120 Larry O'Rourke (1342 1.0)1 Hugh McLaughlin (1217 1.0)
131 Brice Rising (1186 0.0)0 Michael J Cote (641 0.5)
 0 Paul Godin (1971 3.0) BYE
 0 Laura Xu (719 0.0) BYE
 0 James Essary (1071 0.5) BYE
 0 Todd Tsakiris (1704 2.0) BYE
 0 Roland Booker (1600 2.0) BYE
 0 Gary Brassard (1700 2.5) BYE
 0 Anish Saravanan (1107 1.5) BYE
 0 Larry Gladding (1700 2.5) BYE
 0 Michael David (1629 2.0) BYE
 0 Tom Fratturelli (1500 1.5) BYE
 0 Mike Urbonas (1718 2.5) BYE
 0 Walter Paton (1519 1.5) BYE
 0 Ken Gurge (1698 2.5) BYE
 0 Robert Mathieu (1475 1.0) BYE
 0 Shawn Xu (1770 3.5) BYE
 0 Anand Nair (1951 3.0) BYE
 0 Timothy Ryan (562 0.0) BYE

♔ ♚ ♔  John A. Curdo Memorial

Final Standings. John A. Curdo Memorial: Open

#NameIDRtngRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Tot
1Brett Kildahl12924445 2162W37 (b)W24 (w)W15 (b)W2 (w)W6 (b) 5.0
2Bob Secino10005434 1951W38 (b)W12 (w)W13 (b)L1 (b)W14 (w) 4.0
3Bruce Felton124150861973W21 (w)W20 (b)L6 (w)H--- (-)W13 (b) 3.5
4Shawn Xu302643621770D29 (w)W33 (b)W14 (b)W9 (w)U--- (-) 3.5
5Luis Bermudez124825791745H--- (-)W28 (b)L9 (w)W33 (b)W15 (w) 3.5
6Mike Commisso12525099 1627W43 (w)W10 (b)W3 (b)D8 (w)L1 (w) 3.5
7Paul Godin124593891971L13 (b)W40 (w)W17 (b)W26 (w)U--- (-) 3.0
8Anand Nair152235271951W34 (w)W26 (b)H--- (-)D6 (b)U--- (-) 3.0
9Roger Cappallo100119651905H--- (-)W23 (w)W5 (b)L4 (b)D12 (w) 3.0
10Stephen Murray16752964 1781W22 (b)L6 (w)L26 (b)W28 (w)W25 (b) 3.0
11Dave Couture12413721 1738W40 (b)L13 (w)L22 (b)W30 (w)W32 (w) 3.0
12Don Ostrowski12420184 1652W36 (w)L2 (b)D35 (w)W29 (b)D9 (b) 3.0
13Tim Antonelli16835451 1557W7 (w)W11 (b)L2 (w)W24 (b)L3 (w) 3.0
14Ray Paulson124016161976H--- (-)W35 (b)L4 (w)W22 (w)L2 (b) 2.5
15George Mirijanian100044711900W39 (w)W27 (b)L1 (w)H--- (-)L5 (b) 2.5
16Tom Newman127129211896H--- (-)W31 (w)H--- (-)H--- (-)U--- (-) 2.5
17Mike Urbonas110153281718H--- (-)W29 (b)L7 (w)W35 (b)U--- (-) 2.5
18Larry Gladding100048021700L35 (w)W32 (b)W39 (w)H--- (-)U--- (-) 2.5
19Gary Brassard111566651700H--- (-)H--- (-)W36 (w)D20 (b)U--- (-) 2.5
20Ken Gurge129279381698W42 (b)L3 (w)W30 (b)D19 (w)U--- (-) 2.5
21Nkosi Muhangi16463447 1569L3 (b)W42 (w)L24 (b)W31 (w)D22 (b) 2.5
22Riadh Alzuhairi16917268 1446L10 (w)W43 (b)W11 (w)L14 (b)D21 (w) 2.5
23Jim Donahue12633241 1716D30 (w)L9 (b)L33 (w)W43 (b)D29 (w) 2.0
24Todd Tsakiris125236341704W31 (b)L1 (b)W21 (w)L13 (w)U--- (-) 2.0
25George Jordy303822231639H--- (-)H--- (-)U--- (-)W39 (b)L10 (w) 2.0
26Michael David166363061629W44 (b)L8 (w)W10 (w)L7 (b)U--- (-) 2.0
27Roland Booker105691761600W45 (b)L15 (w)H--- (-)H--- (-)U--- (-) 2.0
28Brian Biglow128249881401H--- (-)L5 (w)D34 (b)L10 (b)W36 (w) 2.0
29Mark R Wheeler12108740 1392D4 (b)L17 (w)W38 (b)L12 (w)D23 (b) 2.0
30Steve Koroskenyi125224611335D23 (b)H--- (-)L20 (w)L11 (b)W39 (w) 2.0
31Hugh McLaughlin156283531217L24 (w)L16 (b)W44 (w)L21 (b)W40 (b) 2.0
32Larry D Spencer30748010796U--- (-)L18 (w)W40 (b)W42 (w)L11 (b) 2.0
33Walter Paton105367401519H--- (-)L4 (w)W23 (b)L5 (w)U--- (-) 1.5
34Tom Fratturelli125915621500L8 (b)H--- (-)D28 (w)D36 (b)U--- (-) 1.5
35Anish Saravanan167321651107W18 (b)L14 (w)D12 (b)L17 (w)U--- (-) 1.5
36Emily Gawboy15591405 920L12 (b)W38 (w)L19 (b)D34 (w)L28 (b) 1.5
37Leo Marzoratti169389721579L1 (w)H--- (-)H--- (-)U--- (-)U--- (-) 1.0
38Robert Mathieu112847951475L2 (w)L36 (b)L29 (w)W44 (b)U--- (-) 1.0
39Mike Bergeron125409421454L15 (b)W44 (w)L18 (b)L25 (w)L30 (b) 1.0
40Larry O'Rourke13250992 1342L11 (w)L7 (b)L32 (w)W45 (b)L31 (w) 1.0
41Brice Rising304005211186U--- (-)U--- (-)U--- (-)U--- (-)W43 (w) 1.0
42James Essary126505241071L20 (w)L21 (b)D43 (w)L32 (b)U--- (-) 0.5
43Michael J Cote30544907 641L6 (b)L22 (w)D42 (b)L23 (w)L41 (b) 0.5
44Laura Xu30265160719L26 (w)L39 (b)L31 (b)L38 (w)U--- (-) 0.0
45Timothy Ryan30325251562L27 (w)U--- (-)U--- (-)L40 (w)U--- (-) 0.0

♔ 2022 John A. Curdo Memorial PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st: ♔ Brett Kildahl
2nd-3rd: Bob Secino, Tim Antonelli
Top U1800: Stephen Murray, Dave Couture
Top U1700: Don Ostrowski
Top U1600: Tim Antonelli
Top U1400: Mark Wheeler, Steve Koroskenyi, Hugh McLaughlin
Top U1000: Larry Spencer
♟   ♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   Post Tournament Ratings: ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚   ♙  
12173 Brett Kildahl (+11)
21967 Bob Secino (+16)
31963 Bruce Felton
41960 Paul Godin
51959 Ray Paulson
61950 Anand Nair
71900 Roger Cappallo
81900 George Mirijanian
91896 Tom Newman
101873 Shawn Xu (+29)
111769 Luis Bermudez (+24)
121721 Stephen Murray
131720 Mike Urbonas (+1)
141711 Michael David (+5)
151706 Mike Commisso (+98)
161700 Larry Gladding
171700 Gary Brassard
181697 Ken Gurge
191664 Tim Antonelli (+107)
201652 Don Ostrowski
211645 Jim Donahue
221642 Todd Tsakiris
231632 George Jordy
241627 Dave Couture
251600 Roland Booker
261578 Leo Marzoratti
271551 Nkosi Muhangi
281533 Walter Paton (+14)
291500 Tom Fratturelli
301437 Mark Wheeler (+44)
311434 Riadh Alzuhairi (+34)
321415 Bob Mathieu
331410 Mike Bergeron
341400 Brian Biglow
351367 Steve Koroskenyi (+32)
361300 Larry O'Rourke
371239 Anish Saravanan (+104)
381235 Hugh McLaughlin (+17)
391189 Brice Rising (+3)
401092 Larry Spencer (+296)
411023 james Essary
42990 Emily Gawboy (+106)
43714 Laura Xu
44660 Michael Cote (+19)
45541 Timothy Ryan

Pictures from this year's John A. Curdo Memorial tournament.

Current 2020 Championship Grand Prix Standings Championship Grand Prix Archive

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 1 on December 7th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.

November 16th, 2022

John A. Curdo Memorial

Reesults for Round 4. John A. Curdo Memorial: Open

11 Brett Kildahl (2162 3.0)0 Bob Secino (1951 3.0)
21/2 Mike Commisso (1627 3.0)1/2 Anand Nair (1951 2.5)
31 Shawn Xu (1770 2.5)0 Roger Cappallo (1905 2.5)
41 Paul Godin (1971 2.0)0 Michael David (1629 2.0)
50 Todd Tsakiris (1704 2.0)1 Tim Antonelli (1557 2.0)
61/2 Ken Gurge (1698 2.0)1/2 Gary Brassard (1700 2.0)
71 Ray Paulson (1976 1.5)0 Riadh Alzuhairi (1446 2.0)
80 Walter Paton (1519 1.5)1 Luis Bermudez (1745 1.5)
90 Anish Saravanan (1107 1.5)1 Mike Urbonas (1718 1.5)
100 Mark R Wheeler (1392 1.5)1 Don Ostrowski (1652 1.5)
111 Stephen Murray (1781 1.0)0 Brian Biglow (1401 1.0)
121 Dave Couture (1738 1.0)0 Steve Koroskenyi (1335 1.0)
130 Mike Bergeron (1454 1.0)1 George Jordy (1639 1.0)
141 Nkosi Muhangi (1569 1.0)0 Hugh McLaughlin (1217 1.0)
151/2 Emily Gawboy (920 1.0)1/2 Tom Fratturelli (1500 1.0)
161 Larry D Spencer (796 1.0)0 James Essary (1071 0.5)
170 Michael J Cote (641 0.5)1 Jim Donahue (1716 0.5)
180 Laura Xu (719 0.0)1 Robert Mathieu (1475 0.0)
190 Timothy Ryan (562 0.0)1 Larry O'Rourke (1342 0.0)

♔ ♚ ♔  John A. Curdo Memorial

Standings after Round 4
John A. Curdo Memorial

#NameIDRtngRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Tot
1Brett Kildahl12924445 2162W34 (b)W21 (w)W11 (b)W6 (w) 4.0
2Shawn Xu30264362 1770D31 (w)W29 (b)W8 (b)W10 (w) 3.5
3Mike Commisso12525099 1627W42 (w)W19 (b)W9 (b)D5 (w) 3.5
4Paul Godin12459389 1971L7 (b)W38 (w)W14 (b)W23 (w) 3.0
5Anand Nair152235271951W30 (w)W23 (b)H--- (-)D3 (b) 3.0
6Bob Secino10005434 1951W35 (b)W18 (w)W7 (b)L1 (b) 3.0
7Tim Antonelli16835451 1557W4 (w)W20 (b)L6 (w)W21 (b) 3.0
8Ray Paulson124016161976H--- (-)W32 (b)L2 (w)W26 (w) 2.5
9Bruce Felton124150861973W25 (w)W17 (b)L3 (w)H--- (-) 2.5
10Roger Cappallo100119651905H--- (-)W28 (w)W13 (b)L2 (b) 2.5
11George Mirijanian100044711900W36 (w)W24 (b)L1 (w)H--- (-) 2.5
12Tom Newman127129211896H--- (-)W40 (w)H--- (-)H--- (-) 2.5
13Luis Bermudez124825791745H--- (-)W37 (b)L10 (w)W29 (b) 2.5
14Mike Urbonas110153281718H--- (-)W31 (b)L4 (w)W32 (b) 2.5
15Larry Gladding100048021700L32 (w)W27 (b)W36 (w)H--- (-) 2.5
16Gary Brassard111566651700H--- (-)H--- (-)W33 (w)D17 (b) 2.5
17Ken Gurge12927938 1698W41 (b)L9 (w)W39 (b)D16 (w) 2.5
18Don Ostrowski12420184 1652W33 (w)L6 (b)D32 (w)W31 (b) 2.5
19Stephen Murray16752964 1781W26 (b)L3 (w)L23 (b)W37 (w) 2.0
20Dave Couture12413721 1738W38 (b)L7 (w)L26 (b)W39 (w) 2.0
21Todd Tsakiris12523634 1704W40 (b)L1 (b)W25 (w)L7 (w) 2.0
22George Jordy303822231639H--- (-)H--- (-)U--- (-)W36 (b) 2.0
23Michael David16636306 1629W43 (b)L5 (w)W19 (w)L4 (b) 2.0
24Roland Booker105691761600W44 (b)L11 (w)H--- (-)H--- (-) 2.0
25Nkosi Muhangi16463447 1569L9 (b)W41 (w)L21 (b)W40 (w) 2.0
26Riadh Alzuhairi16917268 1446L19 (w)W42 (b)W20 (w)L8 (b) 2.0
27Larry D Spencer30748010796U--- (-)L15 (w)W38 (b)W41 (w) 2.0
28Jim Donahue12633241 1716D39 (w)L10 (b)L29 (w)W42 (b) 1.5
29Walter Paton105367401519H--- (-)L2 (w)W28 (b)L13 (w) 1.5
30Tom Fratturelli125915621500L5 (b)H--- (-)D37 (w)D33 (b) 1.5
31Mark R Wheeler12108740 1392D2 (b)L14 (w)W35 (b)L18 (w) 1.5
32Anish Saravanan16732165 1107W15 (b)L8 (w)D18 (b)L14 (w) 1.5
33Emily Gawboy15591405 920L18 (b)W35 (w)L16 (b)D30 (w) 1.5
34Leo Marzoratti169389721579L1 (w)H--- (-)H--- (-)U--- (-) 1.0
35Robert Mathieu11284795 1475L6 (w)L33 (b)L31 (w)W43 (b) 1.0
36Mike Bergeron125409421454L11 (b)W43 (w)L15 (b)L22 (w) 1.0
37Brian Biglow128249881401H--- (-)L13 (w)D30 (b)L19 (b) 1.0
38Larry O'Rourke13250992 1342L20 (w)L4 (b)L27 (w)W44 (b) 1.0
39Steve Koroskenyi125224611335D28 (b)H--- (-)L17 (w)L20 (b) 1.0
40Hugh McLaughlin156283531217L21 (w)L12 (b)W43 (w)L25 (b) 1.0
41James Essary12650524 1071L17 (w)L25 (b)D42 (w)L27 (b) 0.5
42Michael J Cote30544907 641L3 (b)L26 (w)D41 (b)L28 (w) 0.5
43Laura Xu30265160719L23 (w)L36 (b)L40 (b)L35 (w) 0.0
44Timothy Ryan30325251562L24 (w)U--- (-)U--- (-)L38 (w) 0.0

♚ ♔ ♚  John A. Curdo Memorial

Projected Pairings Round 5. John A. Curdo Memorial: Open

1 Shawn Xu (1770 3.5) Brett Kildahl (2162 4.0)
2 Bob Secino (1951 3.0) Mike Commisso (1627 3.5)
3 Anand Nair (1951 3.0) Paul Godin (1971 3.0)
4 Tim Antonelli (1557 3.0) Ray Paulson (1976 2.5)
5 Mike Urbonas (1718 2.5) Bruce Felton (1973 2.5)
6 Roger Cappallo (1905 2.5) Larry Gladding (1700 2.5)
7 Gary Brassard (1700 2.5) George Mirijanian (1900 2.5)
8 Luis Bermudez (1745 2.5) Ken Gurge (1698 2.5)
9 Don Ostrowski (1652 2.5) Stephen Murray (1781 2.0)
10 Roland Booker (1600 2.0) Dave Couture (1738 2.0)
11 Riadh Alzuhairi (1446 2.0) Todd Tsakiris (1704 2.0)
12 George Jordy (1639 2.0) Nkosi Muhangi (1569 2.0)
13 Michael David (1629 2.0) Larry D Spencer (796 2.0)
14 Jim Donahue (1716 1.5) Mark R Wheeler (1392 1.5)
15 Emily Gawboy (920 1.5) Walter Paton (1519 1.5)
16 Tom Fratturelli (1500 1.5) Anish Saravanan (1107 1.5)
17 Robert Mathieu (1475 1.0) Larry O'Rourke (1342 1.0)
18 Steve Koroskenyi (1335 1.0) Mike Bergeron (1454 1.0)
19 Brian Biglow (1401 1.0) Hugh McLaughlin (1217 1.0)
20 James Essary (1071 0.5) Laura Xu (719 0.0)
21 Michael J Cote (641 0.5) Timothy Ryan (562 0.0)

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 5 on November 30th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.
NOTE: There will be NO WCC MEETING on Wednesday, November 23rd.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

November 9th, 2022

8 Upsets Shake Up Round 3

John A. Curdo Memorial, November 9th, 2022
Round 3 of 5 Results
George Mirijanian 0-1Brett Kildahl
Bruce Felton 0-1♔ Mike Commisso
Tim Antonelli 0-1Bob Secino
Ray Paulson 0-1♔ Shawn Xu
Luis Bermudez 0-1Roger Cappallo
Mike Urbonas 0-1Paul Godin
♔ Michael David 1-0Stephen Murray
♔ Riadh Alzuhairi 1-0Dave Couture
Todd Tsakiris 1-0Nkosi Muhangi
Larry Gladding 1-0Mike Bergeron
Gary Brassard 1-0Emily Gawboy
Steve Koroskenyi 0-1Ken Gurge
Don Ostrowski1/2-1/2♖ Anish Saravanan
Jim Donahue 0-1♔ Walter Paton
Tom Fratturelli1/2-1/2Brian Biglow
Robert Mathieu 0-1Mark Wheeler
Larry O'Rourke 0-1♔ Larry Spencer
Hugh McLaughlin 1-0Laura Xu
James Essary1/2-1/2♖ Michael Cote
Total of 19 boards,
6 major upsets (♔ ♕), 2 upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Anand Nair, Tom Newman, Roland Booker, and Leo Marzoratti.
♖ Not playing round 3 was were George Jordy and Timothy Ryan.
♙ Xinan Li was withdrawn from the tournament.

John A. Curdo Memorial, November 9th, 2022
3.0Kildahl, Secino, Commisso
2.5Nair, Cappallo, S. Xu
2.0Felton, Godin, Mirijanian, Newman, Tsakiris, Gladding, Brassard, Gurge, David, Antonelli, Alzuhairi
1.5Paulson, Bermudez, Urbonas, Ostrowski, Booker, Paton, Wheeler, Saravanan
1.0Murray, Couture, Jordy, Marzoratti, Muhangi, Fratturelli, Bergeron, Biglow, Koroskenyi, McLaughlin, Gawboy, Spencer
0.5Donahue, Essary, Cote
0.0Mathieu, O'Rourke, L. Xu, Ryan

Projected Round 4 Pairings for November 16th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Kildahl vs. Secino Board 2: Commisso vs. Nair Board 3: S. Xu vs. Cappallo Board 4: Gladding vs. Felton Board 5: Godin vs. Brassard Board 6: Gurge vs. Mirijanian Board 7: Newman vs. David Board 8: Tsakiris vs. Antonelli Board 9 : Paulson vs. Alzuhairi Board 10: Booker vs. Bermudez Board 11: Paton vs. Urbonas Board 12: Wheeler vs, Ostrowski Board 13: Saravanan vs. Murray Board 14: Couture vs. Koroskenyi Board 15: Bergeron vs. Jordy Board 16: Biglow vs. Marzoratti Board 17: Muhangi vs. McLaughlin Board 18: Gawboy vs. Fratturelli Board 19: Spencer vs. Essary Board 20: Cote vs. Donahue Board 21: L. Xu vs. Mathieu Board 22: Ryan vs. O'Rourke
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

John A. Curdo Memorial

Standings after Round 3
John A. Curdo Memorial

#NameIDRtngRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Tot
1Brett Kildahl12924445 2162W29 (b)W11 (w)W9 (b) 3.0
2Bob Secino10005434 1951W41 (b)W21 (w)W16 (b) 3.0
3Mike Commisso12525099 1627W40 (w)W26 (b)W7 (b) 3.0
4Anand Nair152235271951W31 (w)W15 (b)H--- (-) 2.5
5Roger Cappallo100119651905H--- (-)W38 (w)W19 (b) 2.5
6Shawn Xu30264362 1770D24 (w)W23 (b)W18 (b) 2.5
7Bruce Felton12415086 1973W30 (w)W14 (b)L3 (w) 2.0
8Paul Godin12459389 1971L16 (b)W42 (w)W20 (b) 2.0
9George Mirijanian100044711900W32 (w)W22 (b)L1 (w) 2.0
10Tom Newman127129211896H--- (-)W35 (w)H--- (-) 2.0
11Todd Tsakiris12523634 1704W35 (b)L1 (b)W30 (w) 2.0
12Larry Gladding100048021700L25 (w)W37 (b)W32 (w) 2.0
13Gary Brassard111566651700H--- (-)H--- (-)W36 (w) 2.0
14Ken Gurge12927938 1698W39 (b)L7 (w)W34 (b) 2.0
15Michael David16636306 1629W43 (b)L4 (w)W26 (w) 2.0
16Tim Antonelli16835451 1557W8 (w)W27 (b)L2 (w) 2.0
17Riadh Alzuhairi16917268 1446L26 (w)W40 (b)W27 (w) 2.0
18Ray Paulson124016161976H--- (-)W25 (b)L6 (w) 1.5
19Luis Bermudez124825791745H--- (-)W33 (b)L5 (w) 1.5
20Mike Urbonas110153281718H--- (-)W24 (b)L8 (w) 1.5
21Don Ostrowski12420184 1652W36 (w)L2 (b)D25 (w) 1.5
22Roland Booker105691761600W44 (b)L9 (w)H--- (-) 1.5
23Walter Paton105367401519H--- (-)L6 (w)W38 (b) 1.5
24Mark R Wheeler12108740 1392D6 (b)L20 (w)W41 (b) 1.5
25Anish Saravanan16732165 1107W12 (b)L18 (w)D21 (b) 1.5
26Stephen Murray16752964 1781W17 (b)L3 (w)L15 (b) 1.0
27Dave Couture12413721 1738W42 (b)L16 (w)L17 (b) 1.0
28George Jordy303822231639H--- (-)H--- (-)U--- (-) 1.0
29Leo Marzoratti169389721579L1 (w)H--- (-)H--- (-) 1.0
30Nkosi Muhangi16463447 1569L7 (b)W39 (w)L11 (b) 1.0
31Tom Fratturelli125915621500L4 (b)H--- (-)D33 (w) 1.0
32Mike Bergeron125409421454L9 (b)W43 (w)L12 (b) 1.0
33Brian Biglow128249881401H--- (-)L19 (w)D31 (b) 1.0
34Steve Koroskenyi125224611335D38 (b)H--- (-)L14 (w) 1.0
35Hugh McLaughlin156283531217L11 (w)L10 (b)W43 (w) 1.0
36Emily Gawboy15591405 920L21 (b)W41 (w)L13 (b) 1.0
37Larry D Spencer30748010796U--- (-)L12 (w)W42 (b) 1.0
38Jim Donahue12633241 1716D34 (w)L5 (b)L23 (w) 0.5
39James Essary12650524 1071L14 (w)L30 (b)D40 (w) 0.5
40Michael J Cote30544907 641L3 (b)L17 (w)D39 (b) 0.5
41Robert Mathieu11284795 1475L2 (w)L36 (b)L24 (w) 0.0
42Larry O'Rourke13250992 1342L27 (w)L8 (b)L37 (w) 0.0
43Laura Xu30265160719L15 (w)L32 (b)L35 (b) 0.0
44Timothy Ryan30325251562L22 (w)U--- (-)U--- (-) 0.0

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 4 on November 16th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.

