♛  "In the endgame I'll be one piece up or down, so there is no need to study the endgame!" -Mikhail Tal  ♛

Carissa Yip v. Irina Krush

World Top Ten:
2700chess.com for more details and full list World Top Ten Women:
2700chess.com for more details and full list

WCC News 2021 ♔

Miscellaneous News & Other Chess Events of Interest:

MACA Event Calendar of Tournaments throughout Massachusetts

NHCA Event Calendar of Tournaments throughout New Hampshire

Relyea Event Calendar of Open & Invitational Tournaments

Continental Chess Association Tournament Schedule for All States

SENECA Southeast New England Chess Association Tournament Schedule

Connecticut Chess Magazine by Rob Roy blog.

♔ US Chess upcoming Tournament Schedule for New England:
Massachusetts, ♛ New Hampshire, ♖ Rhode Island, ♝ Connecticut, ♘ MaineVermont

Metrowest Chess Club Monthly Event NEW LOCATION:
Henceforth all Metrowest Chess Club events are at our new location,
St. Paul's Episcopal Church; 39 E. Central Ave., Natick MA
See http://www.metrowestchess.org/Community/Club/Maps/Location_and_Maps.pdf for maps.
Also: The time control is now 40/90; SD/30; d5

(Formerly located at the Natick Community Center, 117 E. Central St. (Rt.135) in Natick Massachusetts.)

Billerica Chess Club weekly results are now available on this site as part of the Other Organizations section.

Ayer Chess Club at Billiards Café schedules info & results are now available on this site.

Keene, NH Chess Club events calendar

Waltham Chess Club events calendar

Boylston Chess Club events calendar

Greater Worcester Chess Club events calendar

New Britain CT Chess Club events calendar

MetroWest Chess Club events calendar

♔ ♞ Print or download a .PDF version of the Wachusett Chess Club Flyer ♘ ♚

♚ ♛ An Archive of these & earlier News Links is now available in the "Chess Online" section ♛ ♚


An unofficial but nice to have Glossary of Chess terms ♜ ♘ ♝

♚ ♔ ♚ Three books by local author FM John Curdo, 'Chess Caviar', 'More Chess Caviar' & 'Still More Chess Caviar'
all now available directly from John Curdo. Each book contains 100 of John's selected miniature games ♔ ♚ ♔

ECO code to enjoy =  B00 Fred: 1.e4 f5 
♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   Four Random Mating Patterns   ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚

Stan Talcott's Mate W

Dovetail Mate

Greco's Mate

Anastasia's Mate

December 29th, 2021

Brett Kildahl Tops 2021 Sturgis Memorial

George Sturgis Memorial, December 29th, 2021
Round 5 of 5 Results
Mike Commisso 0-1Brett Kildahl
Andrew Jeselson 1-0Stephen Murray
Larry Gladding1/2-1/2Don Ostrowski
Anand Nair 1-0Brian Biglow
Geoff LePoer 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
George Mirijanian1/2-1/2Tom Fratturelli
Gary Brassard 1-0Mike Bergeron
Ken Gurge 1-0Jay Shum
Shawn Xu 0-1Dave Couture
Don Briggs 0-1Emily Gawboy
Mark Wheeler 1-0Jon Stephan
Keith Hamer 0-1Lavanta Prasad
Timothy Ryan 0-1James Essary
Laura Xu 1-0Vivaan Shah
Total of 14 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 5 were Ray Paulson, Michael David, Matt Moore, Roger Cappallo, Mike Manisy, Todd Tsakiris, Jim Donahue, Bob Mathieu, Larry O'Rourke, Mitchell Haley, George Jordy, and John Murphy..

George Sturgis Memorial, December 29th, 2021
3.5Nair, Commisso, LePoer, Gladding, Murray, Ostrowski
3.0Brassard, Gurge
2.5Mirijanian, Paulson, David, Couture, Fratturelli, Biglow, McLaughlin, Moore
2.0Cappallo, Manisy, Tsakiris, Wheeler, Bergeron, Gawboy, S. Xu, Shum, Prasad
1.5Donahue, Mathieu, O'Rourke
1.0Briggs, Hamer, Haley, Stephan, Essary, Ryan, Jordy, L. Xu
0.0Murphy, Shan

♔ 2021 George Sturgis Memorial PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st: Brett Kildahl
2nd: Andrew Jeselson
3rd: Anand Nair, Mike Commisso
3rd/Top U1800 Geoff LePoer, Larry Gladding,
Stephen Murray, Don Ostrowski
Top U1600: Tom Fratturelli, Brian Biglow
Top U1400: Hugh McLaughlin
Top U1200: Matthew Moore

Pictures from this year's George Sturgis Memorial tournament.

Current 2020 Championship Grand Prix Standings Championship Grand Prix Archive

The next tournament at the club will be the Reggie Boone Memorial, a 5-round Swiss in two sections:
Premier (restricted to players 1600 & above) and
Under 1600 & unrated.
It starts Wednesday, January 5, 2022.
REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 1 on January 5th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

December 22th, 2021

Trio Lead Going Into Final Round

George Sturgis Memorial, December 22th, 2021
Round 4 of 5 Results
Mike Commisso 1-0Geoff LePoer
Stephen Murray 1-0George Mirijanian
Andrew Jeselson 1-0Gary Brassard
Roger Cappallo 0-1Don Ostrowski
Ken Gurge 0-1Larry Gladding
Tom Fratturelli 0-1Anand Nair
Brian Biglow 1-0Bob Mathieu
Emily Gawboy 0-1Hugh McLaughlin
Jay Shum 1-0Don Briggs
Shawn Xu 1-0Mark Wheeler
Mike Bergeron 1-0Jon Stephan
James Essary 0-1George Jordy
Vivaan Shah 0-1Timothy Ryan
Lavanya Prasad 1-0Laura Xu
Total of 14 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Brett Kildahl, Michael David, Matt Moore, Todd Tsakiris,
Dave Couture, Jim Donahue, Larry O'Rourke, and Keith Hamer.
♖ Not playing round 4 was John Murphy.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament were Ray Paulson, Roger Cappallo, Mike Manisy and Mitchell Haley.