November 5th 2022
2010 WCC Champ Tony Cesolini Wins Master Title & Keene, NH Championship

2010 WCC Champion, Tony Cesolini Won the Keene Knights Club Championship with a perfect 4-0 score on Monday night October 24, 2022, thereby earning the title of National Master & Keene Knights Club Champion! Congratulations Tony!

November 2nd, 2022

John A. Curdo Memorial, November 2nd, 2022
Round 2 of 5 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0Todd Tsakris
Ken Gurge 0-1Bruce Felton
Michael David 0-1Anand Nair
Bob Secino 1-0Don Ostrowski
Roland Booker 0-1George Mirijanian
Stephen Murray 0-1♔ Mike Commisso
Dave Couture 0-1♔ Tim Antonelli
Anich Saravanan 0-1Ray Paulson
Roger Cappallo 1-0Jim Donahue
Walter Paton 0-1Shawn Xu
Brian Biglow 0-1Luis Bermudez
Mark Wheeler 0-1Mike Urbonas
Paul Godin 1-0Larry O'Rourke
Tom Newman 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
Larry Spencer 0-1Larry Gladding
Nkosi Muhangi 1-0James Essary
♔ Emily Gawboy 1-0Bob Mathieu
Mike Bergeron 1-0Laura Xu
Michael Cote 0-1Riadh Alzuhairi
Total of 19 boards,
3 major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Gary Brassard, George Jordy, Steve Koroskenyi, Xinan Li,
Leo Marzoratti, and Tom Fratturelli.
♖ Not playing round 2 was Timothy Ryan.
♙ Withdrawing from the tournament were Rawl Rutter and Krishna Naraynan and Rawl Rutter..

John A. Curdo Memorial, November 2nd, 2022
2.0Kildahl, Felton, Nair, Secino, Mirijanian, Commisso, Antonelli
1.5Paulson, Cappallo, Newman, S. Xu, Bermudez, Urbonas
1.0Godin, Murray, Couture, Tsakiris, Gladding, Brassard, Gurge, Ostrowski, Jordy, David, Booker, Muhangi, Bergeron,
Koroskenyi, Li, Saravanan, Gawboy
0.5Donahue, Marzoratti, Paton, Fratturelli, Biglow, Wheeler
0.0Mathieu, O'Rourke, McLaughlin, Spencer, L. Xu, Cote, Ryan

Projected Round 3 Pairings for November 9th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Mirijanian vs. Kildahl Board 2: Felton vs. Commisso Board 3: Antonelli vs. Secino Board 4: Paulson vs. S. Xu Board 5: Bermudez vs. Cappallo Board 6: Urbonas vs. Newman Board 7: David vs. Godin Board 8: Booker vs. Murray Board 9: Alzuhairi vs. Couture Board 10: Tsakiris vs. Muhangi Board 11: Gladding vs. Bergeron Board 12: Brassard vs. Gawboy Board 13: Koroskenyi vs. Gurge Board 14: Ostrowski vs. Saravanan Board 15: Donahue vs. Paton Board 16: Wheeler vs. Marzoratti Board 17: Fratturelli vs. Biglow Board 18: Mathieu vs. Spencer Board 19: O'Rourke vs. L. Xu Board 20: McLaughlin vs. Cote Board 21: Essary vs. Ryan
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

John A. Curdo Memorial

Standings after Round 2
John A. Curdo Memorial

#NameIDRtngRd 1Rd 2Tot
1Brett Kildahl12924445 2162W34 (b)W17 (w) 2.0
2Bruce Felton12415086 1973W26 (w)W20 (b) 2.0
3Anand Nair152235271951W36 (w)W24 (b) 2.0
4Bob Secino10005434 1951W39 (b)W22 (w) 2.0
5George Mirijanian100044711900W27 (w)W25 (b) 2.0
6Mike Commisso12525099 1627W45 (w)W15 (b) 2.0
7Tim Antonelli16835451 1557W14 (w)W16 (b) 2.0
8Ray Paulson124016161976H--- (-)W31 (b) 1.5
9Roger Cappallo100119651905H--- (-)W33 (w) 1.5
10Tom Newman127129211896H--- (-)W41 (w) 1.5
11Shawn Xu30264362 1770D38 (w)W35 (b) 1.5
12Luis Bermudez124825791745H--- (-)W37 (b) 1.5
13Mike Urbonas110153281718H--- (-)W38 (b) 1.5
14Paul Godin12459389 1971L7 (b)W40 (w) 1.0
15Stephen Murray16752964 1781W28 (b)L6 (w) 1.0
16Dave Couture12413721 1738W40 (b)L7 (w) 1.0
17Todd Tsakiris12523634 1704W41 (b)L1 (b) 1.0
18Larry Gladding100048021700L31 (w)W43 (b) 1.0
19Gary Brassard111566651700H--- (-)H--- (-) 1.0
20Ken Gurge12927938 1698W42 (b)L2 (w) 1.0
21Rawl Rutter160243331666H--- (-)H--- (-) 1.0
22Don Ostrowski12420184 1652W32 (w)L4 (b) 1.0
23George Jordy303822231639H--- (-)H--- (-) 1.0
24Michael David16636306 1629W44 (b)L3 (w) 1.0
25Roland Booker10569176 1600W46 (b)L5 (w) 1.0
26Nkosi Muhangi16463447 1569L2 (b)W42 (w) 1.0
27Mike Bergeron125409421454L5 (b)W44 (w) 1.0
28Riadh Alzuhairi16917268 1446L15 (w)W45 (b) 1.0
29Steve Koroskenyi125224611335D33 (b)H--- (-) 1.0
30Xinan Li300831311331H--- (-)H--- (-) 1.0
31Anish Saravanan16732165 1107W18 (b)L8 (w) 1.0
32Emily Gawboy15591405 920L22 (b)W39 (w) 1.0
33Jim Donahue12633241 1716D29 (w)L9 (b) 0.5
34Leo Marzoratti169389721579L1 (w)H--- (-) 0.5
35Walter Paton105367401519H--- (-)L11 (w) 0.5
36Tom Fratturelli125915621500L3 (b)H--- (-) 0.5
37Brian Biglow128249881401H--- (-)L12 (w) 0.5
38Mark R Wheeler12108740 1392D11 (b)L13 (w) 0.5
39Robert Mathieu11284795 1475L4 (w)L32 (b) 0.0
40Larry O'Rourke13250992 1342L16 (w)L14 (b) 0.0
41Hugh McLaughlin156283531217L17 (w)L10 (b) 0.0
42James Essary12650524 1071L20 (w)L26 (b) 0.0
43Larry D Spencer30748010796U--- (-)L18 (w) 0.0
44Laura Xu30265160719L24 (w)L27 (b) 0.0
45Michael J Cote30544907 641L6 (b)L28 (w) 0.0
46Timothy Ryan30325251562L25 (w)U--- (-) 0.0

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 3 on November 9th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.

October 26th, 2022

John Curdo Memorial Opens New Season

John A. Curdo Memorial, October 26th, 2022
Round 1 of 5 Results
Leo Marzoratti 0-1Brett Kildahl
Bruce Felton 1-0Nkosi Muhangi
♔ Tim Antonelli 1-0Paul Godin
Anand Nair 1-0Tom Fratturelli
Robert Mathieu 0-1Bob Secino
George Mirijanian 1-0Mike Bergeron
Riadh Alzuhairi 0-1Stephen Murray
Shawn Xu1/2-1/2♖ Mark Wheeler
Larry O'Rourke 0-1Dave Couture
Jim Donahue1/2-1/2♖ Steve Koroskenyi
Hugh McLaughlin 0-1Todd Tsakiris
Larry Gladding 0-1♔ Anish Saravanan
James Essary 0-1Ken Gurge
Don Ostrowski 1-0Emily Gawboy
Laura Xu 0-1Michael David
Mike Commisso 1-0Michael Cote
Timothy Ryan 0-1Roland Booker
Total of 17 boards,
2 major upsets (♔ ♕), 2 upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point were were Ray Paulson, Luis Bermudez, Mike Urbonas, Gary Brassard,
Krishna Narayanan, George Jordy, Walter Paton, Rawl Rutter, Brian Biglow, and Xinan Li.
♖ Not playing round 1 was Larry Spencer.

John A. Curdo Memorial, October 26th, 2022
1.0Kildahl, Felton, Nair, Secino, Mirijanian, Murray, Couture, Tsakiris, Gurge, Ostrowski, David,
Commisso, Booker, Antonelli, Saravanan
0.5Paulson, S. Xu, Bermudez, Urbonas, Donahue, Brassard, Narayanan, Jordy, Paton,
Rutter, Biglow, Wheeler, Koroskenyi, Li
0.0Godin, Gladding, Marzoratti, Muhangi, Fratturelli, Mathieu, Bergeron, Alzuhairi, McLaughlin,
Essary, Gawboy, Spencer, L. Xu, Cote, Ryan

Projected Round 2 Pairings for November 2nd 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Kildahl vs. Tsakiris Board 2: Gurge vs. Felton Board 3: David vs. Nair Board 4: Secino vs. Ostrowski Board 5: Booker vs. Mirijanian Board 6: Murray vs. Commisso Board 7: Couture vs. Antonelli Board 8: Saravanan vs. Paulson Board 9: Narayanan vs. S. Xu Board 10: Rutter vs. Bermudez Board 11: Paton vs. Urbonas Board 12: Biglow vs. Donahue Board 13: Koroskenyi vs. Brassard Board 14: Wheeler vs. Godin Board 15: O'Rourke vs. Gladding Board 16: Gawboy vs. Marzoratti Board 17: Muhangi vs. Essary Board 18: Fratturelli vs. L. Xu Board 19: Spencer vs. Mathieu Board 20: Bergeron vs. Ryan Board 21: Cote vs. Alzihairi
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

John A. Curdo Memorial

Standings after Round 1
John A. Curdo Memorial

#NameIDRtngRd 1Tot
1Brett Kildahl12924445 2162W32 (b) 1.0
2Bruce Felton12415086 1973W33 (w) 1.0
3Anand Nair15223527 1951W34 (w) 1.0
4Bob Secino10005434 1951W35 (b) 1.0
5George Mirijanian10004471 1900W36 (w) 1.0
6Stephen Murray16752964 1781W37 (b) 1.0
7Dave Couture12413721 1738W38 (b) 1.0
8Todd Tsakiris12523634 1704W39 (b) 1.0
9Ken Gurge12927938 1698W40 (b) 1.0
10Don Ostrowski12420184 1652W41 (w) 1.0
11Michael David16636306 1629W43 (b) 1.0
12Mike Commisso12525099 1627W44 (w) 1.0
13Roland Booker10569176 1600W45 (b) 1.0
14Tim Antonelli16835451 1557W30 (w) 1.0
15Anish Saravanan16732165 1107W31 (b) 1.0
16Ray Paulson124016161976H--- (-) 0.5
17Shawn Xu30264362 1770D27 (w) 0.5
18Luis Bermudez124825791745H--- (-) 0.5
19Mike Urbonas110153281718H--- (-) 0.5
20Jim Donahue12633241 1716D28 (w) 0.5
21Gary Brassard111566651700H--- (-) 0.5
22Krishna Narayanan168427871691H--- (-) 0.5
23Rawl Rutter160243331666H--- (-) 0.5
24George Jordy303822231639H--- (-) 0.5
25Walter Paton105367401519H--- (-) 0.5
26Brian Biglow128249881401H--- (-) 0.5
27Mark R Wheeler12108740 1392D17 (b) 0.5
28Steve Koroskenyi12522461 1335D20 (b) 0.5
29Xinan Li300831311331H--- (-) 0.5
30Paul Godin12459389 1971L14 (b) 0.0
31Larry Gladding10004802 1700L15 (w) 0.0
32Leo Marzoratti16938972 1579L1 (w) 0.0
33Nkosi Muhangi16463447 1569L2 (b) 0.0
34Tom Fratturelli12591562 1500L3 (b) 0.0
35Robert Mathieu11284795 1475L4 (w) 0.0
36Mike Bergeron12540942 1454L5 (b) 0.0
37Riadh Alzuhairi16917268 1446L6 (w) 0.0
38Larry O'Rourke13250992 1342L7 (w) 0.0
39Hugh McLaughlin156283531217L8 (w) 0.0
40James Essary12650524 1071L9 (w) 0.0
41Emily Gawboy15591405 920L10 (b) 0.0
42Larry D Spencer30748010796U--- (-) 0.0
43Laura Xu30265160 719L11 (w) 0.0
44Michael J Cote30544907 641L12 (b) 0.0
45Timothy Ryan30325251 562L13 (w) 0.0

The October 17th 2022 FATV Chess Chat episode presented by George Mirijanian & Dave Couture featuring a tribute to John Curdo may be viewed here: https://videoplayer.telvue.com/player/yycCAZPb0NN3zj2o5qio-YFMNC43NjCG/playlists/3122/media/751440?sequenceNumber=1&autostart=true&showtabssearch=false

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 2 on November 2nd
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.

October 19th, 2022

Brett Kildahl Wins 2022 WCC Championship
by Full Point with Perfect Score!

2022 WCC Champ, Brett Kildahl

WCC Championship, Championship Section,
October 19th, 2022
Round 7 of 7 Results
Stephen Murray 0-1Brett Kildahl
Ray Paulson 1-0Jim Donahue
Anand Nair 1-0Todd Tsakiris
Michael David1/2-1/2Ken Gurge
George Mirijanian1/2-1/2Dave Couture
Don Ostrowski1/2-1/2Mike Commisso
Shawn Xu 1-0Mike Bergeron
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 7 was Brassard.
♙ Larry Gladding withdrew after Round 2.

WCC Championship, Championship Section,
October 19th, 2022
5.0Paulson, Nair
3.5Couture, Donahue, Tsakiris
3.0Mirijanian, David, Xu, Commisso
2.5Brassard, Ostrowski

♔ 2022 WCC Championship, Championship Section PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st: ♔ Brett Kildahl
2nd-3rd: Ray Paulson & Anand Nair
4th: Stephen Murray
5th: Ken Gurge
6th-8th: Dave Couture, Jim Donahue, Todd Tsakiris

October 19th, 2022

Godin Tops Championship Candidates
by a Full Point, Marzoratti Clear 2nd

WCC Championship, Candidates Section, October 19th, 2022
Round 7 of 7 Results
Paul Godin 1-0Tim Antonelli
Mike Urbonas1/2-1/2Leo Marzoratti
Bob Secino 1-0Roland Booker
Krishna Narayanan 0-1Nkosi Muhangi
Mark Wheeler 0-1Walter Paton
Steven Koroskenyi 1-0Brian Biglow
George Jordy 1-0Tom Fratturelli
Luis Bermudez 1-0Riadh Alzuhairi
Larry O'Rourke 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
James Essary 0-1Robert Mathieu
Anish Saravanan 1-0Michael Cote
Laura Xu1/2-1/2Larry Spencer
Timothy Ryan 0-1Emily Gawboy
Total of 13 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing the final round were Bruce Felton, Rawl Rutter, Jackson Parker,
Rene Minalga-Rheault, Xinan Li, and Don Briggs.

WCC Championship Candidates Section,
October 19th, 2022
4.5Secino, Urbonas, Antonelli, Muhangi
4.0Paton, Koroskenyi
3.5Jordy, Booker, Narayanan
3.0Felton, Bermudez, Mathieu, Biglow, Wheeler, O'Rourke
2.5Alzuhairi, Fratturelli, McLaughlin, Saravanan
2.0Rutter, Parker, Minalga-Rheault, Essary, Gawboy
1.5Xu, Spencer
1.0Li, Cote
0.0Briggs, Ryan

♔ 2022 WCC Championship Candidates Section PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st: Paul Godin
2nd: Leo Marzoratti
3rd-6th: Bob Secino, Mike Urbonas ('B' Champ),
Tim Antonelli, Nkosi Muhangi
7th-8th: Walter Paton (top U1600), Steven Koroskenyi (top U1400)
Top U1200:   Anish Saravana

A total of 6 players
gained 50 or more rating points:
The following players had
a rating increase of
50 or more points:
Leo Marzoratti + 146
Stephen Murray + 126
Nkosi Muhangi + 110
Ken Gurge + 70
Michael Cote + 67
James Essary + 57
A total of 7 players
reached new all time highs:
The following players achieved
a new all-time high rating:
Shawn Xu 1689
Leo Marzorati 1579
Nosi Muhangi 1569
Anish Saravanan 1107
Larry Spencer 796P3
Laura Xu 783
Michael Cote 641

Pictures from this year's WCC Championship tournament.

The next tournament at the club is the John A. Curdo Memorial, starting Wednesday, October 26.
It is a single-section event.
REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 1 on October 26th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.

♟   ♟   ♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚   ♙   ♙   Ratings In Effect Starting October 26, 2022:
12162 Brett Kildahl
21976 Ray Paulson
31973 Bruce Felton
41971 Paul Godin
51951 Bob Secino
61951 Anand Nair
71900 George Mirijanian
81781 Stephen Murray
91770 Shawn Xu
101745 Luis Bermudez
111738 Dave Couture
121718 Mike Urbonas
131716 Jim Donahue
141704 Todd Tsakiris
151700 Larry Gladding
161700 Gary Brassard
171698 Ken Gurge
181666 Rawl Rutter
191652 Don Ostrowski
201639 George Jordy
211629 Michael David
221627 Mike Commisso
231609 Jackson Parker
241600 Roland Booker
251579 Leo Marzoratti
261569 Nkosi Muhangi
271557 Tim Antonelli
281539 Krishna Narayanan
291519 Walter Paton
301500 Tom Fratturelli
311475 Bob Mathieu
321454 Mike Bergeron
331446 Riadh Alzuhairi
341420 Rene Minalga-Rheault
351401 Brian Biglow
361335 Steven Koroskenyi
371392 Mark Wheeler
381342 Larry O'Rourke
391331 Xinan Li
401300 Don Briggs
411217 Hugh McLauglin
421107 Anish Saravanan
431071 James Essary
44920 Emily Gawboy
45796 Larry Spencer
46719 Laura Xu
47641 Michael Cote
48562 Timothy Ryan

October 12th, 2022

Kildahl Leads, Murray Clear Second,
One round to Go

WCC Championship, Championship Section,
October 12th, 2022
Round 6 of 7 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0Ray Paulson
Dave Couture 0-1Stephen Murray
Anand Nair 1-0Ken Gurge
Jim Donahue 1-0Gary Brassard
Todd Tsakiris 1-0Don Ostrowski
Mike Bergeron1/2-1/2Michael David
Shawn Xu 0-1George Mirijanian
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Mike Commisso.
♙ Gladding withdrew after Round 2.

WCC Championship, Championship Section,
October 12th, 2022
4.0Paulson, Nair
3.5Donahue, Tsakiris, Gurge
2.5Mirijanian, Brassard, David, Commisso
2.0Ostrowski, Xu, Bergeron

Projected Round 7 Pairings for October 19th Championship Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Murray vs. Kildahl Board 2: Paulson vs. Donahue Board 3: Nair vs. Tsakiris Board 4: David vs. Gurge Board 5: Mirijanian vs. Couture Board 6: Brassard vs. Bergeron Board 7: Ostrowski vs. Commisso
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♖ Xu receives a full-point bye for Round 7.

October 12th, 2022

Godin Holds Candidates Lead
Into Last Round

WCC Championship, Candidates Section,
October 12th, 2022
Round 6 of 7 Results
Roland Booker 0-1Paul Godin
Nkosi Muhangi 0-1Tim Antonelli
Bob Secino 0-1♔ Mike Urbonas
Brian Biglow 0-1Leo Marzoratti
Tom Fratturelli 0-1Krishna Narayanan
Riadh Alzuhairi1/2-1/2Mark Wheeler
Walter Paton 1-0Larry O'Rourke
Steven Koroskenyi 1-0James Essary
Emily Gawboy 0-1George Jordy
Hugh McLaughlin 1-0Laura Xu
Michael Cote 0-1Larry Spencer
Total of 11 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 6 were Bruce Felton, Luis Bermudez (withdrawn), Rawl Rutter,
Jackson Parker, Bob Mathieu, Rene Minalga-Rheault (withdrawn), Anish Saravanan, Xinan Li,
Don Briggs (withdrawn), and Timothy Ryan.

WCC Championship, Candidates Section,
October 12th, 2022
4.5Antonelli, Marzoratti
3.5Secino, Booker, Narayanan, Muhangi
3.0Felton, Paton, Biglow, Wheeler, Koroskenyi
2.5Alzuhairi, Jordy, Fratturelli, McLaughlin
2.0(Bermudez), Rutter, Parker, (Mathieu), (MInalga-Rheault), O'Rourke, Essary
1.0Li, Gawboy, Xu, Cote, Spencer
0.0(Briggs), Ryan

Projected Round 7 Pairings for October 19th Candidates Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 8: Godin vs. Antonelli Board 9: Urbonas vs. Marzoratti Board 10: Secino vs. Booker Board 11: Narayanan vs. Muhangi Board 12: Felton vs. Biglow Board 13: Wheeler vs. Paton Board 14: Jordy vs. Koroskenyi Board 15: Fratturelli vs. Alzuhairi Board 16: McLaughlin vs. Rutter Board 17: Essary vs. Parker Board 18: Saravanan vs. O'Rourke Board 19: Spencer vs. Li Board 20: Xu vs. Gawboy Board 21: Ryan vs. Cote
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 7 on October 19th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.

The Wachusett Chess Club mourns the passing of
John Anthony Curdo (November 14, 1931 – September 30, 2022),
one of the strongest & most prolific players ever to come from New England.
The tournament immediately following this year's WCC Championship
will be dedicated to John & his indelible chess legacy.

October 5th, 2022

Tight Race Looming In Championship

WCC Championship, Championship Section,
October 5th, 2022
Round 5 of 7 Results
Ray Paulson 1-0Stephen Murray
Brett Kildahl 1-0Anand Nair
Ken Gurge 1-0Jim Donahue
Michael David 0-1Dave Couture
Todd Tsakiris 1-0Shawn Xu
Mike Commisso 0-1Gary Brassard
George Mirijanian1/2-1/2♖  Mike Bergeron
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), 1 upset draw ().

♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Don Ostrowski.
♙ Larry Gladding withdrew after Round 2.

WCC Championship, Championship Section,
October 5th, 2022
4.0Kildahl, Paulson
3.5Murray, Gurge
3.0Nair, Couture
2.5Donahue, Brassard, Tsakiris
2.0Ostrowski, David, Xu
1.5Mirijanian, Commisso, Bergeron

Projected Round 6 Pairings for October 12th Championship Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Kildahl vs. Paulson Board 2: Couture vs. Murray Board 3: Nair vs. Gurge Board 4: Donahue vs. Brassard Board 5: Tsakiris vs. Ostrowski Board 6: Bergeron vs. David Board 7: Xu vs. Mirijanian
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♗ Commisso will receive a full-point bye for Round 6.

October 5th, 2022

Upsets Reshuffle Candidates Section

WCC Championship, Candidates Section,
October 5th, 2022
Round 5 of 7 Results
♖ Nkosi Muhangi1/2-1/2Paul Godin
♖ Tim Antonelli1/2-1/2Bob Secino
Mark Wheeler 0-1Roland Booker
Leo Marzoratti 1-0Tom Fratturelli
Bruce Felton 1-0Walter Paton
Rawl Rutter 0-1♔ Brian Biglow
Larry O'Rourke 0-1Mike Urbonas
Krishna Narayanan 1-0James Essary
George Jordy1/2-1/2*D466Hugh McLauglin
Riadh Alzuhairi 1-0Laura Xu
Michael Cote 0-1Steve Koroskenyi
Xinan Li 1-0Timothy Ryan
Larry Spencer 0-1Emily Gawboy
Total of 13 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), 2 upset draws ().

♖ Not playing Round 5 were Luis Bermudez, Jackson Parker, Bob Mathieu,
Rene Minalga-Rheault, Anish Saravanan, and Don Briggs.

WCC Championship, Candidates Section,
October 5th, 2022
3.5Secino, Booker, Antonelli,Muhangi, Marzoratti
3.0Felton, Urbonas, Biglow
2.5Narayanan, Fratturelli, Wheeler
2.0Bermudez, Rutter, Parker, Alzuhairi, Paton, Mathieu, Minalga-Rheault, O'Rourke, Koroskenyi, Essary
1.5Jordy, McLaughlin, Saravanan
1.0Li, Gawboy, Xu, Cote
0.0Briggs, Ryan, Spencer

Projected Round 6 Pairings for October 12th Candidates Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 8: Booker vs. Godin Board 9: Muhangi vs. Antonelli Board 10: Secino vs. Felton Board 11: Urbonas vs. Marzoratti Board 12: Biglow vs. Fratturelli Board 13: Narayanan vs. Wheeler Board 14: Paton vs. Rutter Board 15: Parker vs. O'Rourke Board 16: Koroskenyi vs. Alzuhairi Board 17: McLaughlin vs. Essary Board 18: Saravanan vs. Jordy Board 19: Li vs. Cote Board 20: Gawboy vs. Xu Board 21: Ryan vs. Spencer
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♙ The Wachusett Chess Club welcomes Larry Spencer.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 6 on October 12th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.

September 28th, 2022

Murray Leads Championship Via Major Upset

WCC Championship, Championship Section,
September 28th, 2022
Round 4 of 7 Results
♔ Stephen Murray 1-0Anand Nair
Shawn Xu 0-1Brett Kildahl
Ray Paulson 1-0Michael David
Jim Donahue 1-0Todd Tsakiris
♔ Ken Gurge 1-0George Mirijanian
Dave Couture 1-0Don Ostrowski
Mike Bergeron1/2-1/2Mike Commisso
Total of 7 boards,
2 major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Brassard.
♙ Larry Gladding withdrew from the championship after round 2.

WCC Championship, Championship Section,
September 28th, 2022
3.0Kildahl, Paulson, Nair
2.5Donahue, Gurge
2.0Couture, David, Xu
1.5Brassard, Tsakiris, Commisso
1.0Mirijanian, Ostrowski, Bergeron

Projected Round 5 Pairings for October 5th Championship Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Ray Paulson vs. Stephen Murray Board 2: Brett Kildahl vs. Anand Nair Board 3: Ken Gurge vs. Jim Donahue Board 4: Michael David vs. Dave Couture Board 5: Todd Tsakiris vs. Shawn Xu Board 6: Mike Commisso vs. Gary Brassard Board 7: George Mirijanian vs. Mike Bergeron
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♗ Don Ostrowski will receive a full-point bye for Round 5.

September 28th, 2022

Godin Leads Candidates With 3 Rounds Remaining

WCC Championship, Candidates Section,
September 28th, 2022
Round 4 of 7 Results
Paul Godin 1-0Bob Secino
Rawl Rutter 0-1♔ Nkosi Muhangi
Tom Fratturelli1/2-1/2Mark Wheeler
Larry O'Rourke 0-1Tim Antonelli
Leo Marzoratti 1-0Krishna Narayanan
Steven Koroskenyi 0-1Bruce Felton
Jackson Parker 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
♔ James Essary 1-0Riadh Alzuhairi
Laura Xu 0-1Rene Minalga-Rheault
Brian Biglow 1-0Michael Cote
Emily Gawboy 0-1Anish Saravanan
Total of 11 boards,
2 major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Roland Booker and George Jordy.
♖ Not playing round 4 were Luis Bermudez, Mike Urbonas, Walter Paton,
Bob Mathieu, Don Briggs, and Xinan Li.

WCC Championship, Candidates Section,
September 28th, 2022
3.0Secino, Antonelli, Muhangi
2.5Booker, Fratturelli, Marzoratti, Wheeler
2.0Felton, Bermudez, Rutter, Urbonas, Parker, Paton, Mathieu, Minalga Rheault, Biglow, O'Rourke, Essary
1.5Narayanan, Saravanan
1.0Jordy, Alzuhairi, Koroskenyi, McLaughlin, Xu, Cote
0.0Briggs, Li, Gawboy

Projected Round 5 Pairings for October 5th Candidates Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 8: Nkosi Muhangi vs. Paul Godin Board 9: Tim Antonelli vs. Bob Secino Board 10: Mark Wheeler vs. Roland Booker Board 11: Leo Marzoratti vs. Tom Fratturelli Board 12: Bruce Felton vs. Walter Paton Board 13: Larry O'Rourke vs. Luis Bermudez Board 14: Rawl Rutter vs. Bob Mathieu Board 15: Mike Urbonas vs. James Essary Board 16: Brian Biglow vs. Jackson Parker Board 17: Anish Saravanan vs. Krishna Narayanan Board 18: George Jordy vs. Hugh McLaughlin Board 19: Riadh Alzuhairi vs. Laura Xu Board 20: Michael Cote vs. Steve Koroskenyi Board 21: Don Briggs vs. Xinan Li
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♗ For round 5 next week, Rene Minalga-Rheault receive 0-point bye and Emily Gawboy will be paired if there is an even number of players.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 5 on October 5th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.

September 21st, 2022

Anand Nair Clear First After 3

WCC Championship, Championship Section,
September 21st, 2022
Round 3 of 7 Results
Anand Nair 1-0Shawn Xu
Stephen Murray 1-0Ken Gurge
Don Ostrowski 0-1Brett Kildahl
Mike Commisso 0-1Ray Paulson
♔ Michael David 1-0George Mirijanian
Mike Bergeron 0-1Jim Donahue
Gary Brassard 0-1Todd Tsakiris
Total of 7 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Dave Couture.
♙ Larry Gladding withdrew from the championship.

WCC Championship, Championship Section,
September 21st, 2022
2.0Kildahl, Paulson, David, Xu
1.5Donahue, Tsakiris, Gurge
1.0Mirijanian, Couture, Ostrowski, Commisso
0.5Brassard, Bergeron

Projected Round 4 Pairings for September 28th Championship Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Murray vs. Nair Board 2: Xu vs. Kildahl Board 3: Paulson vs. David Board 4: Donahue vs. Tsakiris Board 5: Gurge vs. Mirijanian Board 6: Couture vs. Ostrowski Board 7: Bergeron vs. Commisso
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♗ Brassard receives a full-point bye for Round 4.

September 21st, 2022

Bob Secino Tops Candidates After 3

WCC Championship, Candidates Section,
September 21st, 2022
Round 3 of 7 Results
Bob Secino 1-0Nkosi Muhangi
Krishna Narayanan 0-1Rawl Rutter
Mike Urbonas 1-0Brian Biglow
Roland Booker 1-0Steven Koroskenyi
Riadh Alzuhairi 0-1♔ Larry O'Rourke
Hugh McLaughlin 0-1Tom Fratturelli
Mark Wheeler 1-0Laura Xu
George Jordy 0-1♔ Leo Marzoratti
James Essary 1-0Anish Saravanan
Michael Cote 1-0Emily Gawboy
Total of 10 boards,
2 major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Paul Godin, Luis Bermudez, Walter Paton,
Tim Antonelli, Bob Mathieu, and Rene Minalga-Rheault.
♖ Not playing round 3 were Don Briggs and Xinan Li.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament were Rob King, Paul Lynch, and Timothy Ryan.

WCC Championship, Candidates Section,
September 21st, 2022
2.0Bermudez, Rutter, Urbonas, Booker, Fratturelli, Paton, Antonelli, Mathieu, Muhangi, Wheeler, O'Rourke
1.5Narayanan, Marzoratti
1.0Alzuhairi, Minalga-Rheault, Biglow, Koroskenyi, McLaughlin, Essary, Xu, Cote
0.0Briggs, Li, Gawboy

Projected Round 4 Pairings for September 28th Candidates Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 8: Godin vs. Secino Board 9: Paton vs. Bermudez Board 10: Rutter vs. Mathieu Board 11: Antonelli vs. Urbonas Board 12: Muhangi vs. Booker Board 13: Fratturelli vs. Wheeler Board 14: O'Rourke vs. Narayanan Board 15: Marzoratti vs. Alzuhairi Board 16: Xu vs. Minalga-Rheault Board 17: Biglow vs. McLaughlin Board 18: Koroskenyi vs. Essary Board 19: Jordy vs. Cote Board 20: Briggs vs. Saravanan Board 21: Gawboy vs. Li
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 4 on September 30th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.

September 14th, 2022

WCC Championship Section,
September 14th, 2022
Round 2 of 7 Results
Ray Paulson 0-1Anand Nair
Shawn Xu 1-0Gary Brassard
George Mirijanian1/2-1/2Mike Commisso
Jim Donahue 0-1Stephen Murray
Ken Gurge 1-0Dave Couture
Larry Gladding 0-1Don Ostrowski
Todd Tsakiris1/2-1/2Mike Bergeron
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Michael David.
♖ Not playing round 2 was Brett Kildahl.
♙ Gladding has withdrawn from the tournament.

WCC Championship Section, September 14th, 2022
2.0Nair, Xu
1.5Murray, Gurge
1.0Kildahl, Paulson, Mirijanian, Ostrowski, David,, Commisso
0.5Donahue, Brassard, Tsakiris, Bergeron
0.0Couture, Gladding

Projected Round 3 Pairings for September 21th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Nair vs. Xu Board 2: Murray vs. Gurge Board 3: Ostrowski vs. Kildahl Board 4: Commisso vs. Paulson Board 5: David vs. Mirijanian Board 6: Bergeron vs. Donahue Board 7: Brassard vs. Tsakiris
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♗ Couture receives a full-point bye for Round 3.

September 14th, 2022

Laura Xu Scores 533 Point Upset in Candidates Section

WCC Candidates Section,
September 14th, 2022
Round 2 of 7 Results
Tom Fratturelli 0-1Bob Secino
Paul Godin 1-0Riadh Alzuhairi
Tim Antonelli 1-0Roland Booker
♔ Nkosi Muhangi 1-0George Jordy
Leo Marzoratti1/2-1/2Mark Wheeler
Brian Biglow 1-0Xinan Li
Larry O'Rourke 1-0James Essary
Emily Gawboy 0-1Steve Koroskenyi
♔ Laura Xu 1-0Don Briggs
Hugh McLaughlin 1-0Michael Cote
Total of 10 boards,
2 major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Luis Bermudez, Krishna Narayanan, Walter Paton, Bob Mathieu, Rob King,
Mike Urbonas, Paul Lynch, and Rene Minalga-Rheault.
♖ Not playing round 2 were Anish Saravanan and Timothy Ryan.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament were Pragyan Sriram and Sriram Venkatapathy.

WCC Candidates Section, September 14th, 2022
2.0Secino, Godin, Muhangi
1.5Bermudez, Narayanan, Paton, Antonelli, Mathieu
1.0King, Urbonas, Lynch, Booker, Alzuhairi, Fratturelli, Biglow, Wheeler, O'Rourke, Koroskenyi, McLaughlin, Xu
0.5Jordy, Marzoratti, Minalga-Rheault, Saravanan
0.0Briggs, Li, Essary, Gawboy, Cote, Ryan

Projected Round 3 Pairings for September 21th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 8: Secino vs. Godin Board 9: Muhangi vs. Bermudez Board 10: Narayanan vs. Mathieu Board 11: Antonelli vs. Paton Board 12: King vs. Biglow Board 13: Wheeler vs. Lynch Board 14: Booker vs. Koroskenyi Board 15: Alzuhiri vs. O'Rourke Board 16: McLaughliin vs. Fratturelli Board 17: Jordy vs. Xu Board 18: Marzoratti vs. Saravanan Board 19: Briggs vs. Gawboy Board 20: Li vs. Cote Board 21: Essary vs.Ryan
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♗ Requesting a half-point bye for Round 3 is Minalga-Rheault.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 3 on September 21th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.

September 7th, 2022

2022 WCC Championship Begins

WCC Championship, Championship Section, September 7th, 2022
Round 1 of 7 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0Todd Tsakiris
Don Ostrowski 0-1Ray Paulson
Anand Nair 1-0Michael David
Stephen Murray1/2-1/2George Mirijanian
Dave Couture 0-1Shawn Xu
Mike Commisso1/2-1/2Jim Donahue
Gary Brassard1/2-1/2Ken Gurge
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 1 were Larry Gladding and Mike Bergeron.

WCC Championship, Championship Section, September 7th, 2022
1.0Kildahl, Paulson, Nair, Xu
0.5Mirijanian, Donahue, Brassard, Murray, Commisso, Gurge
0.0Couture, Gladding, Tsakiris, Ostrowski, David, Bergeron

Projected Round 2 Pairings for September 14th Championship Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Paulson vs. Nair Board 2: Xu vs. Brassard Board 3: Mirijanian vs. Commisso Board 4: Donahue vs. Murray Board 5: Gurge vs. Couture Board 6: Gladding vs. Ostrowski Board 7: Tsakiris vs. Bergeron
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

September 7th, 2022

Candidates Compete In WCC Championship Tournament

WCC Championship, Candidates Section, September 7th, 2022
Round 1 of 7 Results
Bob Secino 1-0Leo Marzoratti
Rene Minalga-Rheault 0-1Paul Godin
Luis Bermudez 1-0Brian Biglow
Mark Wheeler1/2-1/2George Jordy
Roland Booker 1-0Larry O'Rourke
Steve Koroskenyi 0-1Krishna Narayanan
Riadh Alzuhairi 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
James Essary 0-1Tom Fratturelli
Walter Paton 1-0Emly Gawboy
Anish Saravanan1/2-1/2Tim Antonelli
Bob Mathieu 1-0Laura Xu
Michael Cote 0-1Nkosi Muhangi
Total of 12 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Rob King, Pragyan Sriram, Mike Urbonas, and Paul Lynch.
♖ Not playing round 1 were Xinan Li, Sriram Venkatapathy, and Timothy Ryan.

WCC Championship, Candidates Section, September 7th, 2022
1.0Secino, Godin, Bermudez, Booker, Narayanan, Alzuhairi, Fratturelli, Paton, Mathieu, Muhangi
0.5King, Sriram, Jordy, Urbonas, Lynch, Antonelli, Wheeler, Saravanan
0.0Marzoratti, Minalga-Rheault, Biglow, O'Rourke, Koroskenyi, Li, McLaughlin, Essary, Gawboy, Venkatapathy, Xu, Cote, Ryan

Projected Round 2 Pairings for September 14th Candidates Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 8: Alzuhairi vs. Secino Board 9: Godin vs. Paton Board 10: Fratturelli vs. Bermudez Board 11: Antonelli vs. Booker Board 12: Narayanan vs. Mathieu Board 13: Muhangi vs. Sriram Board 14: Jordy vs. Lynch Board 15: Marzoratti vs. Wheeler Board 16: Biglow vs. Saravanan Board 17: O'Rourke vs. Venkatapathy Board 18: Gawboy vs. Koroskenyi Board 19: Xu vs. Li Board 20: McLaughlin vs. Cote Board 21: Ryan vs. Essary
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 6:45 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 2 on September 14th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 6:45 p.m.

August 31th, 2022

Kildahl Clobbers Competition

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial Premier Section, August 31th, 2022
Round 5 of 5 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0Todd Tsakiris
Frank Cao 0-1Bob Secino
Gary Brassard1/2-1/2George Jordy
Shawn Xu1/2-1/2Stephen Murray
Larry Gladding 1-0Don Ostrowski
Mike Urbonas 0-1Michael David
Ken Gurge 0-1Mike Commisso
Brian Biglow 0-1Riadh Alzuhiri
Total of 8 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 5 were Pragyan Sriram, Dave Couture, Rob King, Ray Paulson, George Mirijanian,
Jim Donahue, Luis Bermudez, Paul Lynch, and Walter Paton.

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial Premier Section, August 31th, 2022
2.5Sriram, Couture, Brassard, Gladding, Murray, Jordy, Xu, David, Cao
2.0King, Paulson, Mirijanian, Donahue, Ostrowski, Commisso
1.5Bermudez,Urbonas, Alzuhairi
1.0Lynch, Gurge, Paton
0.5Biglow (filler)

♔ 2022 Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial Premier Section PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st: ♔ Brett Kildahl
2nd: Bob Secino
3rd: Todd Tsakiris
Top U1900: Pragyan Sriram, Gary Brassard, Larry Gladding
Top U1700: Stephen Murray, George Jordy, Shawn Xu,
Michael David, Frank Cao

August 31th, 2022

Antonelli & Narayanan Share Top U1500 Honors

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial U1500 Section, August 31th, 2022
Round 5 of 5 Results
Leo Marzoratti 0-1Tim Antonelli
Krishna Narayanan 1-0Rene Minalga-Rheault
Mark Wheeler1/2-1/2Xinan Li
Nkosi Muhangi1/2-1/2Joe Garcia
Emily Gawboy 0-1Mike Bergeron
Keith Hamer 0-1Larry O'Rourke
Hugh McLaughlin 1-0Laura Xu
James Essary 1-0Michael Cote
Total of 8 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 5 were Brian Biglow, Steve Koroskenyi, Bob Mathieu,
Sriram Venatapathy, Anish Saravanan, and Timothy Ryan.
♙ Huaigu Cao was withdrawn from the tournament.

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial U1500 Section, August 31th, 2022
4.0Antonelli, Narayanan
3.0Marzoratti, Bergeron, Wheeler, Minalga-Rheault, Li, O'Rourke
2.5Muhangi, Garcia, McLauglin
2.0Hamer, Biglow, Gawboy
1.5Koroskenyi, Essary
1.0Mathieu, Venkatapathy, Xu
0.0Ryan, Cote

♔ 2022 Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial U1500 Section PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st-2nd: Antonelli, Narayanan
=3rd: Marzoratti, Bergeron, Wheeler,
Minalga-Rheault, Li, O'Rourke
Top U1400: Garcia, McLaughlin
Top U1100: Gawboy

Pictures from this year's Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial tournament.