George Sturgis Memorial, December 22th, 2021
3.5Kildahl, Commisso, Murray
3.0Jeselson, Gladding, Ostrowski
2.5(Paulson), Nair, LePoer, David, Biglow, McLaughlin, Moore
2.0Mirijanian, (Cappallo), (Manisy), Brassard, Gurge, Tsakiris, Fratturelli, Bergeron, S. Xu, Shum
1.5Couture, Donahue, Mathieu, O'Rourke
1.0Briggs, Wheeler, Hamer, Gawboy, (Haley), Stephan, Ryan, Jordy, Prasad
0.0Essary, Murphy, L. Xu, Shah

Projected Round 5 Pairings for December 29th 

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board # 1: Commisso vs. Kildahl Board # 2: Jeselson vs. Murray Board # 3: Gladding vs. Ostrowski Board # 4: Nair vs. Biglow Board # 5: LePoer vs. McLaughlin Board # 6: David vs. Moore Board # 7: Mirijanian vs. Fratturelli Board # 8: Brassard vs. Bergeron Board # 9: Gurge vs. S, Xu Board # 10: Tsakiris vs. Shum Board # 11: Mathieu vs. Couture Board # 12: Donahue vs. O'Rourke Board # 13: Briiggs vs. Stephan Board # 14: Wheeler vs. Ryan Board # 15: Hamer vs. Prasad Board # 16: Jordy vs. Gawboy Board # 17: L. Xu vs. Essary Board # 18: Murphy vs. Shah
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 5 on December 29th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

December 15th, 2021

WCC Web Site Back for Sturgis Memorial Round 3

George Sturgis Memorial, December 15th, 2021
Round 3 of 5 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0Roger Cappallo
Larry Gladding 0-1Mike Commisso
Gary Brassard1/2-1/2Ken Gurge
Todd Tsakiris 0-1Stephen Murray
Hugh McLaughlin 0-1Andrew Jeselson
Dave Couture 0-1Tom Fratturelli
Mark Wheeler 0-1Michael David
Matthew Moore 1-0Jim Donahue
Don Ostrowski 1-0Jay Shum
Jon Stephan 0-1Anand Nair
Bob Mathieu 1-0Keith Hamer
Timothy Ryan 0-1Mike Bergeron
Larry O'Rourke 1-0James Essary
John Murphy 0-1Emily Gawboy
Total of 14 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Ray Paulson Geoff LePoer, George Mirijanian, Mike Manisy, Brian Biglow,
Don Briggs, Mitchell Haley, Shawn Xu, and Laura Xu.

George Sturgis Memorial, December 15th, 2021
2.5Paulson, Commisso, LePoer, Murray
2.0Jeselson, Mirijanian, Cappallo, Manisy, Gladding, Brassard, David, Gurge, Ostrowski, Fratturelli, Moore
1.5Nair, Tsakiris, Mathieu, Biglow, McLaughlin
1.0Couture, Donahue, Briggs, Wheeler, Bergeron, O'Rourke, Gawboy, Haley, S. Xu, Stephan, Shum
0.0Essary, Ryan, Murphy, L. Xu

Projected Round 4 Pairings for December 22th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Projected pairings list eventually goes here.
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 4 on December 22th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

December 8th, 2021

George Sturgis Memorial - Round 2

George Sturgis Memorial, December 8th, 2021
Round 2 of 5 Results
Michael David 0-1Brett Kildahl
Ray Paulson 1-0Dave Couture
Jim Donahue 0-1Roger Cappallo
Mike Commisso1/2-1/2Ken Gurge
Geoff LePoer 1-0Don Ostrowski
Tom Fratturelli 0-1Larry Gladding
George Mirijanian 1-0Mark Wheeler
Anand Nair 0-1Todd Tsakiris
Don Briggs 0-1Gary Brassard
Stephen Murray 1-0Bob Mathieu
Mike Bergeron 0-1Hugh McLaughlin
James Essary 0-1Brian Biglow
Jay Shum 1-0Larry O'Rourke
Emily Gawboy 0-1Jan Stephan
Matthew Moore 1-0Tim Ryan
Total of 15 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Mike Manisy, Vihaan Jain, Matt Bedgeron,
Keith Hamer, Mitchell Haley, and Shawn Xu,
♖ Not playing round 2 & not receiving byes were John Xu and Laura Xu.
♙ Mike Urbonas was withdrawn from the tournament.