Current 2022 Championship Grand Prix Standings Championship Grand Prix Archive

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 1 on September 7th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

♟   ♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚   ♙   PASQUALE MEMORIAL
12209 Rob King
22146 Brett Kildahl
31984 Bob Secino
41971 Ray Paulson
51919 George Mirijanian
61838 Praguan Sriram
71768 Dave Couture
81735 Luis Bermudez
91721 Jim Donanue
101719 Gary Brassard
111709 Todd Tsakiris
121709 Larry Gladding
131698 George Jordy
141680 Mike Urbonas
151678 Shawn Xu
161671 Don Ostrowski
171660 Stephen Murray
181656 Michael David
191641 Mike Commisso
201641 Paul Lynch
211640 Frank Cao
221628 Ken Gurge
231528 Krishna Narayanan
241510 Riadh Alzuhairi
251494 Walter Paton
261477 Tim Antonelli
271470 Bob Mathieu
281462 Leo Marzoratti
291459 Nkosi Muhangi
301412 Mike Bergeron
311401 Rene Minalga-Rheault
321400 Brian Biglow
331384 Mark Wheeler
341379 Keith Hamer
351370 Xinan Li
361325 Larry O'Rourke
371317 Steve Koroskenyi
381250 Joe Garcia
391232 Hugh McLaughlin
401014 James Essary
411002 Emily Gawboy
42982 Anish Saravanan
43943 Sriran Venkatapathy
44735 Laura Xu
45625 Timothy Ryan
46575 Michael Cote

August 24th, 2022

Brett Kildahl Leads By A Point After 4

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial Premier Section, August 24th, 2022
Round 4 of 5 Results
Bob Secino 0-1Brett Kildahl
George Jordy 0-1Todd Tsakiris
Jim Donahue1/2-1/2Shawn Xu
Don Ostrowski1/2-1/2Gary Brassard
George Mirijanian 1-0Michael David
Stephen Murray 1-0Ken Gurge
Mike Commisso 0-1Larry Gladding
Riadh Alzuhairi 0-1Mike Urbonas
Walter Paton1/2-1/2Brian Biglow
Total of 9 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Pragyan Sriram, Dave Couture, and Frank Cao.
♖ Not playing round 4 were Rob King, Ray Paulson (withdrawn after round 2), Luis Bermudez, and Paul Lynch.

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial Premier Section, August 24th, 2022
2.5Secino, Sriram, Couture, Cao
2.0King, (Paulson), Mirijanian, Donahue, Brassard, Murray, Jordy, Ostrowski, Xu
1.5Bermudez, Urbonas, Gladding, David
1.0Lynch, Gurge, Commisso, Paton
0.5Alzuhairi, Biglow (filler)

Projected Round 5 Pairings for August 31th Premier Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Kildahl vs. Tsakiris Board 2: Cao vs. Secino Board 3: Couture vs. Sriram Board 4: Xu vs. Mirijanian Board 5: Murray vs. Donahue Board 6: Brassard vs. Jordy Board 7: Bermudez vs. Ostrowski Board 8: Gladding vs. Urbonas Board 9: David vs. Lynch Board 10: Gurge vs. Commisso Board 11: Paton vs. Alzuhairi
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

August 24th, 2022

Four Lead After 4 In U1500

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial U1500 Section, August 24th, 2022
Round 4 of 5 Results
Rene Minalga-Rheault 0-1Leo Marzoratti
Keith Hamer 0-1Tim Antonelli
Mike Bergeron1/2-1/2Mark Wheeler
Larry O'Rourke1/2-1/2Nkosi Muhangi
Joe Garcia1/2-1/2Hugh McLaughlin
Laura Xu 0-1Emily Gawboy
Anish Saravanan1/2-1/2James Essary
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Krishna Narayanan, Xinan Li, Brian Biglow, and Steve Koroskenyi.
♖ Not playing round 4 were Bob Mathieu (withdrawn after round 1), Sriram Venkatapathy, Huaigu Cao, and Timothy Ryan.

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial U1500 Section, August 24th, 2022
3.0Marzoratti, Antonelli, Minalga-Rheault, Narayanan
2.5Wheeler, Li
2.0Muhangi, Bergeron, Hamer, Biglow, O'Rourke, Garcia, Gawboy
1.5Koroskenyi, McLauglin
1.0(Mathieu), Venkatapathy, Xu
0.5Essary, Saravanan
0.0Cao, Ryan

Projected Round 5 Pairings for August 31th U1500 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 12: Marzoratti vs. Antonelli Board 13: Narayanan vs. Minalga-Rheault Board 14: Wheeler vs. Li Board 15: Muhangi vs. Garcia Board 16: Biglow vs. Bergeron Board 17: Hamer vs. O'Rourke Board 18: McLaughlin vs. Gawboy Board 19: Venkatapathy vs. Essary Board 20: Xu vs. Saravanan
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 5 on August 31th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

August 17th, 2022

Kildahl Clear Leader, Secino Clear Second

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial Premier Section, August 17th, 2022
Round 3 of 5 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0Dave Couture
Gary Brassard 0-1Bob Secino
Pragyan Sriram 1-0Jim Donahue
Luis Bermudez1/2-1/2Shawn Xu
Todd Tsakiris 1-0Stephen Murray
Mike Commisso 0-1George Jordy
Paul Lynch 0-1Frank Cao
Michael David 1-0Larry Gladding
Riadh Alzuhairi 0-1Don Ostrowski
Mike Urbonas1/2-1/2Ken Gurge
Total of 10 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Rob King and Walter Paton.
♖ Not playing round 3 was George Mirijanian.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament were Ray Paulson, Paul Godin, Anand Nair, Vinamra Jain, and Tom Fratturelli.

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial Premier Section, August 17th, 2022
2.0King, (Paulson), Sriram, Couture, Jordy, Tsakiris, Cao
1.5Bermudez, Donahue, Brassard, Ostrowski, Xu, David
1.0Mirijanian, Murray, Gurge, Commisso
0.5Urbonas, Gladding, Lynch, Alzuhairi, Paton

Projected Round 4 Pairings for August 24th Premier Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Secino vs. Kildahl Board 2: King vs. Sriram Board 3: Couture vs. Tsakiris Board 4: Jordy vs. Bermudez Board 5: Donahue vs. Xu Board 6: Ostrowski vs. Brassard Board 7: Mirijanian vs. David Board 8: Murray vs. Gurge Board 9: Commisso vs. Lynch Board 10: Paton vs. Urbonas Board 11: Gladding vs. Alzuhairi
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

August 17th, 2022

Minalga-Rheault Clear Leader,
Narayanan Clear Second in U1500

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial U1500 Section, August 17th, 2022
Round 3 of 5 Results
Mark Wheeler 0-1Rene Minalga-Rheault
Xinan Li1/2-1/2Krishna Narayanan
Nkosi Muhangi1/2-1/2Brian Biglow
Leo Marzoratti 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
Tim Antonelli 1-0Steve Koroskenyi
Emily Gawboy 0-1Keith Hamer
Laura Xu 0-1Mike Bergeron
James Essary 0-1Larry O'Rourke
Anish Saravanan 0-1Sriram Venkatapathy
Total of 9 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving a half-point bye was Joe Garcia.
♖ Not playing round 3 were Huaigu Cao and Timothy Ryan.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament were Bob Mathieu, Lavanya Prasad, Don Briggs, Yanyee Li,
Ella Zhang, Emma Zhang, and Raphael Bucchino.

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial U1500 Section, August 17th, 2022
2.0Marzoratti, Antonelli, Hamer, Wheeler, Li
1.5Muhangi, Bergeron, Biglow, O'Rourke, Garcia
1.0(Mathieu), Koroskenyi, McLaughlin, Gawboy, Venkatapathy, Xu
0.0Essary, Saravanan, Cao, Ryan

Projected Round 4 Pairings for August 24th U1500 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 12 Minalga-Rheault vs. Marzoratti Board 13: Li vs. Antonelli Board 14: Hamer vs. Wheeler Board 15: Bergeron vs. Muhangi Board 16: Biglow vs. O'Rourke Board 17: Garcia vs. McLaughlin Board 18: Venkatapathy vs. Xu Board 19: Gawboy vs. Essary Board 20: Ryan vs. Saravanan
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♙ The Wachusett Chess Club welcomes Nkosi Muhangi, of Worcester. Rating 1485.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 4 on August 24th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

August 10th, 2022

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial Premier Section, August 10th, 2022
Round 2 of 5 Results
Stephen Murray 0-1Brett Kildahl
Ray Paulson 1-0Paul Lynch
Dave Couture 1-0Mike Commisso
Larry Gladding 0-1Rob King
Bob Secino 1-0Michael David
Frank Cao1/2-1/2Pragyan Sriram
Jim Donahue 1-0Riadh Alzuhairi
Ken Gurge 0-1Gary Brassard
Shawn Xu 1-0Mike Urbonas
George Jordy 1-0Walter Paton
Total of 10 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Paul Godin, Anand Nair, George Mirijanian, Vinamra Jain,
Luis Bermudez, Todd Tsakiris, Tom Fratturelli, and Don Ostrowski.

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial Premier Section, August 10th, 2022
2.0Kildahl, Paulson, Couture
1.5King, Secino, Donahue, Brassard
1.0Godin, Nair, Mirijanian, Sriram, Jain, Brmudez, Murray, Jordy, S. Xu, Tsakiris, Commisso, Cao, Fratturelli
0.5Gladding, Lynch, Ostrowski, Gurge, David, Alzuhairi
0.0Urbonas, Paton

Projected Round 3 Pairings for August 17th Premier Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Kildahl vs. Paulson Board 2: King vs. Couture Board 3: Donahue vs. Secino Board 4: Brassard vs. Godin Board 5: Mirijanian vs. Jordy Board 6: Sriram vs.Xu Board 7: Jain vs. Tsakiris Board 8: Bermudez vs. Cao Board 9: Commisso vs. Murray Board 10: David vs. Gladding Board 11: Lynch vs. Gurge Board 12: Alzuhairi vs. Ostrowski Board 13: Urbonas vs. Paton
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

August 10th, 2022

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial U1500 Section, August 10th, 2022
Round 2 of 5 Results
Rene Minalga-Rheault 1-0Tim Antonelli
Brian Biglow 0-1Krishna Narayanan
Hugh McLaughlin 0-1Mark Wheeler
Steve Koroskenyi1/2-1/2Leo Marzoratti
Larry O'Rourke 0-1Xinan Li
Mike Bergeron1/2-1/2Joe Garcia
James Essary 0-1♔ Laura Xu
Sriram Venkatapathy 0-1Emily Gawboy
Total of 8 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Keith Hamer, Lavanya Prasad, Don Briggs, and Yanyee Li.
♖ Not playing round 2 were Ella Zhang, Emma Zhang, Anish Saravanan, Huaigu Cao,
Timothy Ryan, and Raphael Bucchino.
♙ Bob Mathieu withdrew from the tournament.

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial U1500 Section, August 10th, 2022
2.0Wheeler, Minalga-Rheault, Narayanan
1.5X. Li
1.0(Mathieu), Marzoratti, Antonelli, Hamer, Biglow, Prasad, Koroskenyi, Briggs, Y. Li, Garcia, McLaughlin, Gawboy, L. Xu
0.5Bergeron, O'Rourke
0.0Ella Zhang, Emma Zhang, Essary, Saravanan, Cao, Venkatapathy, Ryan, Bucchino

Projected Round 3 Pairings for August 17th U1500 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 14: Wheeler vs. Minalga-Rheault Board 15: X.Li vs. Narayanan Board 16: Marzoratti vs. Y. Li Board 17: Antonelli vs. McLauglin Board 18: Garcia vs. Hamer Board 19: Xu vs. Biglow Board 20: Gawboy vs. Koroskenyi Board 21: Bergeron vs. O'Rourke Board 22: Ryan vs. Essary Board 23: Saravanan vs. Venkatapathy
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 3 on August 17th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

August 3rd, 2022

Rocco Pasquale Memorial Tournament Provides Last Chance for Championship Qualifiers

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial Premier Section, August 3rd, 2022
Round 1 of 5 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0George Jordy
Don Ostrowski 0-1Ray Paulson
Pragyan Sriram1/2-1/2Ken Gurge
Shawn Xu 0-1Dave Couture
Mike Urbonas 0-1Mike Commisso
Michael David1/2-1/2Jim Donahue
Gary Brassard1/2-1/2Frank Cao
Walter Paton 0-1Stephen Murray
Total of 8 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Rob King, Bob Secino, Paul Godin, Anand Nair, George Mirijanian,
Vinamra Jain, Luis Bermudez, Larry Gladding, Todd Tsakiris, Riadh Alzuhairi, and Tom Fratturelli.

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial Premier Section, August 3rd, 2022
1.0Kildahl, Paulson, Couture, Murray, Commisso
0.5King, Secino, Godin, Nair, Mirijanian, Sriram, Jain. Bermudez, Donahue, Brassard, Gladding, Gurge, Tsakiris, David, Cao,
Alzuhairi, Fratturelli
0.0Urbonas, Jordy, Ostrowski, Xu, Paton

Projected Round 2 Pairings for August 10th Premier Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Couture vs. Kildahl Board 2: Paulson vs. Murray Board 3: Commisso vs. King Board 4: Secino vs. Brassard Board 5: Gladding vs. Godin Board 6: Gurge vs. Nair Board 7: Tsakiris vs. Mirijanian Board 8: Cao vs. Sriram Board 9: Jain vs. David Board 10: lzuhairia vs. Bermudez Board 11: Donahue vs. Fratturelli Board 12: Xu vs. Urbonas Board 13: Jordy vs. Paton
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.
Current 2020 Championship Grand Prix Standings Championship Grand Prix Archive

August 3rd, 2022

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial U1500 Section,
August 3rd, 2022
Round 1 of 5 Results
Bob Mathieu1/2-1/2Steve Koroskenyi
♔ Hugh McLaughlin 1-0Mike Bergeron
Tim Antonelli 1-0James Essary
Emily Gawboy 0-1Brian Biglow
Mark Wheeler 1-0Sriram Venkatapathy
Laura Xu 0-1Rene Minalga-Rheault
Krishna Narayanan 1-0Timothy Ryan
Total of 7 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were byes were Leo Marzoratti, Keith Hamer, Lavanya Prasad, Xinan Li, Don Briggs,
Larry O'Rourke, Yanyee Li, and Joe Garcia.
♙ Not playing the round were Ella Zhang, Emma Zhang, Anish Saravanan, Huaigu Cao, and Raphael Bucchino.

Rocco R. Pasquale Memorial U1500 Section, August 3rd, 2022
1.0Antonelli, Biglow, Wheeler, Minalga-Rheault, Narayanan, McLaughlin
0.5Mathieu, Marzoratti, Hamer, Prasad, X. Li, Koroskenyi, Briggs, O'Rourke, Y. Li, Garcia
0.0Bergeron, Ella Zhang, Emma Zhang, Essary, Gawboy, Saravanan, Cao, Venkatapathy, Xu, Ryan, Bucchino

Projected Round 2 Pairings for August 10th U1500 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 14: Minalga-Rheault vs. Antonelli Board 15: Biglow vs. Narayanan Board 16: McLaughlin vs. Wheeler Board 17: Briggs vs. Mathieu Board 18: Koroskenyi vs. Marzoratti Board 19: O'Rourke vs. Hamer Board 20: Y. Li vs. Prasad Board 21: Garcia vs. X. Li Board 22: Bergeron vs. Saravanan Board 23: Venkatapathy vs. Ella Zhang Board 24: Ryan vs. Emma Zhang Board 25: Essary vs. Xu Board 26: Bucchino vs. Gawboy
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♙ The Wachusett Chess Club welcomes Pragyan Sriram, of Acton, 2nd category, rated 1814
Sriram Venkatapathy, of Acton, no category, rated 942, and
Tim Antonelli of Worcester, no cateogry, rated 1448.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 2 on August 10th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

July 27th, 2022

Couture Captures Crown at Fortier Tournament

Robert A. Fortier Memorial, July 27th, 2022
Round 5 of 5 Results
Vinamra Jain 0-1Dave Couture
Paul Godin 1-0Shawn Xu
Gary Brassard1/2-1/2Frank Cao
Bob Secino 1-0Bob Mathieu
Rene Minalga-Rheault 0-1Ray Paulson
George Jordy 1-0Leo Marzoratti
Riadh Alzuhairi 0-1Don Ostrowski
Krishna Narayanan 0-1Luis Bermudez
Larry Gladding 1-0Keith Hamer
Stephen Murray 1-0Yanyee Li
♖ Xinan Li1/2-1/2Michael David
Emma Zhang 0-1Ken Gurge
Mark Wheeler 0-1Mike Commisso
Mike Bergeron1/2-1/2Brian Biglow
Larry O'Rourke 1-0Laura Xu
Emily Gawboy 0-1Joe Garcia
James Essary 0-1Ella Zhang
Total of 17 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), 1 upset draw ().

♖ Not playing round 5 were Rob King, George Mirijanian, Anand Nair, Jim Donahue,
Walter Paton, Tom Fratturelli, Lavanya Prasad, Steve Koroskenyi, Don Briggs,
Tim Ryan, Anish Saravanan, and Raphael Bucchino.
♙ Huaigu Cao was withdrawn from the tournament.

Robert A. Fortier Memorial, July 27th, 2022
3.5King, Secino, Paulson, Mirijanian, Jordy, Brassard, Ostrowski, F. Cao
3.0Bermudez, Jain, Gladding, Murray, Gurge, S. Xu
2.5Nair, Tsakiris, David, Commisso, Alzuhairi, Minalga-Rheault, Mathieu, Marzarotti, X. Li
2.0Narayanan, Bergeron, Biglow, Hamer, O'Rourke, Garcia, Y. Li, Emma Zhang
1.5Donahue, Paton, Fratturelli, Wheeler, Ella Zhang
1.0Prasad, Koroskenyi, Briggs, Gawboy, L. Xu, Ryan
0.0Essary, Bucchino

♔ 2022 Robert A. Fortier Memorial PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st: Dave Couture
2nd: Paul Godin
=3rd: Rob King, Bob Secino, Ray Paulson, George Mirijanian, George Jordy & Gary Brassard (both also top U1900), Ostrowski & Frank Cao (both also top U1700)
Top U1500: Rene Minalaga-Rheault, Bob Mathieu, Leo Marzoratti
Top U1300: Xinan Li
Top U1100: Emily Gawboy, Laura Xu, Timothy Ryan

A total of 9 players
gained 50 or more rating points:
The following players had
a rating increase of
50 or more points:
+ 131 Xinan Li
+ 98 Leo Marzoratti
+ 88 Timothy Ryan
+ 85 Shawn Xu
+ 80 Bob Mathieu
+ 73 Frank Cao
+ 72 Dave Couture
+ 70 Laura Xu
+ 50 Mark Wheeler
A total of 0 players
reached new all time highs:
The following players achieved
a new all-time high rating:
Enter ATH list here.

♟   ♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚   Ratings in effect for the
Rocco Pasquale Memorial Tournament:   ♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚   ♙  
Premier Section
12208 Rob King
21980 Bob Secino
31969 Ray Paulson
41963 Paul Godin
51943 Anand Nair
61914 George Mirijanian
71766 Dave Couture
81752 Vinamra Jain
91738 Luis Bermudez
101734 Mike Urbonas
111731 Jim Donahue
121720 Gary Brassard
131700 Larry Gladding
141696 Stephen Murray
151692 George Jordy
161680 Don Ostrowski
171668 Ken Gurge
181668 Shawn Xu
191654 Todd Tsakiris
201645 Mike Commisso
211640 Michael David
221557 Frank Cao
231531 Riadh Alzuhairi
241525 Walter Paton
251500 Tom Fratturelli
Under 1500 Section
261480 Bob Mathieu
271465 Leo Marzoratti
281452 Mike Bergeron
291421 Keith Hamer
301405 Brian Biglow
311389 Mark Wheeler
321366 Rene Minalga-Rheault
331348 Lavanya Prasad
341343 Krishna Nrayanan
351317 Xinan Li
361310 Steve Koroskenyi
371300 Don Briggs
381300 Larry O'Rourke
391230 Yanyee Li
401223 Joe Garcia
411215 Hugh McLaughlin
421200 Ella Zhang
431098 Emma Zhang
441071 Jim Essary
451027 Emily Gawboy
461013 Anish Saravanan
471007 Huaigu Cao
48708 Laura Xu
49603 Timothy Ryan
50281 Raphael Bucchino

Pictures from this year's Robert A. Fortier Memorial tournament.

Current 2022 Championship Grand Prix Standings Championship Grand Prix Archive

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 1 on August 3rd
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

July 20th, 2022

Robert A. Fortier Memorial, July 20th, 2022
Round 4 of 5 Results
Dave Couture1/2-1/2Gary Brassard
♖ 41Shawn Xu1/2-1/2Bob Secino
Ken Gurge 0-1Paul Godin
Ray Paulson1/2-1/2♖ Riadh Alzuhairi
Vinamra Jain 1-0Krishna Narayanan
Rene Minalga-Rheault1/2-1/2George Jordy
♔ Frank Cao 1-0Stephen Murray
Todd Tsakiris 1-0Emma Zhang
Don Ostrowski 1-0Mike Bergeron
♔ Bob Mathieu 1-0Walter Paton
Brian Biglow 0-1Leo Marzoratti
Larry Gladding 1-0Mark Wheeler
Michael David 1-0Emily Gawboy
Keith Hamer 1-0Laura Xu
Xinan Li 1-0Larry O'Rourke
Yanyee Li 1-0Timothy Ryan
Ella Zhang 0-1Mike Commisso
Joe Garcia 1-0James Essary
Total of 18 boards,
2 major upsets (♔ ♕), 2 upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Rob King, George Mirijanian, Anand Nair, Luis Bermudez, Jim Donahue,
Tom Fratturelli, Steve Koroskenyi, and Don Briggs.
♖ Not playing round 4 were Lavanya Prasad, Anish Sarayanan, Huaigu Cao, and Raphael Bucchino.

Robert A. Fortier Memorial, July 20th, 2022
3.5King, Mirijanian, Couture
3.0Godin, Jain, Brassard, S. Xu, F. Cao
2.5Nair, Secino, Paulson, Tsakiris, Jordy, Ostrowski, Alzuhairi, Minalga-Rheault, Mathieu, Marzoratti
2.0Bermudez, Gladding, Murray, David, Gurge, Narayanan, Hamer, Y. Li, X. Li, Emma Zhang
1.5Donahue, Commisso, Paton, Fratturelli, Bergeron, Biglow, Wheeler
1.0Prasad, Koroskenyi, O'Rourke, Briggs, Garcia, Gawboy, L. Xu, Ryan
0.5Ella Zhang, Saravanan
0.0Essary, H. Cao, Bucchino

Projected Round 5 Pairings for July 27th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Mirijanian vs.King Board 2: Jain vs. Couture Board 3: Godin vs. S. Xu Board 4: Brassard vs. F. Cao Board 5: Secino vs. Ostrowski Board 6: Minalga-Rheault vs. Paulson Board 7: Alzihairi vs. Tsakiris Board 8: Jordy vs. Mathieu Board 9: Marzoratti vs. Bermudez Board 10: Gladding vs. Hamer Board 11: Murray vs. Y. Li Board 12: Emma Zhang vs. David Board 13: Narayanan vs. Gurge Board 14: Donahue vs. X. Li Board 15: Bergeron vs. Commisso Board 16: Paton vs. Biglow Board 17: Wheeler vs. Fratturelli Board 18: O'Rourke vs. Ryan Board 19: Briggs vs. L. Xu Board 20: Gawboy vs. Garcia Board 21: Essary vs. Ella Zhang Board 22: Bucchino vs. Saravanan
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 5 on July 27th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

July 13th, 2022

7 Upsets Shock Round 3 Competitors

Robert A. Fortier Memorial, July 13th, 2022
Round 3 of 5 Results
Rob King 1-0Vinamra Jain
Paul Godin 0-1♔ Dave Couture
Stephen Murray 0-1George Mirijanian
♖ Shawn Xu1/2-1/2Ray Paulson
George Jordy1/2-1/2Frank Cao
Walter Paton 0-1Gary Brassard
Bob Secino 1-0Mark Wheeler
Keith Hamer 0-1Anand Nair
♔ Krishna Narayanan 1-0Michael David
♖ Leo Marzoratti1/2-1/2Don Ostrowski
Ken Gurge 1-0Yanyee Li
♔ Emma Zhang 1-0Tom Fratturelli
Riadh Alzuhairi 1-0Xinan Li
Laura Xu 0-1Rene Minalga-Rheault
Steve Koroskenyi 0-1Todd Tsakiris
Mike Commisso 0-1♔ Bob Mathieu
Mike Bergeron 1-0Don Briggs
Ella Zhang 0-1Brian Biglow
♔ Timothy Ryan 1-0Joe Garcia
Emily Gawboy 1-0Raphael Bucchino
Total of 20 boards,
5 major upsets (♔ ♕), 2 upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Luis Bermudez, Jim Donahue, Larry Gladding,
Lavanya Prasad, and Larry O'Rourke.
♖ Not playing round 3 were Anish Saravanan, Jim Essary, and Huaigu Cao.
♙ Mike Urbonas withdrew from the tournament.

Robert A. Fortier Memorial, July 13th, 2022
3.0King, Mirijanian, Couture
2.5Brassard S. Xu
2.0Nair, Secino, Godin, Paulson, Jain, Jordy, Murray, Gurge, F. Cao, Alzuhairi, Minalga-Rheault, Narayanan, Emma Zhang
1.5Bermudez, Tsakiris, Ostrowski, Paton, Bergeron, Biglow, Mathieu, Marzoratti, Wheeler
1.0Donahue, Gladding, David, Fratturelli, Prasad, Hamer, O'Rourke, Y. Li, X. Li, Gawboy, L. Xu, Ryan
0.5Commisso, Koroskenyi, Briggs, Ella Zhang, Saravanan
0.0Garcia, Essary, H. Cao, Bucchino

Projected Round 4 Pairings for July 20th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Mirijanian vs. Couture Board 2: S.Xu vs. Brassard Board 3: Gurge vs. Secino Board 4: F. Cao vs. Godin Board 5: Paulson vs. Alzuhairi Board 6: Jain vs. Narayanan Board 7: Minalga-Rheault vs. Jordy Board 8: Emma Zhang vs. Murray Board 9: Biglow vs. Bermudez Board 10: Tsakiris vs. Bergeron Board 11: Ostrowski vs. Mathieu Board 12: Wheeler vs. Paton Board 13: Donahue vs. Marzoratti Board 14: Gladding vs. O'Rourke Board 15: David vs. Y. Li Board 16: Fratturelli vs. Gawboy Board 17: X. Li vs. Prasad Board 18: Hamer vs. L. Xu Board 19: Commisso vs. Ryan Board 20: Garcia vs. Ella Zhang Board 21: Bucchino vs. Essary
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 4 on July 20th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

July 6th, 2022

Round Two Spawns Five Big Upsets

Robert A. Fortier Memorial, July 6th, 2022
Round 2 of 5 Results
Michael David 0-1Rob King
Anand Nair 0-1♔ Stephen Murray
Don Ostrowski 0-1Paul Godin
George Mirijanian 1-0Ken Gurge
Luis Bermudez 0-1♔ Shawn Xu
Tom Fratturelli 0-1Vinamra Jain
Dave Couture 1-0Keith Hamer
Ray Paulson 1-0Leo Marzoratti
♔ 436Mark Wheeler 1-0Jim Donahue
Brian Biglow 0-1George Jordy
Gary Brassard 1-0Mike Commisso
♖ Xinan Li1/2-1/2Larry Gladding
Rene Minalga-Rheault 1-0Emily Gawboy
James Essary 0-1Krishna Narayanan
Joe Garcia 0-1♔ 61Laura Xu
Yanyee Li 1-0Raphael Bucchino
Anish Saravanan1/2-1/2Ella Zhang
Timothy Ryan 0-1Emma Zhang
Total of 18 boards,
4 major upsets (♔ ♕), 1 upset draw ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Walter Paton, Frank Cao, Mike Urbonas, Todd Tsakiris, Mike Bergeron,
Lavanya Prasad, Bob Mathieu, and Larry O'Rourke.
♖ Not playing round 2 was Huaigu Cao.

Robert A. Fortier Memorial, July 6th, 2022
2.0King, Godin, Mirijanian, Jain, Couture, Murray, S. Xu
1.5Paulson, Brassard, Jordy, Paton, F. Cao, Wheeler
1.0Nair, Bermudez, Urbonas, David, Ostrowski, Gurge, Fratturelli, Minalga-Rheault, Narayanan, Hamer, Marzoratti, Y. Li, X.
Li, Emma Zhang, Gawboy, L. Xu
0.5Donahue, Tsakiris, Gladding, Commisso, Bergeron, Prasad, Biglow, Mathieu, O'Rourke, Ella Zhang, Saravanan
0.0Garcia, Essary, H. Cao, Ryan, Bucchino

Projected Round 3 Pairings for July 13th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: King vs. Jain Board 2: Godin vs. Couture Board 3: Murray vs. Mirijanian Board 4: S. Xu vs. Paulson Board 5: Jordu vs. F. Cao Board 6: Paton vs. Brassard Board 7: Nair vs. Wheeler Board 8: Narayanan vs. Bermudez Board 9: Urbonas vs. Y. Li Board 10: Hamer vs. David Board 11: Marzoratti vs. Ostrovski Board 12: Gurge vs. X. Li Board 13: Emma Zhang vs. Fratturelli Board 14: L. Xu vs. Minalga-Rheault Board 15: Biglow vs. Tsakiris Board 16: Gladding vs. Prasad Board 17: Commisso vs. Mathieu Board 18: Bergeron vs. O'Rourke Board 19: Ella Zhang vs. Garcia Board 20: Bucchino vs. Essary Board 21: Gawboy vs. Ryan
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♙ The Wachusett Chess Club welcomes Xinan Li & Yanyee Li.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 3 on July 13th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

June 29th, 2022

Robert A. Fortier Memorial, June 29th, 2022
Round 1 of 5 Results
Rob King 1-0Rene Minalga-Rheault
Krishna Narayanan 0-1Anand Nair
Paul Godin 1-0Mike Bergeron
Lavanya Prasad 0-1George Mirijanian
Jim Donahue1/2-1/2♖ Brian Biglow
Bob Mathieu 0-1Luis Bermudez
Todd Tsakiris 0-1♔ Keith Hamer
♔ Leo Marzoratti 1-0Larry Gladding
George Jordy1/2-1/2♖ 372Mark Wheeler
Larry O'Rourke 0-1Dave Couture
Stephen Murray 1-0Joe Garcia
Ella Zhang 0-1Michael David
Mike Commisso1/2-1/2♖ Xinan Li
Emma Zhang 0-1Don Ostrowski
Ken Gurge 1-0James Essary
Emily Gawboy 0-1Shawn Xu
Vinamra Jain 1-0Anish Saravanan
Laura Xu 0-1Walter Paton
Frank Cao 1-0Timothy Ryan
Raphael Bucchino 0-1Tom Fratturelli
Total of 20 boards,
2 major upsets (♔ ♕), 3 upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Ray Paulson, Mike Urbonas, and Gary Brassard.
♖ Not playing round 1 were Yanyee Li and Huaigu Cao.

Robert A. Fortier Memorial, June 29th, 2022
1.0King, Nair, Godin, Mirijanian, Bermudez, Couture, Murray, David, Ostrowski, Gurge, S. Xu, Jain,
Paton, F. Cao, Fratturelli, Hamer, Marzoratti
0.5Paulson, Donahue, Urbonas, Jordy, Brassard, Commisso, Biglow, Wheeler, X. Li
0.0Tsakiris, Gladding, Minalga-Rheault, Narayanan, Bergeron, Prasad, Mathieu, O'Rourke, Garcia,
Y. Li, Ella Zhang, Emma Zhang, Essary, Gawboy, Saravanan, H. Cao, L. Xu, Ryan, Bucchino

Projected Round 2 Pairings for July 6th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
1 Michael David - Robert King 2 Anand Nair - Don Ostrowski 3 Shawn Xu - Paul Godin 4 George Mirijanian - Ken Gurge 5 Luis Bermudez - Walter Paton 6 Tom Fratturelli - Vinamra Jain 7 Dave Couture - Frank Z Cao 8 Keith Hamer - Stephen Murray 9 Ray Paulson - Leo Marzoratti 10 Mark Wheeler - Jim Donahue 11 Mike Urbonas - Mike Commisso 12 Brian Biglow - George Jordy 13 Xinan Li - Gary Brassard 14 Ella Zhang - Todd Tsakiris 15 Larry Gladding - Emma Zhang 16 Rene Minalga-Rheault - Emily Gawboy 17 James Essary - Krishna Narayanan 18 Anish Saravanan - Lavanya Prasad 19 Tim Ryan - Larry O'Rourke 20 Joe Garcia - Laura Xu 21 Yanyee Li - Raphael Bucchino
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 2 on July 6th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

June 22th, 2022

Anand Nair Tops Wayne Steadman Tournament

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial Premier Section, June 22th, 2022
Round 5 of 5 Results
George Jordy 0-1Anand Nair
Don Ostrowski 0-1Ray Paulson
Todd Tsakiris 1-0Luis Bermudez
Mike Urbonas 1-0Mike Commisso
Jim Donahue 1-0Gary Brassard
Ken Gurge1/2-1/2Shawn Xu
Michael David 1-0Larry Gladding
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 5 were Dave Couture, George Mirijanian, Stephen Murray,
and fillers Tom Fratturelli and Brian Biglow.

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial Premier Section, June 22th, 2022
3.0Urbonas, Couture
2.5Donahue, Jordy, Ostrowski
2.0Bermudez, Commisso, David, Xu, Fratturelli
1.5Mirijanian, Brassard, Gurge
1.0Murray, Gladding

♔ 2022 Wayne L. Steadman Memorial Premier Section PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st: Anand Nair
2nd: Ray Paulson
3rd: Todd Tsakiris
4th-5th: Mike Urbonas, Dave Couture
6th-8th: Jim Donahue, George Jordy, Don Ostrowski

June 22th, 2022

Three Way Tie in U1600 Section

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial U1600 Section, June 22th, 2022
Round 5 of 5 Results
Frank Cao1/2-1/2Rene Minalga-Rheault
Krishna Narayanan 1-0Keith Hamer
Tom Fratturelli1/2-1/2Xinan Li
Emma Zhang1/2-1/2Mike Bergeron
Mark Wheeler 0-1Walter Paton
Lavanya Prasad 1-0Larry O'Rourke
♔ James Essary 1-0Emily Gawboy
Leo Marzoratti 1-0Anish Saravanan
Hugh McLaughlin 0-1Bob Mathieu
Ella Zhang 1-0Timothy Ryan
Raphael Bucchino 0-1Laura Xu
Total of 11 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 5 were Brian Biglow and Huaigu Cao.

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial U1600 Section, June 22th, 2022
4.0Narayanan, F. Cao, Minalga-Rheault
3.0Paton, Fratturelli, Bergeron, Hamer, Prasad, Emma Zhang, Essary, Li
2.0Mathieu, Biglow, Marzoratti, Wheeler, O'Rourke, Ella Zhang
1.5Gawboy, Saravanan
1.0McLaughlin, Ryan, Xu, Bucchino
0.0H. Cao

♔ 2022 Wayne L. Steadman Memorial U1600 Section PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st-3rd: Krishna Narayanan, Frank Cao, Rene Minalga-Rheault
4th-11th: Walter Paton, Tom Fratturelli, Mie Bergeron, Keith Hamer,
Lavanya Prasad,Emma Zhang, Jim Essary, Xinan Li

♟   ♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   Post Tournsment Ratings ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚   ♙  
11994 - Anand Nair
21961 - Ray Paulson
31900 - George Mirijanian
41775 - Jim Donahue
51752 - Luis Bermudez
61748 - Todd Tsakiris
71734 - Mike Urbonas
81723 - Larry Gladding
91711 - George Jordy
101704 - Dave Couture
111700 - Gary Brassard
121691 - Mike Commisso
131692 - Miichael David
141676 - Don Ostrowski
151675 - Ken Gurge
161591 - Shawn Xu
171559 - Walter Paton
181535 - Tom Fratturelli
191534 - Frank Cao
201499 - Rene Minalga-Rheult
211463 - Krishna Narayanan
221455 - Mike Bergeron
231412 - Lavanya Prasad
241400 - Brian Biglow
251400 - Bob Mathieu
261399 - Keith Hamer
271367 - Leo Marzoratti
281339 - Mark Wheeler
291309 - Larry O'Rourke
301215 - Hugh McLaughlin
311207 - Ella Zhang
321144 - Xinan Li
331137 - Emma Zhang
341119 - Jim Essary
351094 - Emily Gawboy
361061 - Huaigu Cao
371013 - Anish Saravanan
38644 - Laura Xu
39530 - Tim Ryan
40282 - Raphael Bucchino

A total of 8 players
gained 50 or more rating points:
The following players had
a rating increase of
50 or more points:
+ 165 - Rene Minalga-Rheault
+ 149 - Xinan Li
+ 108 - Todd Tsakiris
+ 104 - Dave Couture
+ 93 - Emma Zhang
+ 92 - Jim Essary
+ 64 - Frank Cao
+ 63 - Raphael Bucchino
A total of 5 players
reached new all time highs:
The following players achieved
a new all-time high rating:
Rene Minalga-Rheault 1499
Xinan Li 1144
Emma Zhang 1137
Frank Cao 1534
Raphael Bucchino 282

Pictures from this year's Wayne L. Steadman Memorial tournament.

Current 2022 Championship Grand Prix Standings Championship Grand Prix Archive

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 1 on June 29th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

June 15th, 2022

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial Premier Section, June 15th, 2022
Round 4 of 5 Results
Todd Tsakiris 0-1Anand Nair
Ray Paulson 1-0Mike Urbonas
Mike Commisso 0-1Dave Couture
Gary Brassard 0-1George Jordy
Michael David 0-1Don Ostrowski
Shawn Xu1/2-1/2Jim Donahue
Tom Fratturelli 1-0Stephen Murray
Luis Bermudez 1-0Ken Gurge
Total of 8 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving a half-point bye was George Mirijanian.
♖ Not playing round 4 were Larry Gladding and Brian Biglow (filler).

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial Premier Section, June 15th, 2022
3.0Paulson, Couture
2.5Jordy, Ostrowski, Tsakiris
2.0Bermudez, Commisso, Urbonas, Fratturelli
1.5Mirijanian, Donahue, Brassard, Xu
1.0Murray, Gladding, Gurge, David

Projected Round 5 Pairings for June 22th Premier Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Jordy vs. Nair Board 2: Ostrowski vs. Paulson Board 3: Tsakiris vs. Bermudez Board 4: Urbonas vs. Commisso Board 5: Donahue vs. Brassard Board 6: Gurge vs. Xu Board 7: David vs. Gladding.
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

June 15th, 2022

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial U1600 Section, June 15th, 2022
Round 4 of 5 Results
Mike Bergeron 0-1Frank Cao
Rene Minalga-Rheault 1-0Lavanya Prasad
Krishna Narayanan 1-0Mark Wheeler
Keith Hamer 1-0James Essary
Emily Gawboy 0-1♔ Xinan Li
Anish Saravanan 0-1Walter Paton
Larry O'Rourke 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
Laura Xu 0-1Timothy Ryan
Total of 8 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Tom Fratturelli, Emma Zhang, Brian Biglow, Bob Mathieu, and Ella Zhang.
♖ Not playing round 4 were Raphael Bucchino and Huaigu Cao.

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial U1600 Section, June 15th, 2022
3.5F. Cao, Minalga-Rheault
3.0Narayanan, Hamer
2.5Fratturelli, Bergeron, Emma Zhang, Li
2.0Paton, Biglow, Prasad, Wheeler, O'Rourke, Essary
1.5Gawboy, Saravanan
1.0Mathieu, Ella Zhang, McLaughlin, Ryan, Bucchino

Projected Round 5 Pairings for June 22th U1600 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 8: F. Cao vs. Minalga-Rheault Board 9: Narayanan vs. Hamer Board 10: Fratturelli vs. Li Board 11: Emma Zhang vs. Bergeron Board 12: Wheeler vs. Paton Board 13: Prasad vs. O'Rourke Board 14: Essary vs. Gawboy Board 15: Mathieu vs. Saravanan Board 16: Ella Zhang vs. Ryan Board 17: McLaughlin vs. Xu
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 5 on June 22th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

June 8th, 2022

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial Premier Section, June 8th, 2022
Round 3 of 5 Results
Anand Nair 1-0Raymond Paulson
♔ Todd Tsakiris 1-0George Mirijnaian
Larry Gladding 0-1Dave Couture
Ken Gurge 0-1Mike Commisso
Don Ostrowski1/2-1/2George Jordy
Stephen Murray1/2-1/2Shawn Xu
Brian Biglow (filler) 0-1Michael David
Total of 7 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Mike Urbonas, Gary Brassard, and Jim Donahue.

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial Premier Section, June 8th, 2022
2.5Nair, Tsakiris
2.0Paulson, Commisso, Urbonas, Couture
1.5Jordy, Brassard, Ostrowski
1.0Mirijanian, Donahue, Murray, Gladding, Gurge, David, Xu

Projected Round 4 Pairings for June 15th Premier Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Tsakiris vs. Nair Board 2: Paulson vs. Urbonas Board 3: Commisso vs. Couture Board 4: Brassard vs. Jordy Board 5: Mirijanian vs. Ostrowski Board 6: David vs. Donahue Board 7: Gurge vs. Murray Board 8: Xu vs. Gladding
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

June 8th, 2022

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial U1600 Section, June 8th, 2022
Round 3 of 5 Results
Frank Cao1/2-1/2Tom Fratturelli
Lavanya Prasad1/2-1/2Mark Wheeler
Walter Paton 0-1Rene Minalga-Rheault
Hugh McLaughlin 0-1Krishna Narayanan
James Essary 1-0Larry O'Rourke
Bob Mathieu 0-1Emma Linyue Zhang
Emily Gawboy 1-0Ella Xinyue Zhang
Xinan Li 1-0Huaigu Cao
Anish Saravanan 1-0Laura Xu
Tim Ryan 0-1Raphael Bucchino
Total of 10 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Mike Bergeron, Keith Hamer, and Brian Biglow.

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial U1600 Section, June 8th, 2022
2.5Bergeron, F. Cao, Minalga-Rheault
2.0Fratturelli, Narayanan, Hamer, Prasad, Wheeler, Emma Zhang, Essary
1.5Biglow, Gawboy, Li, Sarayanan
1.0Paton, O'Rourke, McLaughlin, Bucchino
0.5Mathieu, Ella Zhang
0.0H. Cao, Xu, Ryan

Projected Round 4 Pairings for June 15th U1600 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 9: Bergeron vs. F. Cao Board 10: Minalga-Rheault vs. Hamer Board 11: Fratturelli vs. Prasad Board 12: Narayanan vs. Wheeler Board 13: Gawboy vs. Essary Board 14: Biglow vs. Li Board 15: Saravanan vs. Paton Board 16: O'Rourke vs. McLaughlin Board 17: Bucchino vs. Mathieu Board 18: Xu vs. Ryan
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 4 on June 15th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

June 1st, 2022

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial Premier Section, June 1st, 2022
Round 2 of 5 Results
Ray Paulson 1-0George Mirijanian
Dave Couture 0-1Anand Nair
Jim Donahue 0-1♔ Todd Tsakiris
Mike Urbonas 1-0Stephen Murray
Mike Commisso1/2-1/2Don Ostrowski
George Jordy 1-0Shawn Xu
Michael David 0-1Ken Gurge
Total of 7 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Larry Gladding and Gary Brassard.

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial Premier Section, June 1st, 2022
1.5Nair, Urbonas, Tsakiris
1.0Mirijanian, Gladding, Commisso, Jordy, Brassard, Gurge, Ostrowski, Couture
0.5Donahue, Murray, Xu

Projected Round 3 Pairings for June 8th Premier Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Nair vs. Paulson Board 2: Tsakiris vs. Urbonas Board 3: Mirijanian vs. Couture Board 4: Brassard vs. Gladding Board 5: Gurge vs. Commisso Board 6: Ostrowski vs. Jordy Board 7: Murray vs. Donahue Board 8: Xu vs. David
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

June 1st, 2022

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial U1600 Section, June 1st, 2022
Round 2 of 5 Results
Krishna Narayanan 0-1Frank Cao
Brian Biglow 0-1Mike Bergeron
Mark Wheeler1/2-1/2Keith Hamer
Larry O'Rourke 0-1Tom Fratturelli
Rene Minalga-Rheault 1-0Bob Mathieu
Lavanya Prasad 1-0Emily Gawboy
Hugh McLaughlin 1-0Anish Saravanan
Xinan Li1/2-1/2Ella Xinyue Zhang
Emma Linyue Zhang 1-0Tim Ryan
Laura Xu0-1James Essary
Total of 10 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 2 were Huaigu Cao and Raphael Bucchino.