George Sturgis Memorial, December 8th, 2021
2.0Kildahl, Paulson, Cappallo, LePoer, Gladding
1.5Mirijanian, Commisso, Manisy, Brassard, Murray, Gurge, Tsakiris, McLaughlin
1.0Jain, Couture, David, Donahue, Ostrowski, Fratturelli, Wheeler, Matt Bergeron, Biglow, Moore, Stephan, Shum
0.5Nair, Briggs, Hamer, Mathieu, Haley, S, Xu
0.0Mike Bergeron, O'Rourke, Gawboy, Essary, Ryan, Murphy, L. Xu

Projected Round 3 Pairings for December 15th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Kildahl vs. Paulson Board 2: Cappallo vs. LePoer Board 3: Gladding vs. Mirijanian Board 4: Tsakiris vs. Commisso Boiard 5: Gurge vs. Manisy Board 6: Brassard vs. Murray Board 7: McLaughlin vs. Jain Board 8: Couture vs. Matt Bergeron Board 9: Wheeler vs. David Board 10: Biglow vs. Donahue Board 11: Ostrowski vs. Moore Board 12: Shum vs. Fratturelli Board 13: Stephan vs. Nair Board 14: Mathieu vs. Briggs Board 15: Hamer vs. Haley Board 16: S. Xu vs. Mike Bergeron Board 17: O'Rourke vs. Ryan Board 18: Murphy vs. Gawboy Board 19: Essary vs. L. Xu
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 3 on December 15th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

December 1st, 2021

5 Round Sturgis Tournament Opens at WCC

George Sturgis Memorial, December 1st, 2021
Round 1 of 5 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0Keith Hamer
Brian Biglow 0-1Ray Paulson
Roger Cappallo 1-0Mike Bergeron
Larry O'Rourke 0-1Mike Commisso
Michael Manisy 1-0Emily Gawboy
Mitchell Haley 0-1Geoff LePoer
Larry Gladding 1-0Shawn Xu
Hugh McLaughlin1/2-1/2Stephen Murray
Dave Couture 1-0Matthew Moore
Jon Stephan 0-1Michael David
Ken Gurge 1-0James Essary
Timothy Ryan 0-1Jim Donahue
Don Ostrowski 1-0John Murphy
Laura Xu 0-1Tom Fratturelli
Mark Wheeler 1-0Jay Shum
Total of 15 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were George Mirijanian, Vihaan Jain, Anand Nair, Gary Brassard, Mike Urbonas,
Todd Tsakiris, Don Briggs, Matt Bergeron, and Bob Mathieu.
♖ Not playing round 1 was & not receiving a bye was Alex Deschenes.

George Sturgis Memorial, December 1st, 2021
1.0Kildahl, Paulson, Cappallo, Commisso, Mansiy, LePoer, Gladding, Couture, David, Gurge, Donahue, Ostrowski, Fratturelli,
0.5Mirijanian, Jain, Nair, Brassard, Murray, Urbonas, Tsakiris, Briggs, Matt Bergeron, Mathieu, McLaughlin, Densmore
0.0Hamer, Biglow, Mike Bergeron, O'Rourke, Gawboy, Haley, S. Xu, Moore, Stephan Essary, Ryan, Deschenes, Murphy, L. Xu,

Projected Round 2 Pairings for December 8th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Board 1: Couture vs. Kildahl Board 2: Paulson vs. Gurge Board 3: David vs. Cappallo Board 4: Commisso vs. Ostrowski Board 5: Donahue vs. Manisy Board 6: LePoer vs. Wheeler Board 7: Fratturelli vs. Gladding Board 8: Mirijanian vs. Tsakiris Board 9: Briggs vs. Jain Board 10: Nair vs. Matt Bergeron Board 11: Mathieu vs. Brassard Board 12: Murray vs. Densmore Board 13: Urbonas vs. McLaughlin Board 14: Essary vs. Biglow Board 15: Mike Bergeron vs. Stephan Board 16: Deschenes vs. O'Rourke Board 17: Gawboy vs. Ryan Board 18: Murphy vs. Haley Board 19: S. Xu vs. L. Xu (to be changed) Board 20: Moore vs. Shum
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 2 on December 8th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

Additional material coming soon, stay tuned...

November 3rd, 2021

Unexpected Results Continue
in Curdo Open Section

John A. Curdo Commemoration,
Open Section, November 3rd, 2021
Round 2 of 4 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0Larry Gladding
Roger Cappallo 0-1Vihaan Jain
Michael David 0-1George Mirijanian
Anand Nair 1-0Jim Donahue
Mike Commisso 1-0Ray Paulson
Michael Manisy 0-1Ken Gurge
Gary Brassard 1-0Mike Urbonas
Todd Tsakiris1/2-1/2Dave Couture
Don Ostrowski 0-1Stephen Murray
Total of 9 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 2 were Geoff LePoer and Ralph McNeilage.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament were Rob King, Paul Godin, and Andrew Jeselson.

John A. Curdo Commemoration,
Open Section, November 3rd, 2021
2.0Kildahl, Mirijanian, Nair, Jain
1.5Commisso, Gurge
1.0Cappallo, Gladding, Brassard, Murray, David, Donahue
0.5Couture, Tsakiris
0.0Paulson, Manisy, LePoer, McNeilage, Urbonas, Ostrowski

Projected Round 3 Pairings for November 10th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Nair vs. Kildahl Jain vs. Mirijanian Cappallo vs. Commisso Gurge vs. Brassard Gladding vs. David Donahue vs. Murray Couture vs. Paulson Tsakiris vs. LePoer Urbonas vs. Manisy McNeilage vs. Ostrowski
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

November 3rd, 2021

John A. Curdo Commemoration,
U1600 Section, November 3rd, 2021
Round 2 of 4 Results
Tom Fratturelli1/2-1/2Brian Biglow
Keith Hamer 1-0Matthew Bergeron
Hugh McLaughlin 0-1Mark Wheeler
Michael Bergeron 1-0Mitchell Haley
Don Briggs1/2-1/2Matt Moore
Jon Stephan 0-1Larry O'Rourke
Bob Mathieu 1-0John Murphy
Emily Gawboy 1-0Timothy Ryan
Alex Deschenes 0-1Rene Minalga-Rheault
Total of 9 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 2 were James Essary and Mike Densmore.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament were John Bastarache, Kevin Perera, and Raaga Pulya.