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial U1600 Section, June 1st, 2022
2.0Bergeron, F. Cao
1.5Fratturelli, Hamer, Prasad, Wheeler, Minalga-Rheault
1.0Narayanan, Biglow, O'Rourke, McLaughlin, Emma Zhang, Essary
0.5Mathieu, Ella Zhang, Gawboy, , Li, Saravanan
0.0H. Cao, Xu, Ryan, Bucchino

Projected Round 3 Pairings for June 8th U1600 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 9: F. Cao vs. Fratturelli Board 10: Hamer vs. Minalga-Rheault Board 11: Prasad vs. Wheeler Board 12: McLaughlin vs. Narayanan Board 13: Emma Zhang vs. Biglow Board 14: Essary vs. O'Rourke Board 15: Mathieu vs. Ella Zhang Board 16: Gawboy vs. Li Board 17: Saravaman vs. Xu Board 18: Ryan vs. Bucchino
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 3 on June 8th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

May 25th, 2022

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial Premier Section, May 25th, 2022
Round 1 of 5 Results
Anand Nair1/2-1/2Gary Brassard
Ken Gurge 0-1Raymond Paulson
George Mirijanian 1-0Michael David
Don Ostrowski1/2-1/2Jim Donahue
Stephen Murray1/2-1/2Todd Tsakiris
Shawn Xu1/2-1/2Mike Commisso
George Jordy 0-1Dave Couture
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Larry Gladding, and Mike Urbonas.

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial Premier Section, May 25th, 2022
1.0Paulson, Mirijanian, Couture
0.5Nair, Donahue, Murray, Gladding Commisso, Brassard, Urbonas, Ostrowski, Tsakiris, Xu
0.0Jordy, Gurge, David

May 25th, 2022

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial U1600 Section, May 25th, 2022
Round 1 of 5 Results
Tom Frtturelli1/2-1/2Rene Minalga-Rheault
Ella Xinyue Zhang 0-1Krishna Narayanan
Mike Bergeron 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
Keith Hamer 1-0Emma Linyue Zhang
James Essary 0-1Brian Biglow
Frank Cao 1-0Xinan Li
Anish Sravanan1/2-1/2Lavanya Prasad
Mark Wheeler 1-0Laura Xu
Tim Ryan 0-1Larry O'Rourke
Total of 9 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Bob Mathieu and Emily Gawboy.
♖ Not playing round 1 were Huaigu Cao and Raphael Bucchino.

Wayne L. Steadman Memorial U1600 Section, May 25th, 2022
1.0Narayanan, Bergeron, Hamer, Biglow, F. Cao, Wheeler, O'Rourke
0.5Fratturelli, Mathieu, Prasad, Minalge-Rheault, Gawboy, Sravanan
0.0Ella Zhang, McLaughlin, H. Cao, Emma Zhang, Essary, Li, Xu, Ryan, Bucchino

Projected Round 2 Pairings for June 1st Both Sections 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Premier Section: Board 1: Pauson vs. Mirijanian Board 2: Couture vs. Nair Board 3: Donajue vs. Urbonas Board 4: Brassard vs. Murray Board 5: Tsakiris vs. Gladding Board 6: Commisso vs. Ostrowski Board 7: Jordy vs.Xu Board 8: David vs. Gurge U1600 Section: Board 9: Narayanan vs. F. Cao Board 10: Biglow vs. Bergeron Board 11: Wheeler vs. Hamer Board 12: O'Rourke vs. Fratturelli Board 13: Minalga-Rheault vs. Matheu Board 14: Prasad vs. Gawboy Board 15: McLaughlin vs. Sravanan Board 16: Li vs. Ella Zhang Board 17: Xu vs. H. Cao Board 18: Emma Zhang vs. Ryan Board 19: Bucchino vs. Essary
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 2 on June 1st
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

May 18th, 2022

Ray Paulson Tops Field with Perfect 5-0 Score!

Martin Laine Memorial, May 18th, 2022
Round 5 of 5 Results
Stephen Murray 0-1Ray Paulson
Anand Nair 1-0Krishna Narayanan
George Mirijanian 1-0Dave Couture
Ken Gurge 0-1Larry Gladding
Mike Urbonas 0-1George Jordy
Don Ostrowski 0-1Michael David
Gary Brassard 1-0Rene Minalga-Rheault
Hugh McLaughlin 0-1Larry O'Rourke
Emily Gawboy 0-1Brian Biglow
Frank Cao 0-1Mike Commisso
Mike Bergeron1/2-1/2Keith Hamer
Paul Godin 1-0James Essary
Anish Saravanan 0-1Tom Fratturelli
Lavanya Prasad 0-1Mark Wheeler
Raphael Bucchino 0-1Ella Zhang
Emma Zhang 1-0Tim Ryan
Total of 16 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 5 were Jim Donahue, Shawn Xu, Rob King, Bob Mathieu, Huaigu Cao, Laura Xu, and Michael Cote.

Martin Laine Memorial, May 18th, 2022
4.0Nair, Murray
3.5Mirijanian, Gladding, Jordy
3.0Donahue, Brassard, David, S. Xu, O'Rourke, Narayanan
2.5Commisso, Gurge, Couture, Urbonas, Ostrowski, Tsakiris, Biglow
2.0King, Godin, Fratturelli, Bergeron, Wheeler, Hamer, Minalga-Rheault, McLaughlin, Gawboy
1.5Mathieu, F. Cao
1.0Ella Zhang, Essary, Emma Zhang, H. Cao, Saravanan, Bucchino, Prasad
0.0Ryan, L.Xu, Cote

♔ 2022 Martin Laine Memorial PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st: ♔ Ray Paulson
2nd-3rd: Anand Nair, Stephen Murray
Top U1800: Larry Gladding, George Jordy
Top U1600: Shawn Xu
Top U1400: Larry O'Rourke, Krishna Narayanan
Top U1200: James Essary, Huaigu Cao, Anish Saravanan,
Raphael Bucchino, Lavanya Prasad

♟   ♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   Post Tournament Ratings ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚   ♙  
12206 Rob King
21984 Anand Nair
31970 Paul Godin
41943 Ray Paulson
51900 George Mirijanian
61791 Jim Donahue
71787 Stephen Murray
81763 Larry Gladding
91714 Mike Commisso
101706 George Jordy
111703 Gary Brassard
121701 Ken Gurge
131699 Michael David
141697 Mike Urbonas
151679 Don Ostrowski
161637 Shawn Xu
171631 Todd Tsakiris
181626 Dave Couture
191514 Tom Fratturelli
201514 Krishna Narayanan
211463 Mike Bergeron
221406 Bob Mathieu
231405 Keith Hamer
241400 Brian Biglow
251383 Frank Cao
261381 Lavanya Prasad
271357 Mark Wheeler
281357 Larry O'Rourke
291355 Ella Zhang
301341 Rene Minalga-Rheault
311261 Hugh McLaughlin
321224 Emily Gawboy
331133 Huaigu Cao
341096 Emma Zhang
351027 James Essary
36901 Anish Saravanan
37593 Laura Xu
38575 Michael Cote
39542 Tim Ryan
40219 Raphael Bucchino

Pictures from this year's Martin Laine Memorial tournament.

Current 2022 Championship Grand Prix Standings Championship Grand Prix Archive

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 1 on May 25th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

May 11th, 2022

Martin Laine Memorial, May 11th, 2022
Round 4 of 5 Results
Ray Paulson 1-0Anand Nair
Dave Couture 0-1Stephen Murray
Larry Gadding1/2-1/2♖ Krishna Narayanan
Michael David 0-1Jim Donahue
Shawn Xu 1-0Gary Brassard
Mike Commisso 0-1♔ Todd Tsakiris
George Jordy 1-0Mike Bergeron
Bob Mathieu 0-1Ken Gurge
Keith Hamer 0-1Don Ostrowski
Frank Cao 0-1Rob King
Tom Fratturelli 0-1♔ Hugh McLaughlin
Mark Wheeer 0-1♕ Emily Gawboy
Larry O'Rourke 1-0Huaigu Cao
Rene Minalga-Rheault 1-0Lavanya Prasad
Brian Biglow 1-0Anish Saravanan
James Essary 1-0Laura Xu
Tim Ryan 0-1Raphael Bucchino
Total of 17 boards,
3 major upsets (♔ ♕), 1 upset draw ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were George Mirijanian and Mike Urbonas.
♖ Not playing round 4 was Michael Cote.

Martin Laine Memorial, May 11th, 2022
4.0Paulson, Murray
3.0Nair, Donahue, S. Xu, Narayanan
2.5Mirijanian, Gladding, Jordy, Gurge, Couture, Urbonas, Ostrowski, Tsakiris
2.0King, Brassard, David, O'Rourke, Minalga-Rheault, McLaughlin, Gawboy
1.5Commisso, Bergeron, Mathieu, Biglow, Hamer, F. Cao
1.0Fratturelli, Wheeler, Essary, H. Cao, Saravanan, Bucchino, Prasad
0.0Ryan, L. Xu, Cote

Projected Round 5 Pairings for May 18th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Murray vs. Paulson Board 2: Nair vs. S. Xu Board 3: Donahue vs. Narayanan Board 4: Mirijanian vs. Couture Board 5: Urbonas vs. Gladding Board 6: Tsakiris vs. Jordy Board 7: Gurge vs. Ostrowski Board 8: King vs. O'Rourke Board 9: Brassard vs. Minalga-Rheault Board 10: McLaughlin vs. David Board 11: Gawboy vs. Mathieu Board 12: Commisso vs. Biglow Board 13: Bergeron vs. Hamer Board 14: F.Cao vs. Fratturelli Board 15: Saravanan vs. Wheeler Board 16: Bucchino vs. Essary Board 17: H. Cao vs. Prasad Board 18: L. Xu vs. Ryan
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 5 on May 18th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

May 4th, 2022

Martin Laine Memorial, May 4th, 2022
Round 3 of 5 Results
Anand Nair 1-0Larry Gladding
♔ Stephen Murray 1-0George Mirijanian
Raymond Paulson 1-0Shawn Xu
Krishna Narayanan 1-0Bob Mathieu
♖ Mike Bergeron1/2-1/2Mike Commisso
Jim Donahue 1-0Rene Minalga-Rheault
Gary Brassard 1-0Larry O'Rourke
Hugh McLaughlin 0-1Mike Urbonas
Don Ostrowski1/2-1/2♖ Frank Cao
Huaigu Cao 0-1Michael David
Brian Biglow 0-1George Jordy
Laura Xu 0-1Mark Wheeler
Emily Gawboy 1-0Michael Cote
Lavanya Prasad 1-0James Essary
Anish Saravanan 1-0Raphael Bucchino
Total of 15 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), 2 upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Dave Couture, Ken Gurge, Todd Tsakiris, Keith Hamer, and Tom Fratturelli.
♖ Not playing round 3 was was Tim Ryan.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament were Tom Newman, Raymond Fortier, and Jay Shum.

Martin Laine Memorial, May 4th, 2022
3.0Nair, Paulson, Murray
2.5Couture, Narayanan
2.0Mirijanian, Donahue, Gladding, Brassard, Urbonas, David, S. Xu
1.5Commisso, Jordy, Gurge, Ostrowski, Tsakiris, Bergeron, Mathieu, Hamer, F. Cao
1.0Fratturelli, Wheeler, O'Rourke, Minalga-Rheault, McLaughlin, Gawboy, H. Cao, Saravanan, Prasad
0.0Essary, Ryan, L.Xu, Cote, Bucchino

Projected Round 4 Pairings for May 11th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Paulson vs. Nair Board 2: Couture vs. Murray Board 3: Mirijanian vs. Narayanan Board 4: David vs. Donahue Board 5: Gladding vs. Brassard Board 6: S. Xu vs. Commisso Board 7: Jordy vs. Bergeron Board 8: Mathieu vs. Gurge Board 9: Hamer vs. Ostrowski Board 10: F. Cao vs. Tsakiris Board 11: Fratturelli vs. McLaughlin Board 12: Wheeler vs. Gawboy Board 13: O'Rourke vs. H. Cao Board 14: Minalga-Rheault vs. Prasad Board 15: Biglow vs. Saravanan Board 16: Essary vs. L. Xu Board 17: Ryan vs. Bucchino
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 4 on May 11th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

April 27th, 2022

Youngsters Shine in Round 2

A quartet of young players continued a new trend at the WCC by posting a pair of major upsets & a pair of upset draws against their far more experienced opponents in the second round of the 2022 Martin Laine Memorial Tournament.
Topping the list was Shawn Xu with his 213 point upset win over Class B rated, Jim Donahue, at board 4. Upset draws of 300 points or more between players, were provided at boards 8 & 10 by Kkrishna Narayanan & Frank Cao who split points with veterans Ken Gurge & George Jordy respectively. Rounding out the group at board 13 was Huaigu Cao with his huge 451 point upset win over Mark Wheeler.
These four upsets, a full 25% of the 16 pairings for round 2 will undoubtedly put higher rated & more experienced players on notice that new young players can at times be tough.

Martin Laine Memorial, April 27th, 2022
Round 2 of 5 Results
Mike Urbonas 0-1Anand Nair
George Mirijanian 1-0Gary Brassard
Michael David 0-1Raymond Paulson
♔ Shawn Xu 1-0James Donahue
Larry Gladding 1-0Donald Ostrowski
Stephen Murray 1-0Todd Tsakiris
Dave Couture 1-0Keith Hamer
♖ Kkrishna Narayanan1/2-1/2Ken Gurge
Bob Mathieu 1-0Brian Biglow
♖ Frank Cao1/2-1/2George Jordy
Mchael Commisso 1-0Emily Gawboy
James Essary 0-1Mike Bergeron
Mark Wheeler 0-1♔ Huaigu Cao
Larry O'Rourke 1-0Laura Xu
Michael Cote 0-1Rene Minalga-Rheault
Raphael Bucchino 0-1Hugh McLaughlin
Total of 16 boards,
2 major upsets (♔ ♕), 2 upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Tom Newman and Tom Fratturelli.
♖ Not playing round 2 were Raymond Foriter, Jay Shum, and Timothy Ryan.

Martin Laine Memorial, April 27th, 2022
2.0Nair, Mirijanian, Paulson, Gladding, Murray, Couture, S. Xu
1.5Mathieu, Narayanan
1.0Newman, Commisso, Donahue, Gurge, Brassard, Urbonas, Ostrowski, David, Tsakiris, Bergeron, Hamer, O'Rourke,
Minalga-Rheault, McLaughlin, F. Cao, H. Cao
0.5Jordy, Fratturelli, Biglow
0.0Wheeler, Gawboy, Fortier, Essary, Shum, Ryan, L. Xu, Cote, BUcchino

Projected Round 3 Pairings for May 4th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Nair vs. Gladding Board 2: Murray vs. Mirijanian Board 3: Paulson vs. Couture Board 4: S. Xu vs. Mathieu Board 5: Donahue vs. Narayanan Board 6: Bergeron vs. Commisso Board 7: Brassard vs. Hamer Board 8: Minalga-Rheault vs. Urbonas Board 9: Ostrowski vs. O'Rourke Board 10: McLaughlin vs. David Board 11: Tsakiris vs. F. Cao Board 12: H. Cao vs. Jordy Board 13: Biglow vs. Fratturelli Board 14: Ryan vs. Wheeler Board 15: Gawboy vs. Cote Board 16: L. Xu vs. Essary Board 17: Shum vs. Bucchino
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 3 on May 4th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

April 20th, 2022

Three Upsets Open Martin Laine Memorial

Martin Laine Memorial, April 20th, 2022
Round 1 of 5 Results
Anand Nair 1-0Tom Fratturelli
Mike Bergeron 0-1George Mirijanian
Ray Paulson 1-0Mark Wheeler
♔ Keith Hamer 1-0Mike Commisso
Jim Donahue 1-0Larry O'Rourke
Rene Minalga-Rheault 0-1Larry Gladding
George Jordy 0-1♔ Keishna Narayanan
Hugh McLaughlin 0-1Stephen Murray
Ken Gurge1/2-1/2♖ Frank Cao
Emily Gawboy 0-1Dave Couture
Gary Brassard 1-0James Essary
Huaigu Cao 0-1Mike Urbonas
Don Ostrowski 1-0Timothy Ryan
Laura Xu 0-1Michael David
Todd Tsakiris 1-0Michael Cote
Raphael Bucchino 0-1Shawn Xu
Total of 16 boards,
2 major upsets (♔ ♕), 1 upset draw ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Tom Newman, Bob Mathieu, and Brian Biglow.
♖ Not playing round 1 were Raymond Fortier and Jay Shum.

Martin Laine Memorial, April 20th, 2022
1.0Nair, Mirijanian, Paulson, Donahue, Gladding, Murray, Couture, Brassard, Urbonas, Ostrowski, David, Tsakiris, S. Xu,
Hamer, Narayanan
0.5Newman, Gurge, Mathieu, Biglow, F. Cao
0.0Commisso, Jordy, Fratturelli, Bergeron, Wheeler, O'Rourke, Minalga-Rheault, McLaughlin, Gawboy, Fortier, Essary, Shum,
H. Cao, Ryan, L. Xu, Cote, Bucchino

Projected Round 2 Pairings for April 27th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Urbonas vs. Nair Board 2: Mirijanian vs. Brassard Board 3: David vs. Paulson Board 4: S. Xu vs. Donahue Board 5: Gladding vs. Ostrowski Board 6: Murray vs. Tsakiris Board 7: Couture vs. Hamer Board 8: Narayanan vs. Newman Board 9: Biglow vs. Gurge Board 10: F. Cao vs. Mathieu Board 11: Commisso vs. Gawboy Board 12: Essary vs. Jordy Board 13: Fratturelli vs. Shum Board 14: Ryan vs. Bergeron Board 15: Wheeler vs. H. Cao Board 16: O'Rourke vs. L. Xu Board 17: Cote vs. Minalga-Rheault Board 18: Bucchino vs. McLaughlin
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 2 on April 27th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

April 13th, 2022

Anand Nair Tops Lingner Memorial With Perfect 5-0 Score!

Gail S. Lingner Memorial Premier Section, April 13th, 2022
Round 5 of 5 Results
Don Ostrowski 0-1Anand Nair
Ray Paulson 1-0Tom Newman
Jim Donahue 1-0Dave Couture
Mike Urbonas1/2-1/2Mike Commisso
Larry Gladding 1-0Gary Brassard
Stephen Murray1/2-1/2Ken Gurge
Todd Tsakiris 1-0Michael David
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 5 were Brett Kildahl, George Mirijanan, George Jordy, Nik Lavoie, and "filler" Brian Biglow.

Gail S. Lingner Memorial Premier Section, April 13th, 2022
3.5Paulson, Donahue
3.0Kildahl, Ostrowski
2.5Newman, Commisso, Gladding, Couture, Urbonas
2.0Gurge, Murray
1.5Mirijanian, Jordy, Brassard, David, Tsakiris
0.0Lavoie, Biglow

♔ 2022 Gail S. Lingner Memorial Premier Section PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st: ♔ Anand Nair
2nd-3rd: Ray Paulson, Jim Donahue
4th-5th: Brett Kildahl, Don Ostrowski (top U1700)

Pictures from this year's Gail S. Lingner Memorial tournament.

April 13th, 2022

Shawn Xu Wins U1600 With Perfect 5-0 Score!

Gail S. Lingner Memorial U1600 Section, April 13th, 2022
Round 5 of 5 Results
Tom Fratturelli 0-1Shawn Xu
Mike Bergeron 1-0Rene Minalga-Rheault
Larry O'Rourke 0-1Bob Mathieu
Mark Wheeler 0-1Keith Hamer
Brian Biglow 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
James Essary 0-1Emily Gawboy
Laura Xu 0-1Krishna Narayanan
Raphael Bucchino 0-1Michael Cote
Total of 8 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 5 were Raymond Fortier, Frank Cao, Huaigu Cao, Jay Shum,
Timothy Ryan, Winston Newman, and Noelle Piltzecker.

Gail S. Lingner Memorial U1600 Section, April 13th, 2022
5.0S. Xu
3.0Fratturelli, Mathieu, Biglow, Hamer, Minalga-Rheault, O'Rourke, Gawboy
2.0Wheeler, McLaughlin
1.0F. Cao, H. Cao, Shum, Ryan, L. Xu, Cote
0.0Fortier, Newman, Bucchino, Piltzecker

♔ 2022 Gail S. Lingner Memorial U1600 Section PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st: ♔ Shawn Xu
2nd: Mike Bergeron
3rd-9th: Tom Fratturelli, Bob Mathieu, Brian Biglow, Keith Hamer, Rene Minalga-Rheault, Larry O'Rourke, Emily Gawboy (top U1300)
Top U1000: Jay Shum, Timothy Ryan, Laura Xu, Michael Cote

♟   ♔   Gail S. Lingner Memorial POST TOURNAMENT RATINGS   ♚   ♙  
12134 Brett Kildahl
21985 Anand Nair
31927 Tom Newman
41900 George Mirijanian
51889 Ray Paulson
61825 Mike Commisso
71790 Jim Donahue
81750 Larry Gladding
91740 George Jordy
101735 Stephen Murray
111732 Ken Gurge
121729 Dave Couture
131723 Gary Brassard
141717 Mike Urbonas
151689 Don Ostrowski
161675 Michael David
171662 Nik Lavoie
181613 Todd Tsakiris
191577 Shawn Xu
201549 Tom Fratturelli
211462 Mike Bergeron
221408 Bob Mathieu
231401 Mark Wheeler
241400 Brian Biglow
251378 Keith Hamer
261338 Larry O'Rourke
271331 Rene Minalga-Rheault
281271 Krishna Narayanan
291245 Hugh McLaughlin
301227 Frank Cao
311208 Emily Gawboy
321206 Raymond Fortier
331034 James Essary
34972 Jay Shum
35950 Huaigu Cao
36633 Timothy Ryan
37584 Laura Xu
38575 Michael Cote
39365 Winston Newman
40254 Noelle Piltzecker
41116 Raphael Bucchino

Pictures from this year's Gail S. Lingner Memorial tournament.