John A. Curdo Commemoration,
U1600 Section, November 3rd, 2021
2.0Wheeler, Mike Bergeron, Hamer
1.5Fratturelli, Biglow
1.0Matt Bergeron, O'Rourke, Mathieu, Haley, Gawboy, McLaughlin, Minalga-Rheault
0.5Briggs, Moore
0.0Stephan, Essary, Deschenes, Murphy, Densmore, Ryan

Projected Round 3 Pairings for November 10th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Wheeler vs. Hamer O'Rourke vs. Fratturelli Biglow vs. Mathieu Haley vs. Mclaughlin Minalga-Rheault v s. Gawboy Stephan vs. Briggs Moore vs. Essary Murphy vs. Densmore Ryan vs. Deschenes
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♗ Not playing Round 3 will be Mike and Matt Bergeron.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 3 on November 10th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

October 29th 2021
2021 - 2022 US Chess Rules Rulebook Changes COMPILED BY TIM JUST

Since the publication of the 7th edition of the US Chess rulebook,
changes have been made in US Chess rules.
Below is the link to a collection of those changes. Any additions or corrections can be sent to US Chess.
Summary of 2021 - 2022 US Chess Rules Changes
-Larry Gladding

October 27th, 2021

WCC Starts Season with John Curdo Tournament

John A. Curdo Commemoration, Open Section, October 27th, 2021
Round 1 of 4 Results
Dave Couture 0-1Brett Kildahl
Ray Paulson 0-1Vihaan Jain
Stephen Murray 0-1Roger Cappallo
George Mirijanian 1-0Todd Tsakiris
Michael Urbonas 0-1Anand Nair
Michael Manisy 0-1Michael David
Ken Gurge1/2-1/2Mike Commisso
Geoff LePoer 0-1Jim Donahue
Don Ostrowski 0-1Larry Gladding
Total of 9 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing round 1 were Rob King, Paul Godin, Andrew Jeselson, Ralph McNeilage, and Gary Brassard.

John A. Curdo Commemoration, Open Section, October 27th, 2021
1.0Kildahl, Cappallo, Mirijanian, Nair, Gladding, Jain, David, Donahue
0.5Commisso, Gurge
0.0King, Paulson, Godin Jeselson, Manisy, LePoer, McNeilage, Brassard, Couture, Murray, Tsakiris, Urbonas, Ostrowski

Projected Round 2 Pairings, Open Section for November 3rd:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Kildahl vs. Gladding Cappallo vs. Jain David vs. Mirijanian Nair vs. Donahue Commisso vs. Paulson Manisy vs. Gurge Tsakiris vs. LePoer McNeilage vs. Murray Brassard vs. Urbonas Ostrowski vs. Couture
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

October 27th, 2021

John A. Curdo Commemoration, U1600 Section

John A. Curdo Commemoration, U1600 Section, October 27th, 2021
Round 1 of 4 Results
Mike Densmore 0-1Tom Fratturelli
Matt Bergeron 1-0Emily Gawboy
Larry O'Rourke 0-1Hugh McLaughlin
Matt Moore 0-1Mike Bergeron
Brian Biglow 1-0Jon Stephan
James Essary 0-1Keith Hamer
Mitchell Haley 1-0Alex Deschenes
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♜ Issued a "tournament bye" was Mark Wheeler.
♖ Not playing round 1 were John Bastarache, Bob Mathieu, Kevin Perera, Raaga Pulya, Rene Minalga-Rheault, and John Murphy.

John A. Curdo Commemoration, U1600 Section, October 27th, 2021
1.0Fratturelli, Matt Bergeron, Mark Wheeler, Mike Bergeron, Biglow, Hamer, Haley, McLaughlin
0.0Bastarache, O'Rourke, Mathieu, Perera, Gawboy, Pulya, Minalga-Rheault, Moore, Stephan, Essary, Murphy, Deschenes,

Projected Round 2 Pairings U1600 Section for November 3rd:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Fratturelli vs. Biglow Hamer vs. Matt Bergeron McLaughlin vs. Wheeler Mike Bergeron vs. Haley Stephan vs. O'Rourke Mathieu vs. Essary Gawboy vs. Murphy Minalga-Rheault vs. Densmore Deschenes vs. Moore
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 2 on November 3rd
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

October 21th 2021
John A. Curdo Commemoration Tournament
Starts Wednesday, October 27 at the club

An event honoring New England living legend John Curdo will be held in rooms 142 and 143, starting next week.
This special tournament will celebrate the 90th birthday of 17-time Massachusetts state champion John A. Curdo and will have a $400 total prize fund.
Prizes are guaranteed:
OPEN: $100 1st, $60 2nd, $40 top U2000, $30 top U1800,
UNDER 1600 SECTION: $80 1st, $40 2nd, $30 top U1400, $20 top U1200.

All participants must be paid-up members of the Wachusett Chess Club: $20 annual club dues.
No tournament entry fee for paid-up members. Only requirement: full club membership.
Registration for the tournament on Wednesday, October 27,
starts at 6:15 p.m. and ends at 6:45 p.m.
Early registration is highly recommended.
The tournament is a 4-round Swiss, ending November 17, three days after Curdo's birthday.
-George M.

October 20th, 2021

Ray Paulson Wins 2021 Wachusett CC Championship

WCC 'A' Championship, October 20th, 2021
Round 7 of 7 Results
Gary Brassard 0-1Ray Paulson
Roger Cappallo 1-0Ralph McNeilage
Mike Commisso 0-1Stephen Murray
Dave Couture 0-1Larry Gladding
Total of 4 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

WCC 'A' Championship, October 20th, 2021
4.0Murray, Gladding

♔ 2021 WCC 'A' Championship PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st: Ray Paulson of Lowell
2nd: Roger Cappallo of Groton
3rd-4th: Stephen Murray, of Ayer, and Larry Gladding, of Leominster

Pictures from this year's WCC 'A' Championship tournament.

Current 2020 Championship Grand Prix Standings Championship Grand Prix Archive

October 20th, 2021

Brett Kildahl Wins 2021 WCC 'B' Section by Two Full Points!
Jim Donahue Captures 'B' Championship Title!

WCC 'B' Championship, October 20th, 2021
Round 7 of 7 Results
George Mirijanian 0-1Brett Kildahl
Vihaan Jain1/2-1/2Jim Donahue
Mitchell Haley 0-1Anand Nair
Don Ostrowski1/2-1/2Michael David
Todd Tsakiris 1-0Ken Gurge
Mark Wheeler 1-0Keith Hamer
Mike Bergeron 0-1Mike Manisy
Kevin Perera 1-0Tom Fratturelli
Emily Gawboy 0-1Larry O'Rourke
Brian Biglow 0-1Rene Minalga-Rheault
James Essary 0-1Jon Stephan
Total of 11 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♖ Not playing Round 7 were Rob King, Geoff LePoer, Paul Godin, Andrew Jeselson,
Bob Mathieu, Raaga Pulya, Matt Moore, Don Briggs, Alex Descchenes, John Murphy,
Hugh McLaughlin, Mike Densnore, John Bastarache, Alan Condon, and Roland Booker.

WCC 'B' Championship, October 20th, 2021
4.5King, Nair, Tsakiris, Jain, Donahue (champion)
4.0Mirijanian, LePoer, David, Ostrowski, Wheeler
3.5Godin, Jeselson, Manisy, Gurge, Perera, Minalga-Rheault, Haley
3.0Hamer, O'Rourke, Bergeron
2.5Fratturelli, Mathieu, Gawboy, Pulya,
2.0Biglow, Moore, Stephan
1.5Briggs, Deschenes
1.0Murphy, McLaughlin, Essary, Densmore
0.0Condon, Booker

♔ 2021 WCC 'B' Championship PRIZE WINNERS ♔
1st: Brett Kildahl, of Worcester
2nd-6th: Rob King, of Framingham, Anand Nair, of Ashland
Todd Tsakiris, of Acton, Vihaan Jain, of Acton,
Jim Donahue (champion), of Stow

A total of 5 players
gained 50 or more rating points:
The following players had
a rating increase of
50 or more points:
Mitchell Haley 1313P14 + 270
Stephen Murray 1722 + 107
Kevin Perera 1355 + 106
Mike Bergeron 1407 + 58
Mike Densmore 746 + 56
A total of 5 players
reached new all time highs:
The following players achieved
a new all-time high rating:
Stephen Murray 172Z
Mike Bergeron 1407
Kevin Perera 1355
Mitchell Haley 1313P14
Matt Moore 1033

  ♟   ♔   ♛   ♖   ♝   ♘   ♞   ♗   ♜   ♕   ♚     ♙ Rating gains & losses from 2021 WCC Championship:
'A' Championship
1Ray Paulson 1985 +21
2Roger Cappallo 1956 +16
3Larry Gladding 1773 +34
4Stephen Murray 1722 +107
5Mike Commisso 1801 +3
6Dave Couture 1736 +12
7Ralph McNeilage 1777 -58
8Gary Brassard 1749 -83
'B' Championship
10Brett Kildahl 2144 +3
11Rob King 2206 +2
12Anand Nair 1859 -2
13Vihaan Jain 1732 -2
14Todd Tsakiris 1717 -3
15Jim Donahue 1659 +31
16George Mirijanian 1950 -5
17Geoff LePoer 1794 +20
18Michael David 1700 -39
19Don Ostrowski 1614 -6
20Mark Wheeler 1455 +38
21Paul Godin 1970 (no change)
22Mike Manisy 1846 -10
23Ken Gurge 1670 -9
24Kevin Perera 1355 +106
25Mitchell Haley 1313P14 +270
26Rene Minalga-Rheault 1154 +4
27Andrew Jeselson 1970 +7
28Larry O'Rourke 1413 -63
29Mike Bergeron 1407 +58
30Keith Hamer 1373 -7
31Tom Fratturelli 1582 -93
32Bob Mathieu 1400 -6
33Emily Gawboy 1224 +25
34Raaga Pulya 1208 +28
35Brian Biglow 1400 (no change)
36Matt Moore 1033 +25
37Jon Stephan 960 +1
38Don Briggs 1540 -4
39Alex Deschenes 772P1 (first rating)
40Hugh McLaughlin 1201 -32
41Jim Essary 951 -34
42John Murphy 772P2 (first rating)
43Mike Densmore 746 +56
44John Bastarache 1440 -17
45Alan Condon 1630 -34
46Roland Booker 1600 (no change)

Pictures from this year's WCC 'B' Championship tournament.

Current 2020 Championship Grand Prix Standings Championship Grand Prix Archive

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 1 on October 27th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

October 17th 2021
Yip Wins 2021 US Women's Championship!