Current 2022 Championship Grand Prix Standings Championship Grand Prix Archive

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 1 on April 20th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

April 6th, 2022

Anand Scores Upset Win to Lead by Full Point

Gail S. Lingner Memorial Premier Section,
April 6th, 2022
Round 4 of 5 Results
♔ Anand Nair 1-0Brett Kildahl
Tom Newman1/2-1/2Jim Donahue
Don Ostrowski 1-0Larry Gladding
Dave Couture 1-0Michael David
Mike Commisso1/2-1/2George Mirijanian
Gary Brassard1/2-1/2Stephen Murray
Brian Biglow (filler) 0-1Ken Gurge
Total of 7 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Ray Paulson, George Jordy, and Todd Tsakiris.
♖ Not playing round 4 was Mike Urgonas.
♙ Nik Lavoie had already withdrawn from the tournament.

Gail S. Lingner Memorial Premier Section, April 6th, 2022
3.0Kildahl, Ostrowski
2.5Newman, Paulson, Couture, Donahue
2.0Commisso, Urbonas
1.5Mirijanian, Brassard, Gurge, Gladding, Murray, David, Jordy
0.0(Lavoie), Biglow

Projected Round 5 Pairings for April 13th Premier Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Ostrowski vs. Nair Board 2: Kildahl vs. Couture Board 3: Paulson vs. Newman Board 4: Donahue vs. Commisso Board 5: Urbonas vs. Brassard Board 6: Gladding vs. Mirijanian Board 7: Murray vs.Gurge Board 8: Tsakiris vs. David
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

April 6th, 2022

Shawn Xu Leads U1600 by Full Point After 4th

Gail S. Lingner Memorial U1600 Section,
April 6th, 2022
Round 4 of 5 Results
Shawn Xu 1-0Larry O'Rourke
Bob Mathieu 0-1Tom Fratturelli
Keith Hamer 0-1Mike Bergeron
Rene Minlalga-Rheault 1-0Mark Wheeler
Emily Gawboy 1-0Krishna Narayanan
Hugh McLaughlin 1-0Laura Xu
Raymond Fortier 0-1♔ James Essary
Frank Cao 1-0Raphael Bucchino
Michael Cote 0-1Huaigu Cao
Total of 9 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving a half-point bye was Brian Biglow.
♖ Not playing round 4 were Jay Shum, Timothy Ryan, Winston Newman, and Noelle Piltzecker.

Gail S. Lingner Memorial U1600 Section, April 6th, 2022
4.0S. Xu
3.0Fratturelli, Bergeron, Minalga-Rheault, O'Rourke
2.0Wheeler, Mathieu, Biglow, Hamer, McLaughlin, Gawboy
1.5Narayanan, Essary
1.0F. Cao, H. Cao, Shum, Ryan, L. Xu
0.0Foriter, Newman, Bucchino, Piltzecker, Cote

Projected Round 5 Pairings for April 13th U1600 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 9: Fratturelli vs. S. Xu Board 10: Bergeron vs. Minalga-Rheault Board 11: O'Rourke vs. Mathieu Board 12: Wheeler vs. Hamer Board 13: Biglow vs. McLaughlin Board 14: Essary vs. Gawboy Board 15: Narayanan vs. F. Cao Board 16: H. Cao vs. Ryan Board 17: L. Xu vs. Shum Board 18: Fortier vs. Piltzecker Board 19: Bucchino vs. Cote
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 5 on April 13th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

March 30th, 2022

Brett vs. Anand in Penultimate Round

Gail S. Lingner Memorial Premier Section, March 30th, 2022
Round 3 of 5 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0Tom Newman
Anand Nair 1-0Mike Commisso
Michael David 0-1Ray Paulson
George Mirijanian 0-1♔ Mike Urbonas
George Jordy 0-1Jim Donahue
Stephen Murray 0-1Don Ostrowski
Ken Gurge 0-1Larry Gladding
Dave Couture 1-0Todd Tsakiris
Total of 8 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving a half-point bye was Gary Brassard.
♖ Not playing round 3 was filler Brian Biglow.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament was Jackson Parker. Already withdrawn was Nik Lavoie.

Gail S. Lingner Memorial Premier Section, March 30th, 2022
3.0Kildahl, Nair
2.0Newman, Paulson, Donahue, Urbonas, Ostrowski
1.5Commisso, Gladding, Couture, David
1.0Mirijanian, Brassard, Jordy, Murray
0.0(Lavoie), Tsakiris, Biglow

Projected Round 4 Pairings for April 6th Premier Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Nair vs. Kildahl Board 2: Newman vs. Donahue Board 3: Urbonas vs. Paulson Board 4: Ostrowski vs. Gladding Board 5: Couture vs. David Board 6: Commisso vs. Mirijanian Board 7: Brassard vs. Murray Board 8: Tsakiris vs. Gurge
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

March 30th, 2022

Shawn Xu & Larry O'Rourke Lead U1600 Section

Gail S. Lingner Memorial U1600 Section, March 30th, 2022
Round 3 of 5 Results
Mark Wheeler 0-1Shawn Xu
Larry O'Rourke 1-0Brian Biglow
Tom Fratturelli 1-0Emily Gawboy
Mike Bergeron 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
Timothy Ryan 0-1Bob Mathieu
Keith Hamer 1-0Jay Shum
♔ Krishna Narayanan 1-0Ray Fortier
Raphael Bucchino 0-1Laura Xu
Total of 8 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving a half-point bye was Rene Minalga-Rheault.
♖ Not playing round 3 were James Essary, Winston Newman, Noelle Piltzecker, and Michael Cote.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament were Don Briggs, Matt Moore, and Jon Stephan.

Gail S. Lingner Memorial U1600 Section, March 30th, 2022
3.0S. Xu, O'Rourke
2.0Fratturelli, Bergeron, Wheeler, Mathieu, Hamer, Minalga-Rheault
1.5Biglow, Narayanan
1.0McLaughlin, Gawboy, Shum, Ryan, L. Xu
0.0Fortier, Newman, Bucchino, Piltzecker, Cote

Projected Round 4 Pairings for April 6th U1600 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 9: S. Xu vs. O'Rourke Board 10: Mathieu vs. Fratturelli Board 11: Hamer vs. Bergeron Board 12: Minalga-Rheault vs. Wheeler Board 13: Biglow vs. Narayanan Board 14: McLaughlin vs. Shum Board 15: Gawboy vs. Ryan Board 16: Fortier vs. L. Xu Board 17: Newman vs. Piltzwecker Board 18: Cote vs. Bucchino
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 4 on April 6th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

March 23rd, 2022

Faces Visible for Round 2

March 23rd 2022
FSU Coronavirus Information 2021-22

Gail S. Lingner Memorial Premier Section, March 23rd, 2022
Round 2 of 5 Results
Ray Paulson 0-1Brett Kildahl
Tom Newman 1-0George Jordy
Jim Donahue 0-1Anand Nair
Mike Commisso 1-0Dave Couture
Gary Brassard 0-1Michael David
Ken Gurge1/2-1/2Don Ostrowski
Todd Tsakiris 0-1George Mirijanian
Brian Biglow 0-1Stephen Murray
Total of 8 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Mike Urbonas, Jackson Parker, and Larry Gladding.
♙ Nik Lavoie withdrew from the tournament.

Gail S. Lingner Memorial Premier Section, March 23rd, 2022
2.0Kildahl, Newman, Nair
1.5Commisso, David
1.0Paulson, Mirijanian, Jordy, Murray, Donahue, Urbonas, Parker, Ostrowski
0.5Brassard, Gurge, Gladding, Couture
0.0(Lavoie), Tsakiris, Biglow [filler]

Projected Round 3 Pairings for March 30th Premier Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Kildahl vs. Newman Board 2: Nair vs. Commisso Board 3: David vs. Paulson Board 4: Mirijanian vs. Urbonas Board 5: Jordy vs. Donahue Board 6: Murray vs. Ostrowski Board 7: Brassard vs. Gladding Board 8: Couture vs. Gurge Board 9: Tsakiris vs. Biglow
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

March 23rd, 2022

Gail S. Lingner Memorial U1600 Section, March 23rd, 2022
Round 2 of 5 Results
Mark Wheeler 1-0Tom Fratturelli
Shawn Xu 1-0Keith Hamer
Larry O'Rourke 1-0Mike Bergeron
Hugh McLaughlin 1-0Winston Newman
Laura Xu 0-1Emily Gawboy
Jay Shum 1-0Raphael Bucchino
Noelle Piltzecker 0-1Timothy Ryan
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Brian Biglow, Rene Minalga-Rheault, Bob Mathieu, Don Briggs, Matt Moore,
Jon Stephan, Krishna Narayanan, and Jim Essary.

Gail S. Lingner Memorial U1600 Section, March 23rd, 2022
2.0S. Xu, Wheeler, O'Rourke
1.5Biglow, Minalga-Rheault
1.0Fratturelli, Bergeron, Mathieu, Hamer, Briggs, McLaughlin, Moore, Gawboy, Stephan, Shum, Ryan
0.5Narayanan, Essary
0.0L. Xu, Newman, Bucchino, Piltzecker

Projected Round 3 Pairings for March 30th U1600 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 10: Wheeler vs. S. Xu Board 11: Fratturelli vs. O'Rourke Board 12: Bergeron vs. Moore Board 13: Gawboy vs. Mathieu Board 14: Hamer vs. Stephan Board 15: Briggs vs. Shum Board 16: Ryan vs. McLaughlin Board 17: Narayanan vs. Essary Board 18: Bucchino vs. L. Xu Board 19: Newman vs. Piltzecker
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 3 on March 30th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

March 18th 2022
Support For Ukrainian Chess Players

Hi WCC members and all chess friends, The USCF and the Kasparov Chess Foundation are raising money to help Ukrainian chess players and their families in their current struggles.
Any donation you can make through the link below would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks much,
-Arthur Barlas

March 16th, 2022

Jim Donahue Scores Only Upset in Round 1

Gail S. Lingner Memorial Premier Section, March 16th, 2022
Round 1 of 5 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0Ken Gurge
Larry Gadding 0-1Tom Newman
Anand Nair 1-0Nik Lavoie
Stephen Murray 0-1Ray Paulson
George Mirijanian 0-1♔ Jim Donahue
Michael David1/2-1/2Mike Commisso
George Jordy 1-0Todd Tsakiris
Don Ostrowski1/2-1/2Gary Brassard
Total of 8 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Dave Couture, Mike Urbonas, and Jackson Parker.

Gail S. Lingner Memorial Premier Section, March 16th, 2022
1.0Kildahl, Newman, Nair, Paulson, Jordy, Donahue
0.5Commisso, Brassard, Couture, David, Urbonas, Parker, Ostrowski
0.0Miirjanian, Gurge, Gladding, Lavoie, Murray, Tsakiris

Projected Round 2 Pairings for March 23rd Premier Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Paulson vs. Kildahl Board 2: T. Newman vs. Jordy Board 3: Donahue vs. Nair Board 4: Commisso vs. Urbonas Board 5: Brassard vs. David Board 6: Couture vs. Parker Board 7: Gurge vs. Ostrowski Board 8: Tsakiris vs. Gladding Board 9: Lavoie vs. Murray
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

March 16th, 2022

Gail S. Lingner Memorial U1600 Section, March 16th, 2022
Round 1 of 5 Results
Tom Fratturelli 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
Emily Gawboy 0-1Shawn Xu
Mike Bergeron 1-0Krishna Narayanan
James Essary 0-1Mark Wheeler
Brian Biglow 1-0Jay Shum
Timothy Ryan 0-1Keith Hamer
Rene Minalga-Rheault 1-0Laura Xu
Raphael Bucchino 0-1Larry O'Rourke
Total of 8 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Bob Mathieu, Don Briggs, Matt Moore, and Jon Stephan.
♖ Not playing round 1 was Winston Newman.

Gail S. Lingner Memorial U1600 Section, March 16th, 2022
1.0Fratturelli, S. Xu, Bergeron, Wheeler, Biglow, Hamer, Minalga-Rheault, O'Rourke
0.5Mathieu, Briggs, Moore, Stephan
0.0McLaughlin, Gawboy, Narayanan, Essary, Shum, Ryan, L. Xu, Newman, Bucchino

Projected Round 2 Pairings for March 23rd U1600 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
11 Mark Wheeler (1431 1.0) Tom Fratturelli (1574 1.0) 12 Shawn Xu (1459 1.0) Brian Biglow (1400 1.0) 13 Keith Hamer (1378 1.0) Mike Bergeron (1438 1.0) 14 Larry O'Rourke (1300 1.0) Bob Mathieu (1403 0.5) 15 Matt Moore (1222 0.5) Don Briggs (1300 0.5) 16 Hugh McLaughlin (1277 0.0) Jon Stephan (1076 0.5) 17 Laura Xu (494 0.0) Emily Gawboy (1167 0.0) 18 Krishna Narayanan (1079 0.0) Timothy Ryan (645 0.0) 19 Winston Newman (365 0.0) James Essary (1012 0.0) 20 Jay Shum (981 0.0) Raphael Bucchino (116 0.0)
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♗ Requesting a half-point bye for Round 2 is Rene Minalga-Rheault.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 2 on March 23rd
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

March 11th, 2022
Ratings in effect for the Gail S. Lingner Memorial tournament

The next tournament at the club will be the Gail S. Lingner Memorial, a 5-round Swiss in two sections:
Premier (restricted to players 1600 & above) and Under 1600 & unrated.
It starts Wednesday, March 16, 2022. Players must be present before 7 p.m. on that date to confirm their entry.

♟   ♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚   ♙   Ratings in effect for the Gail S. Lingner Memorial Tournament: ♟   ♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚   ♙  
Premier Section
12128 Brett Kildahl
21941 Tom Newman
31919 Anand Nair
41900 Ray Paulson
51900 George Mirijanian
61833 Mike Commisso
71795 George Jordy
81764 Gary Brassard
91751 Ken Gurge
101747 Larry Gladding
111731 Nik Lavoie
121722 Dave Couture
131721 Stephen Murray
141698 Jim Donahue
151689 Michael David
161683 Mike Urbonas
171676 Todd Tsakiris
181616 Jackson Parker
191614 Don Ostrowski
Under 1600 Section
201574 Tom Fratturelli
211438 Mike Bergeron
221431 Mark Wheeler
231421 Shawn Xu
241403 Bob Mathieu
251400 Brian Biglow
261378 Keith Hamer
271316 Rene Minalga-Rheault
281300 Don Briggs
291300 Larry O'Rourke
301277 Hugh McLaughlin
311222 Matt Moore
321167 Emily Gawboy
331076 Jon Stephan
341012 James Essary
35981 Jay Shum
36645 Timothy Ryan
37494 Laura Xu
38365 Winston Newman
39116 Raphael Bucchino

March 9th, 2022

Kildahl & Newman Share Top Honors in O'Rourke Tournament

George E. O'Rourke Memorial, March 9th, 2022
Round 5 of 5 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0Ray Paulson
Tom Newman 1-0Anand Nair
Gary Brassard 0-1Michael David
Ken Gurge 1-0Larry Gladding
Jim Donahue 1-0Nik Lavoie
Mike Bergeron 0-1Mike Commisso
Stephen Murray 1-0Tom Fratturelli
Don Ostrowski 0-1♔ Shawn Xu
Larry O'Rourke 1-0James Essary
♖ Laura Xu1/2-1/2Brian Biglow
Emily Gawboy 1-0Raphael Bucchino
Total of 11 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), 1 upset draw ().

♖ Not playing round 5 were George Mirijanian, Mark Wheeler, George Jordy, Dave Couture,
Mike Urbonas, Todd Tsakiris, Jackson Parker, Hugh McLaughlin, Matt Moore, Bob Mathieu,
Rene Minalga-Rheault, Keith Hamer, Jon Stephan, Jay Shum, Timothy Ryan, Don Briggs, and Winston Newman.

George E. O'Rourke Memorial, March 9th, 2022
4.5Kildahl, T. Newman
4.0Gurge, David
3.5Paulson, Donahue
3.0Nair, Commisso, Brassard, Gladding, Murray, S. Xu
2.5Mirijanian, Lavoie, Wheeler
2.0Jordy, Couture, Urbonas, Tsakiris, Ostrowski, Parker, Fratturelli, Bergeron, O'Rourke, McLaughlin, Moore
1.5Mathieu, Minalga-Rheault, Gawboy, L. Xu
1.0Biglow, Hamer, Stephan, Essary, Shum, Ryan
0.0Bucchino, W. Newman

♔ 2022 George E. O'Rourke Memorial PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st-2nd: Brett Kildahl & Tom Newman
3rd-4th: Ken Gurge & Michael David
Top U1800: Gary Brassard, Larry Gladding & Stephen Murray
Top U1700: Jim Donahue
Top U1600: Shawn Xu
Top U1350: Larry O'Rourke, Hugh McLaughlin & Matt Moore
Top U1000: aura Xu

Pictures from this year's George E. O'Rourke Memorial tournament.

Current 2022 Championship Grand Prix Standings Championship Grand Prix Archive

REMINDER: The next tournament at the club, starting March 16, is the Gail S. Lingner Memorial, honoring Gail Sandra Lingner, who was a member of the Wachusett Chess Club for 43 years
(September 1975 until her passing on September 6, 2018).
The event will be in two sections: Premier (open to 1600 & above) and Under 1600.
Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to register on March 16th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

March 2nd, 2022

Trio Share Lead Into Final Round

George E. O'Rourke Memorial, March 2nd, 2022
Round 4 of 5 Results
Ray Paulson1/2-1/2Anand Nair
George Mirijanian 0-1Tom Newman
Nik Lavoie 0-1Gary Brassard
Larry Gladding 1-0Don Ostrowski
Michael David 1-0Mike Urbonas
Tom Fratturelli 0-1Ken Gurge
Mike Commisso1/2-1/2Todd Tsakiris
♖ Mike Bergeron1/2-1/2Stephen Murray
Keith Hamer 0-1Mark Wheeler
Shawn Xu 1-0Jay Shum
Jon Stephan 0-1Hugh McLaughlin
Matt Moore 1-0James Essary
Brian Biglow1/2-1/2Larry O'Rourke
Emily Gawboy 0-1♔ Timothy Ryan
Raphael Bucchino 0-1Laura Xu.
Total of 15 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), 1 upset draw ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Brett Kildahl, Jim Donahue, Dave Couture, Jackson Parker,
Bob Mathieu, Rene Minalga-Rheault, and Don Briggs.
♖ Not playing round 4 was Winston Newman.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament was Paul Lynch.

George E. O'Rourke Memorial, March 2nd, 2022
3.5Kildahl, Paulson, T. Newman
3.0Nair, Brassard, Gladding, Gurge, David
2.5Mirijanian, Lavoie, Donahue, Wheeler
2.0Commisso, Jordy, Murray, Couture, Urbonas, Tsakiris, Ostrowski, Parker, Fratturelli, Bergeron, S. Xu, McLaughlin, Moore
1.5Mathieu, Minalga-Rheault
1.0Hamer, O'Rourke, Stephan, Essary, Shum, Ryan, L. Xu
0.5Biglow, Briggs, Gawboy
0.0W. Newman, Bucchino

Projected Round 5 Pairings for March 9th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Kildahl vs. Paulson Board 2: T. Newman vs. Nair Board 3: Brassard vs. David Board 4: Gurge vs. Gladding Board 5: Mirijanian vs. Lavoie Board 6: Murray vs. Donahue Board 7: Octroski vs. Commisso Board 8: Couture vs. Fratturelli Board 9: Urbonas vs. Bergeron Board 10: Tsakiris vs. S. Xu Board 11: Mclaughlin vs. Parker Board 12: Moore vs. Marhieu Board 13: Essary vs. Hamer Board 14: Shum vs. O'Rourke Board 15: Ryan vs. Stephan Board 16: L. Xu vs. Biglow Board 17: Gawboy vs. Briggs Board 18: W. Newman vs. Bucchino
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 5 on March 9th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

February 23rd, 2022

Kildahl & Paulson Share Lead After 3

George E. O'Rourke Memorial, February 23rd, 2022
Round 3 of 5 Results
Ken Gurge 0-1Brett Kildahl
Jim Donahue 0-1Ray Paulson
Anand Nair 1-0George Jordy
Stephen Murray 0-1George Mirijanian
Tom Newman 1-0Dave Couture
Tom Fratturelli1/2-1/2Mike Commisso
Gary Brassard 1-0Keith Hamer
Larry Gladding 1-0Shawn Xu
Don Ostrowski 1-0Rene Minalga-Rheault
Bob Mathieu 0-1Michael David
Mark Wheeler1/2-1/2Mike Bergeron
Todd Tskiris 1-0Jay Shum
Jackson Parker 1-0Brian Biglow
Larry O'Rourke1/2-1/2Emily Gawboy
Hugh McLaughlin 1-0Winston Newman
♔ James Essary 1-0Don Briggs
Laura Xu 0-1Matt Moore
Total of 17 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Nike Lavoie and Mike Urbonas.
♖ Not playing round 3 were Paul Lynch and Jon Stephan.

George E. O'Rourke Memorial, February 23rd, 2022
3.0Kildahl, Paulson
2.5Nair, Mirijanian, T. Newman, Lavoie
2.0Brassard, Gladding, Urbonas, Gurge, Ostrowski, David, Donahue, Fratturelli
1.5Commisso, Jordy, Murray, Couture, Tsakiris, Parker, Bergeron, Wheeler
1.0Lynch, Mathieu, Hamer, S. Xu, Minalga-Rheault, McLaughlin, Moore, Stephan, Essary, Shum
0.5O'Rourke, Gawboy
0.0Biglow, Briggs, L. Xu, W. Newman

Projected Round 4 Pairings for March 2nd 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Kildahl vs. Paulson Board 2: Lavoie vs. Nair Board 3: Mirijanian vs. T. Newman Board 4: Ostrowski vs. Brassard Board 5: Gladding vs. Donahue Board 6: David vs. Urbonas Board 7: Fratturelli vs. Gurge Board 8: Commisso vs. Tsakiris Board 9: Bergeron vs. Murray Board 10: Couture vs. Parker Board 11: Lynch vs. Wheeler Board 12: Shum vs. Mathieu Board 13: Hamer vs. Essary Board 14: S. Xu vs. Stephan Board 15: Moore vs. Mclaughlin Board 16: Biglow vs. O'Rourke Board 17: Gawboy vs. Briggs Board 18: W. Newman vs. L. Xu
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 4 on March 2nd
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

February 16th, 2022

A Trio of Upsets in Round 2

George E. O'Rourke Memorial, February 16th, 2022
Round 2 of 5 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0Larry Gladding
Stephen Murray1/2-1/2Anand Nair
Ray Paulson 1-0Don Ostrowski
Mike Commisso 0-1♔ Jim Donahue
Ken Gurge 1-0Gary Brassard
Michael David 0-1Nik Lavoie
Mike Bergeron 0-1Tom Newman
George Jordy 1-0Todd Tsakiris
Mike Urbonas 1-0Jackson Parker
Brian Biglow 0-1Tom Fratturelli
Don Briggs 0-1Bob Mathieu
Keith Hamer 1-0Emily Gawboy
Matt Moore 0-1Mark Wheeler
Shawn Xu 1-0James Essary
Rene Minalga-Rheault 1-0Laura Xu
♔ Jon Stephan 1-0Larry O'Rourke
♔ Jay Shum 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
Total of 17 boards,
3 major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were George Mirijanian, Dave Couture, and Paul Lynch.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament were Mike Manisy, Timothy Ryan, and Vivaan Shah.