Sun 10/17/2021 5:19 PM
Carissa won her fifth game in a row in round 10. Moments later Thalia Cervates Landeiro claimed a draw by repetition with Irina Krish which secured the championship for Carissa!
-Mike Commisso

October 13th, 2021

Paulson Maintains 1/2 Point Lead Into Final

WCC 'A' Championship, October 13th, 2021
Round 6 of 7 Results
Ralph McNeilage 0-1Ray Paulson
Roger Cappallo 1-0Gary Brassard
Larry Gladding 0-1Mike Commisso
Stephen Murray 0-1Dave Couture
Total of 4 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

WCC 'A' Championship, October 13th, 2021
3.0Gladding, Couture, Murray

Projected Round 7 Pairings for October 20th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Brassard vs. Paulson Cappallo vs. McNeilage Commisso vs. Murray Couture vs. Gladding
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

October 13th, 2021

Kildahl Leads 'B' Championship
By Full Point, One Round To Go

WCC 'B' Championship, October 13th, 2021
Round 6 of 7 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0Jim Donahue
Anand Nair 0-1Vihaan Jain
Michael David1/2-1/2Geoff LePoer
Ken Gurge1/2-1/2Don Ostrowski
Paul Godin 1-0Emily Gawboy
Tom Fratturelli 0-1Mitchell Haley
Keith Hamer 1-0Larry O'Rourke
Matt Moore 0-1Mark Wheeler
Brian Biglow 0-1Mike Bergeron
Rene Minalga-Rheault 1-0John Murphy
Jon Stephan 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
Total of 11 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-poijnt byes were Rob King, George Mirijanian, Todd Tsakiris,
Bob Mathieu, Kevin Perera, and Alex Deschenes.
♖ Not receiving byes were Mike Manisy, and Mike Densmore.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament were Andrew Jeselson, Raaga Pulya, Don Briggs,
John Bastarache, Alan Condon, and Roland Booker.

WCC 'B' Championship, October 13th, 2021
4.0Mirijanian, LePoer, Jain, Donahue
3.5(Jeselson), Nair, Godin, David, Tsakiris, Gurge, Ostrowski, Haley
3.0Wheeler, Hamer, Bergeron
2.5Manisy, Fratturelli, Mathieu, Gawboy, Pulya, Perera, Minalga-Rheault
2.0O'Rourke, Biglow, Moore
1.5(Briggs), Deschenes
1.0Murphy, McLaughlin, Stephan, Densmore
0.0(Condon), (Booker)

Projected Round 7 Pairings for October 20th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Kildahl vs. King Mirijanian vs. Jain LePoer vs. Donahue Tsakiris vs. Godin Nair vs. Gurge Ostrowski vs. David Haley vs. Wheeler Bergeron vs. Hamer Manisy vs. Minalga-Rheault Perera vs. Fratturelli Gawboy vs. Mathieu Biglow vs. O'Roourke Deschenes vs. Moore Murphy vs. Stephan McLaughlin vs. Densmore
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 7 on October 20th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

October 6th, 2021

Ray Paulson Leads 'A' Championship with 2 Rounds to go

WCC 'A' Championship, October 6th, 2021
Round 5 of 7 Results
Stephen Murray 0-1Roger Cappallo
Ray Paulson 1-0Dave Couture
Gary Brassard 0-1Larry Gladding
Mike Commisso 1-0Ralph McNeilage
Total of 4 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

WCC 'A' Championship, October 6th, 2021
3.0Gladding, Murray

Projected Round 6 Pairings for October 13th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
McNeilage vs. Paulson Cappallo vs. Brassard Gladding vs. Commisso Murray vs. Couture
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

October 6th, 2021

Brett Kildahl Tops 'B' Championship after 5 Rounds

WCC 'B' Championship, October 6th, 2021
Round 5 of 7 Results
Ken Gurge 0-1Brett Kildahl
Geoff LePoer 1-0Anand Nair
Jim Donahue 1-0Tom Fratturelli
Mitchell Haley 0-1Michael David
Mark Wheeler 0-1Todd Tsakiris
Vihaan Jain 1-0Bob Mathieu
Don Ostrowski 1-0Brian Biglow
Larry O'Rourke1/2-1/2Matt Moore
Emily Gawboy 1-0Rene Minalga-Rheault
John Murphy 0-1Keith Hamer
Hugh McLaughlin 0-1Mike Bergeron
Mike Densmore 1-0Joh Stephan
Total of 12 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Rob King, Andrew Jeselson, George Mirijanian,
Mike Manisy, and Kevin Perera.
♖ Not playing round 5 & not receiving byes were:
Raaga Pulya, Paul Godin, Don Briggs and Alex Deschenes.
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament are John Bastarache, Alan Condon, and Roland Booker.

WCC 'B' Championship, October 6th, 2021
4.0King, Donahue
3.5Jeselson, Mirijanian, Nair, LePoer
3.0David, Tsakiris, Jain, Gurge, Ostrowski
2.5Manisy, Fraturelli, Gawboy, Pulya, Haley
2.0O'Rourke, Wheeler, Mathieu, Biglow, Hamer, Bergeron, Perera, Moore
1.5Godin, Briggs, Minalga-Rheault
1.0Murphy, McLaughlin, Densmore, Deschenes
0.0(Condon), (Booker), Stephan

Projected Round 6 Pairings for October 13th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Kildahl vs. King Mirijanian vs. Donahue Nair vs. Tsakiris David vs. LePoer Gurge vs. Jain Manisy vs. Ostrowski Fratturelli vs. Haley Biglow vs. Gawboy Hamer vs. O'Rourke Bergeron vs. Wheeler Moore vs. Mathieu Minalga-Rheault vs. Murphy Deschenes vs. Densmore Stephan vs. McLaughlin
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 6 on October 13th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

September 29th, 2021

Paulson & Murray Top 'A' Standings After 4

WCC 'A' Championship, September 29th, 2021
Round 4 of 7 Results
Ray Paulson 0-1Roger Cappallo
Larry Gladding 0-1Stephen Murray
Dave Couture 1-0Mike Commisso
Ralph McNeilage1/2-1/2Gary Brassard
Total of 4 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

WCC 'A' Championship, September 29th, 2021
3.0Paulson, Murray
2.0Gladding, Couture
1.5McNeilage, Commisso

Projected Round 5 Pairings for October 6th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Murray vs. Cappallo Paulson vs. Couture Brassard vs. Gladding Commisso vs. McNeilage
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