George E. O'Rourke Memorial, February 16th, 2022
2.0Kildahl, Paulson, Lavoie, Gurge, Donahue
1.5Nair, Mirijanian, Newman, Jordy, Murray, Couture, Urbonas, Fratturelli
1.0Commisso, Brassard, Gladding, Lynch, Ostrowski, David, Bergeron, Mathieu, Hamer, Wheeler, S. Xu, Minalga-Rheault,
Stephan, Shum
0.5Tsakiris, Parker
0.0Biglow, O'Rourke, McLaughlin, Briggs, Moore, Gawboy, Essary, L. Xu

Projected Round 3 Pairings for February 23rd 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Gurge vs. Kildahl Board 2: Donahue vs. Paulson Board 3: Nair vs. Couture Board 4: Newman vs. Urbonas Board 5: Murray vs. Jordy Board 6: Fratturelli vs. Commisso Board 7: Brassard vs. Hamer Board 8: Gladding vs. S, Xu Board 9: Mathieu vs. Lynch Board 10: Ostrowski vs. Minalga-Rheault Board 11:Wheeler vs. David Board 12: Shum vs. Bergeron Board 13: Tsakiris vs. Parker Board 14: Gawboy vs. Biglow Board 15: O'Rourke vs. Moore Board 16: McLaughlin vs. Essary Board 17: L. Xu vs. Briggs
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 3 on February 23rd
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

February 9th, 2022

George E. O'Rourke Memorial, February 9th, 2022
Round 1 of 5 Results
Mark Wheeler 0-1Brett Kildahl
Anand Nair 1-0Brian Biglow
Bob Mathieu 0-1Ray Paulson
George Mirijanian 1-0Keith Hamer
Don Briggs 0-1Mike Commisso
Gary Brassard 1-0Shawn Xu
Larry O'Rourke 0-1Larry Gladding
Nik Lavoie 1-0Rene Minalga-Rheault
Hugh McLaughlin 0-1Stephen Murray
Dave Couture 1-0Matt Moore
Emily Gawboy 0-1Ken Gurge
Don Ostrowski 1-0Jon Stephan
James Essary 0-1Michael David
Jim Donahue 1-0Jay Shum
Laura Xu 0-1Mike Bergeron
Total of 15 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were were Mike Manisy, George Jordy, Paul Lynch, Mike Urbonas,
Jackson Parker, and Tom Fratturelli.
♖ Not playing round 1 were Timothy Ryan and Vivaan Shah.

George E. O'Rourke Memorial, February 9th, 2022
1.0Kildahl, Nair, Paulson, Mirijanian, Commisso, Brassard, Gladding, Lavoie,
Murray, Couture, Gurge, Ostrowski, David, Donahue, Bergeron
0.5Manisy, Jordy, Lynch, Urbonas, Parker, Fratturelli
0.0Biglow, Mathieu, Hamer, Wheeler, S. Xu, Minalga-Rheault, O'Rourke, McLaughlin, Briggs,
Moore, Gawboy, Stephan, Essary, Shum, Ryan, L. Xu, Shah

Projected Round 2 Pairings for February 16th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
1 Brett Kildahl (1.0) Nik Lavoie (1.0) 2 Stephen Murray (1.0) Anand Nair (1.0) 3 Ray Paulson (1.0) Dave Couture (1.0) 4 Ken Gurge (1.0) George Mirijanian (1.0) 5 Mike Commisso (1.0) Don Ostrowski (1.0) 6 Michael David (1.0) Gary Brassard (1.0) 7 Larry Gladding (1.0) Jim Donahue (1.0) 8 Mike Bergeron (1.0) Mike Manisy (0.5) 9 George Jordy (0.5) Mike Urbonas (0.5) 10 Paul Lynch (0.5) Jackson Parker (0.5) 11 Brian Biglow (0.0) Tom Fratturelli (0.5) 12 Matt Moore (0.0) Bob Mathieu (0.0) 13 Keith Hamer (0.0) Emily Gawboy (0.0) 14 Jon Stephan (0.0) Mark Wheeler (0.0) 15 Shawn Xu (0.0) James Essary (0.0) 16 Rene Minalga-Rheault (0.0) Laura Xu (0.0) 17 Jay Shum (0.0) Larry O'Rourke (0.0) 18 Timothy Ryan (0.0) Hugh McLaughlin (0.0) 19 Vivaan Sagar Shah (0.0) Don Briggs (0.0)
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 2 on February 16th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL the TD, at 603-533-9992 before 7 p.m.

February 3rd 2022
Westford Monday Night Chess

Steve Murray is holding a Monday night G/90 in Westford in case you're interested. He will be holding this every Monday night. I believe you can register on-line clicking the "event" link below.
Event: Westford MA: Monday Night USCF RATED OTB
When: 7 Feb 2022 7:00 PM, EST
Where: 63 Powers Road, Westford
-George M.

February 2nd, 2022

Anand Nair First by a Full Point in Boone Memorial

Reggie Boone Memorial Premier Section, February 2nd, 2022
Round 5 of 5 Results
Anand Nair 1-0Gary Brassard
Brett Kildahl 0-1Mike Commisso
Paul Lynch1/2-1/2Stephen Murray
Ray Paulson 1-0Mike Urbonas
Michael David 0-1Dave Couture
Larry Glaomomdding 1-0Don Ostrowski
Tom Fratturelli 0-1Ken Gurge
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 5 were Mike Manisy, Jim Donahue, George Mirijanian, and fillers Mark Wheeler and Don Briggs.

Reggie Boone Memorial Premier Section, February 2nd, 2022
4.5Nair (1930)
3.5Commisso (1866)
3.0Kildahl (2128), Paulson (1921), Brassard (1780), Murray (1739), Couture (1728)
2.5Gladding (1749), Lynch (1699)
2.0Manisy (1807), Urbonas (1686), Gurge (1683), Ostrowski (1654), David (1653), Donahue (1641)
1.0Mirijanian (1900), Fratturelli (1575)
0.0Wheeler (1426), Briiggs (1390)

♔ 2022 Reggie Boone Memorial Premier Section PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st: Anand Nair of Ashland
2nd: Mike Commisso of Brookline, NH
3rd-7th: Brett Kildahl of Worcester, Ray Paulson of Lowell,
Gary Brassard of Leominster, Stephen Murray of Ayer, &
Dave Couture of Wesrminster

February 2nd, 2022

Mike Bergeron & Shawn Xu Split U1600 Honors

Reggie Boone Memorial U1600 Section, February 2nd, 2022
Round 5 of 5 Results
Mike Bergeron 1-0Shawn Xu
Matt Moore 1-0Mark Wheeler
Brian Biglow 0-1Rene Minalga-Rheault
George Jordy 1-0Bob Mathieu
James Essary 0-1Keith Hamer
Hugh McLaughlin 1-0Don Briggs
Laura Xu1/2-1/2Emily Gawboy
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 5 were Jay Shum, Jon Stephan, Vivaan Shah, and Timothy Ryan.

Reggie Boone Memorial U1600 Section, February 2nd, 2022
4.0Bergeron (1430), S. Xu (1389)
3.5Minalga-Rheault (1362), Moore (1255)
3.0Jordy (1760P3), Hamer (1394)
2.5Biglow (1407), Wheeler (1392), McLaughlin (1309)
2.0Mathieu (1400), Essary (995), Shum (924P12)
1.5Gawboy (1218)
1.0Briggs (1300), Stephan (1043), L. Xu (392)
0.5Shah (195P4)
0.0Ryan (568P20)

♔ 2022 Reggie Boone Memorial U1600 Section PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st-2nd: Mike Bergeron of Ashburnham, Shawn Xu of Lexington
3rd-4th: Rene Minalga-Rheault of Nashua, NH, Matthew Moore of Marlborough
5th-6th: George Jordy of Ayer, Keith Hamer of Hollis, NH

Pictures from this year's Reggie Boone Memorial tournament.

Current 2022 Championship Grand Prix Standings Championship Grand Prix Archive

The next tournment at the club is the George E. O'Rourke Memorial. It starts Wednesday, February 9, 2022.
REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 1 on February 9th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

January 26th, 2022

Anand Nair Ahead Going Into Last Round

Reggie Boone Memorial Premier Section, January 26th, 2022
Round 4 of 5 Results
Stephen Murray 0-1Anand Nair
Dave Couture 0-1Brett Kildahl
Mike Urbonas 0-1Gary Brassard
Don Ostrowski1/2-1/2Paul Lynch
Mike Commisso 1-0George Mirijanian
Ken Gurge 0-1Michael David
Larry Gladding 1-0Tom Fratturelli
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Ray Paulson, Mike Manisy, and Jim Donahue.
♖ Not playing round 4 were fillers Mark Wheeler and Don Briggs.

Reggie Boone Memorial Premier Section, January 26th, 2022
3.0Kildahl, Brassard
2.5Commisso, Murray
2.0Paulson, Manisy, Couture, Lynch, Urbonas, David, Ostrowski, Donahue
1.0Mirijanian, Gurge, Fratturelli
0.0(Wheeler), (Briggs)

Projected Round 5 Pairings for February 2nd Premier Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Nair vs. Brassard Board 2: Kildahl vs. Commisso Board 3: Manisy vs. Murray Board 4: David vs. Paulson Board 5: Ostrowski vs. Couture Board 6: Lynch vs. Urbonas Board 7: Mirijanian vs. Gladding Board 8 Fratturelli vs. Gurge
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

January 26th, 2022

Shawn Xu Holds Full Point Lead, 1 Round To Go

Reggie Boone Memorial U1600 Section, January 26th, 2022
Round 4 of 5 Results
Bob Mathieu 0-1Shawn Xu
Keith Hamer 0-1Mike Bergeron
Mark Wheeler 1-0James Essary
Rene Minalga-Rheault 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
Emily Gawboy 0-1Matthew Moore
Jay Shum 1-0Laura Xu
Total of 6 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Brian Biglow and Don Briggs.
♜ Receiving 0-point byes were George Jordy, Jon Stephan, Vivaan Shan, and Timothy Ryan.
♖ Not playing round 4 were fillers Mark Wheeler and Don Briggs.

Reggie Boone Memorial U1600 Section, January 26th, 2022
4.0Shawn Xu
2.5Wheeler, Biglow, Minalga-Rheault, Moore
2.0Mathieu, Hamer, Jordy, Essary, Shum
1.0Briggs, Gawboy, Stephan
0.5Laura Xu, Shah

Projected Round 5 Pairings for February 2nd U1600 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 9 Bergeron vs. Shawn Xu Board 10: Moore vs. Wheeler Board 11: Biglow vs. Minalga-Rheault Board 12 Jordy vs. Mathieu Board 13: Essary vs. Hamer Board 14 Shum vs. McLaughlin Board 15: Briggs vs. Gawboy Board 16 Stephan vs. Laura Xu Board 17: Shah vs. Ryan
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 5 on February 2nd
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

January 19th, 2022

4 draws in Premier Section

Reggie Boone Memorial Premier Section, January 19th, 2022
Round 3 of 5 Results
Brett Kildahl1/2-1/2♖  Mike Urbonas
Anand Nair 1-0Jim Donahue
Ray Paulson1/2-1/2♖  Don Ostrowski
Paul Lynch1/2-1/2Mike Commisso
Gary Brassard 1-0Ken Gurge
Michael David1/2-1/2Larry Gladding
Don Briggs 0-1Tom Fratturelli
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), 2 upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Stephen Murray, Dave Couture, Mike Manisy, and George Mirijanian.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament were Andrew Jeselson, Ritvik Pulya, and Todd Tsakiris.
♘ Playing as fillers were Mark Wheeler and Don Briggs.

Reggie Boone Memorial Premier Section, January 19th, 2022
2.5Nair, Murray
2.0Kildahl, Brassard, Couture, Urbonas
1.5Paulson, Commisso, Manisy, Lynch, Ostrowski, Donahue
1.0Mirijanian, Gurge, David, Fratturelli
0.0(Wheeler), (Briggs)

Projected Round 4 Pairings for January 26th Premier Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Murray vs. Nair Board 2: Couture vs. Kildahl Board 3: Urbonas vs. Brassard Board 4: Commisso vs. Paulson Board 5: Manisy vs. Lynch Board 6: Ostrowski vs. Mirijanian Board 7: Gurge vs. David Board 8: Gladding vs. Fratturelli
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

January 19th, 2022

Shawn Xu Leads U1600 After 3

Reggie Boone Memorial U1600 Section, January 19th, 2022
Round 3 of 5 Results
Shawn Xu 1-0Brian Biglow
Mike Bergeron1/2-1/2Bob Mathieu
Keith Hamer 1-0Rene Minalga-Rheault
Hugh McLaughlin1/2-1/2Mark Wheeler
George Jordy 1-0Emily Gawboy
James Essary 1-0Timothy Ryan
Laura Xu1/2-1/2Vivaan Shah
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Matt Moore and Jon Stephan.
♖ Not playing round 3 was Jay Shum.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament were Larry O'Rourke and Raaga Pulya.

Reggie Boone Memorial U1600 Section, January 19th, 2022
3.0Shawn Xu
2.0Biglow, Mathieu, Hamer, Bergeron, Jordy, Essary
1.5Wheeler, McLaughlin, Minalga-Rheault, Moore
1.0Gawboy, Stephan, Shum
0.5Briggs, L. Xu, Shah

Projected Round 4 Pairings for January 26th U1600 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 9: Mathieu vs. Shawn Xu Board 10: Bigelow vs. Bergeron Board 11: Hamer vs. Jordy Board 12: Wheeler vs. Essary Board 13: Minalga-Rheault vs. McLaughlin Board 14: Gawboy vs. Moore Board 15: Shum vs. Stephan Board 16: Briggs vs. Laura Xu Board 17: Shah vs, Ryan
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 4 on January 26th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

January 12th, 2022

Reggie Boone Memorial Premier Section, January 12th, 2022
Round 2 of 5 Results
Brett Kildahl1/2-1/2Anand Nair
Stephen Murray 1-0Ray Paulson
Jim Donahue1/2-1/2Don Ostrowski
Mike Commisso1/2-1/2Mike Manisy
Ken Gurge 1-0Larry Gladding
Tom Fratturelli 0-1Paul Lynch
Total of 6 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Dave Couture, Mike Urbonas, Andrew Jeselson,
Ritvik Pulya, Gary Brassard, Todd Tsakiris, George Mirijanian, and Michael David.

Reggie Boone Memorial Premier Section, January 12th, 2022
1.5Kildahl, Nair, Couture, Urbonas, Donahue
1.0Jeselson, Paulson, Commisso, Manisy, Pulya, Brassard, Lynch, Gurge, Tsakiris, Ostrowski
0.5Mirijanian, David
0.0Gladding, Fratturelli, (Mark Wheeler - filler)

Projected Round 3 Pairings for January 19th Premier Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
1 Brett Kildahl (1.5) Dave Couture (1.5) 2 Anand Nair (1.5) Michael Urbonas (1.5) 3 Ray Paulson (1.0) Jim Donahue (1.5) 4 Paul Lynch (1.0) Michael Commisso (1.0) 5 Mike Manisy (1.0) Todd Tsakiris (1.0) 6 Don Ostrowski (1.0) Gary Brassard (1.0) 7 Michael David (0.5) Ken Gurge (1.0) 8 Larry Gladding (0.0) Tom Fratturelli (0.0) 0 Andrew Jeselson (1.0) BYE ½ George Mirijanian (0.5) BYE 0 Ritvik Pulya (1.0) BYE ½ Stephen Murray (2.0) BYE 0 Mark Wheeler (0.0) BYE
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

January 12th, 2022

Reggie Boone Memorial U1600 Section, January 12th, 2022
Round 2 of 5 Results
Brian Biglow 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
Rene Minalga-Rheault1/2-1/2Mike Bergeron
Shawn Xu 1-0James Essary
Mark Wheeler1/2-1/2Keith Hamer
Don Briggs 0-1Jay Shum
Laura Xu 0-1Matthew Moore
Total of 6 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Bob Mathieu, Larry O'Rourke, Emily Gawboy, Raaga Pulya, and Jon Stephan.
♖ Not playing round 2 were Timothy Ryan and Vivaan Shah.
♙ John Murphy withdrew from the tournament.

Reggie Boone Memorial U1600 Section, January 12th, 2022
2.0Biglow, S. Xu
1.5Mathieu, Bergeron, Minalga-Rheault
1.0Wheeler, Hamer, O'Rourke, McLaughlin, Gawboy, Pulya, Moore, Essary, Shum
0.0Briggs, Ryan, L. Xu,Shah

Projected Round 3 Pairings for January 19th U1600 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 10: S. Xu vs. Biglow Board 11: Bergeron vs. Mathieu Board 12: Hamer vs. Minalga-Rheault Board 13: Moore vs. Wheeler Board 14: McLaughlin vs. Essary Board 15: Shum vs. Gawboy Board 16: Stephan vs. Briggs Board 17: L. Xu vs.Ryan
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 3 on January 19th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

January 5th, 2022

Reggie Boone Memorial Premire Section, January 5th, 2022
Round 1 of 5 Results
Paul Lynch 0-1Brett Kildahl
Ray Paulson 1-0Ken Gurge
Mike Urbonas 1-0George Mirijanian
Anand Nair 1-0Michael David
Don Ostrowski1/2-1/2Mike Commisso
Larry Gladding 0-1Jim Donahue
Tom Fratturelli 0-1Stephen Murray
Dave Couture 1-0Mark Wheeler (filler)
Total of 8 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Andrew Jeselson, Ritvik Pulya, Gary Brassard, and Todd Tsakiris.

Reggie Boone Memorial Premier Section, January 5th, 2022
1.0Kildahl, Paulson, Nair, Murray, Couture, Urbonas, Donahue
0.5Jeselson, Commisso, Pulya, Brassard, Tsakiris, Ostrowski
0.0Mirijanian, Gladding, Lynch, Gurge, David, Fratturelli, (Wheeler)

Projected Round 2 Pairings for January 12th Premire Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board # 1: Kildahl vs. Couture Board # 2: Murray vs. Paulson Board # 3: Urbonas vs. Nair Board # 4: Donahue vs. Jeselson Board # 5: Commisso vs. Brassard Board # 6: Tsakiris vs. Pulya Board # 7: Gladding vs. Ostrowski Board # 8: David vs. Lynch Board # 9: Gurge vs. Fratturelli
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

January 5th, 2022

Reggie Boone Memorial U1600 Section, January 5th, 2022
Round 1 of 5 Results
Matt Moore 0-1Brian Biglow
Bob Mathieu 1-0Jon Steohan
James Essary 1-0Don Briggs
Mike Bergeron 1-0Jay Shum
Timothy Ryan 0-1Shawn Xu
Hugh McLaughlin 1-0Laura Xu
Vivaan Shan 0-1Rene Minalga-Rheault
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Mark Wheeler, Keith Hamer, Larry O'Rourke, Emily Gawboy, and Raaga Pulya.

Reggie Boone Memorial U1600 Section, January 5th, 2022
1.0Biglow, Mathieu, Bergeron, S. Xu, McLaughlin, Minalga-Rheault, Essary
0.5Wheeler, Hamer, O'Rourke, Gawboy, Pulya
0.0Briggs, Moore, Stephan, Shum, Ryan, Murphy, L. Xu, Shah

Projected Round 2 Pairings for January 12th U1600 Section 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board # 10: Biglow vs. McLaughlin Board # 11: S. Xu vs. Mathieu Board # 12: Moinalga-Rheault vs.Bergeron Board # 13: Wheeler vs. Essary Board # 14: Hamer vs. Gawboy Board # 15: O'Rourke vs. Pulya Board # 16: Briggs vs. Ryan Board # 17: L. Xu vs. Moore Board # 18: Stephan vs. Murphy Board # 19: Shum vs. Shah
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 2 on January 12th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

January 4th, 2022
Ratings in effect for the Reggie Boone Memorial tournament

The next tournament at the club will be the Reggie Boone Memorial, a 5-round Swiss in two sections:
Premier (restricted to players 1600 & above) and Under 1600 & unrated.
It starts Wednesday, January 5, 2022. Players must be present before 7 p.m. on that date to confirm their entry.

  ♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚     Ratings in effect for the
George Sturgis Memorial tournament:
12156 Brett Kildahl
21981 Andrew Jeselson
31947 Ray Paulson
41935 George Mirijanian
51905 Roger Cappallo
61890 Anand Nair
71840 Mike Commisso
81803 Mike Manisy
91780 Geoff LePoer
101776 Larry Gladding
111763 Gary Brassard
121736 Stephen Murray
131711 Dave Couture
141690 Ken Gurge
151679 Todd Tsakiris
161648 Michael David
171642 Don Ostrowski
181620 Jim Donahue
191616 Tom Fratturelli
201434 Mark Wheeler
211429 Brian Biglow
221404 Don Briggs
231404 Bob Mathieu
241390 Keith Hamer
251376 Mike Bergeron
261353 George Jordy
271335 Larry O'Rourke
281332 Shawn Xu
291321 Hugh McLaughlin
301275 Mitchell Haley
311267 Emily Gawboy
321158 Matthew Moore
331052 Jon Stephan
34953 James Essary
35661 Timothy Ryan
36821 Jay Shum
37449 John Murphy
38358 Laura Xu
39100 Vivaan Shah