September 29th, 2021

K vs K match set for Round 5 'B'

WCC 'B' Championship, September 29th, 2021
Round 4 of 7 Results
Brett Kildahl 1-0Mitchell Haley
Mike Manisy 0-1Anand Nair
Jim Donahue 1-0Michael David
Mark Wheeler 0-1Ken Gurge
Brian Biglow 0-1Geoff LePoer
Tom Fratturelli 1-0Emily Gawboy
Todd Tsakiris 1-0Kevin Perera
Mike Bergeron 0-1Vihaan Jain
Keith Hamer 0-1Don Ostrowski
Bob Mathieu 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
Rene Minalga-Rheault 1-0Alex Deschenes
Matt Moore 1-0Stephan
Total of 12 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Rob King, Andrew Jeselson, George Mirijanian,
Raaga Pulya, Don Briggs, and Larry O'Rourke.
♖ Not receiving byes were Paul Godin and Mike Densmore
♙ Already withdrawn from the tournament were John Bastarache,
Alan Condon, and Roland Booker.

WCC 'B' Championship, September 29th, 2021
3.5King, Kildahl, Nair
3.0Jeselson, Mirijanian, Gurge, Donahue
2.5LePoer, Fratturelli, Pulya, Haley
2.0Manisy, David, Tsakiris, Jain, Ostrowski, Wheeler, Mathieu, Biglow
1.5Godin, Briggs, O'Rourke, Gawboy, Perera, Minalga-Rheault, Moore
1.0Hamer, Bergeron, McLaughlin, Deschenes
0.0(Condon), (Booker), Stephan, Densmore.

Projected Round 5 Pairings for October 6th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Kildahl vs. King Nair vs. Jeselson Mirijanian vs. Donahue Gurge vs. LePoer Pulya vs. Fratturelli Haley vs. Manisy David vs. Wheeler Ostrowski vs. Tsakiris Jain vs. Mathieu Godin vs. Biglow Briggs vs. Minalga-Rheault Gawboy vs. O'Rourke Hamer vs. Moore McLaughlin vs. Bergeron Densmore vs. Stephan
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♗ Requesting a half-point bye for Round 5 are Perera and Deschenes.

REMINDER: Players must be present in Room 142 by 7:00 P.M.
in order to be paired for Round 5 on October 6th
Players running late who wish to be paired MUST CALL BEFORE 7 P.M.

September 22nd, 2021

Former Two Time Champ Leads After 3

WCC 'A' Championship, September 22nd, 2021
Round 3 of 7 Results
Stephen Murray 0-1Ray Paulson
Larry Gladding 1-0Ralph McNeilage
Roger Cappallo 1-0Dave Couture
Gary Brassard 0-1Mike Commisso
Total of 4 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

WCC 'A' Championship, September 22nd, 2021
2.0Gladding, Murray
1.5Cappallo, Commisso
1.0McNeilage, Couture

Projected Round 4 Pairings for September 29th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Paulson vs. Cappallo Gladding vs. Murray Couture vs. Commisso McNeilage vs. Brassard
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

September 22nd, 2021

NM Rob King Tops 'B' Championship After 3 Rounds

WCC 'B' Championship, September 22nd, 2021
Round 3 of 7 Results
Rob King 1-0Brian Biglow
Anand Nair1/2-1/2Brett Kildahl
Kevin Perera 0-1George Mirijanian
Mitchell Haley 1-0Todd Tsakiris
Michael David 1-0Keith Hamer
Vihaan Jain 0-1Mark Wheeler
Mie Bergeron 0-1Ken Gurge
Hugh McLaughlin 0-1Jim Donahue
Tom Fratturelli 1-0Rene Minalga-Rheault
Emily Gawboy 1-0Matt Moore
Don Ostrowski 1-0Jon Stephan
Larry O'Rourke 1-0Mike Densmore
Total of 12 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Andrew Jeselson, Mike Manisy, Raaga Pulya,
Paul Godin, Geoff LePoer, Don Briggs, and Bob Mathieu.
♖ Godin will be paired next round if he wishes to play.
♙ Withdrawn from the championship are Alan Condon, Roland Booker, and John Bastarache.

WCC 'B' Championship, September 22nd, 2021
2.5Kildahl, Jeselson, Mirijanian, Nair, Haley
2.0Manisy, David, Gurge, Donahue, Wheeler, Biglow, Pulya
1.5Godin, LePoer, Frattreulli, Gawboy, Perera
1.0Tsakiris, Jain, Ostrowski, Briggs, O'Rourke, Mathieu,Hamer, Bergeron, McLaughlin
0.5(Bastarache), Minalga-Rheault, Moore
0.0(Condon),(Booker), Stephan, Densmore

Projected Round 4 Pairings for September 29th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Kildahl vs. King Jeselson vs. Nair Mirijanian vs. Haley Donahue vs. Manisy Wheeler vs. David Gurge vs. Biglow Pulya vs. LePoer Fratturelli vs. Gawboy Tsairis vs. Perera Mathieu vs. Jain Hamer vs. Ostrowski Briggs vs. McLaughlin Bergeron vs. O'Rourke Minalga-Rheault vs. Moore Densmore vs. Stephan
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

NO LATER THAN 7 P.M. in order to be paired for Round 4 on September 29th.
MUST CALL 978-881-8728 BEFORE 7 P.M.

September 15th, 2021

3 Non-Upset Upsets in "A" Championship Rd 2

WCC 'A' Championship, September 15th, 2021
Round 2 of 7 Results
Ray Paulson 1-0Larry Gladding
Ralph McNeilage 0-1Stephen Murray
Mike Commisso1/2-1/2Roger Cappallo
Dave Couture 1-0Gary Brassard
Total of 4 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

WCC 'A' Championship, September 15th, 2021
2.0Paulson, Murray
1.0McNeilage, Gladding, Couture
0.5Cappallo, Commisso

Projected Round 3 Pairings for September 22nd:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Murray vs. Paulson Gladding vs. McNeilage Cappallo vs. Couture Brassard vs. Commisso
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

September 15th, 2021

King, Kildahl, Jeselson, Nair, & Biglow Lead WCC "B" After 2

WCC 'B' Championship, September 15th, 2021
Round 2 of 7 Results
Todd Tsakiris 0-1Rob King
Brett Kildahl 1-0Vihaan Jain
Ken Gurge 0-1Andrew Jeselson
Jim Donahue 0-1Anand Nair
Brian Biglow 1-0Tom Fratturelli
Bob Mathieu 0-1Kevin Perera
Rene Minalga-Rheault 0-1Raaga Pulya
Matt Moore 0-1Michael David
Don Ostrowski 0-1Mike Bergeron
Hugh McLaughlin 1-0Larry O'Rourke
John Bastarache1/2-1/2Emily Gawboy
Jon Stephan 0-1Mark Wheeler
Total of 12 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were George Mirijanian, Mike Manisy, Mitchell Haley,
Paul Godin, Geoff LePoer, and Don Briggs.
Declining a bye was Mike Densmore..
♙ Withdrawn from the tournament were Alan Condon and Roland Booker..

WCC 'B' Championship, September 15th, 2021
2.0King, Kildahl, Jeselson, Nair, Biglow
1.5Mirijanian, Manisy, Pulya, Perera, Haley
1.0Godin, LePoer, David, Tsakiris, Jain, Gurge, Donahue, Wheeler, Bergeron, McLaughlin
0.5Fratturelli, Briggs, Bastarache, Mathieu, Gawboy, Minalga-Rheault, Moore
0.0(Condon), Ostrowski, (Booker), O'Rourke, Stephan, Densmore

Projected Round 3 Pairings for September 22nd:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
King vs. Jeselson Nair vs. Kildahl Mirijanian vs. Biglow Perera vs. Manisy Pulya vs. Haley Jain vs. LePoer David vs. Donahue Wheeler vs. Tsakiris Bergeron vs. Gurge Fratturelli vs. McLaughln Briggs vs. Moore Bastarache vs. Minalga-Rheault Gawboy vs. Mathieu Ostrowski vs. Stephan O'Rourke vs. Densmore
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

NO LATER THAN 7 P.M. in order to be paired for Round 3 on September 22nd.
MUST CALL 978-881-8728 BEFORE 7 P.M.

September 8th, 2021

A Snack for Black as
2021 WCC Championship Gets Underway

WCC 'A' Championship, September 8th, 2021
Round 1 of 7 Results
Mike Commisso 0-1Ray Paulson
Roger Cappallo 0-1Larry Gladding
Dave Couture 0-1Ralph McNeilage
Gary Brassard 0-1Stephen Murray
Total of 4 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

WCC 'A' Championship, September 8th, 2021
1.0Paulson, McNeilage,Gadding, Murray
0..0Cappallo,Brassard, Commisso, Couture

Projected Round 2 Pairings for September 15th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Paulson vs. Gladding McNeilage vs. Murray Commisso vs. Cappallo Couture vs. Brassard
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

September 8th, 2021

2021 WCC "B" Championship Opens

WCC 'B' Championship, September 8th, 2021
Round 1 of 7 Results
Robert King 1-0Don Ostrowski
Roland Booker 0-1Brett Kildahl
Andrew Jeselson 1-0Don Briggs
Larry O'Rourke 0-1George Mirijanian
Anand Nair 1-0John Basttarache
Mark Wheeler 0-1Michael Manisy
Michael David 0-1Brian Biglow
Mike Bergeron 0-1Todd Tsakiris
Vihaan Jain 1-0Hugh McLaughlin
Emily Gawboy 0-1Ken Gurge
Alan Condon 0-1Mitchell Haley
Jon Stephan 0-1Jim Donahue
Total of 12 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws ().

♝ Receiving half-point byes were Paul Godin, Geiff LePoer, Mariano Rivera,
Bob Mathieu, Raaga Pulya, and Kevin Perera.
♖ Players who missed the first round can still enter the tournament and may receive a retroactive bye, if requested, for Round 1.

WCC 'B' Championship, September 8th, 2021
1.0King, Kildahl, Jeselson, Mirijanian, Nair, Manisy, Tsakiris, Jain, Gurge, Donahue, Biglow, Haley
0.5Godin, LePoer, Rivera, Mathieu, Pulya, Perera
0.0David, Condon, Ostrowski, Booker, Briggs, O'Rourke, Bastarache, Wheeler, Bergeron, McLaughlin, Gawboy, Stephan

Projected Round 2 Pairings for September 15th:

Board #: [White] vs. [Black]
Tsakiris vs. King Kildahl vs. Jain Gurge vs. Jeselson Mirijanian vs. Donahue Biglow vs. Nair Haley vs. Godin LePoer vs. Pulya Rivera vs. Perera Bastarache vs. David Wheeler vs. Condon Ostrowski vs. Bergeron McLaughlin vs. Booker Briggs vs. Gawboy Sephan vs. O'Rourke
Note: Projected pairings & colors are only estimates. Official pairings are posted at the beginning of each round.

♗ Requesting a half-point bye for Round 2 is Manisy.
♙ The Wachusett Chess Club welcomes Anand Nair, Todd Tsakiris, Mike Bergeron,
Vihaan Jain, Mitchell Haley, & Jon Stephan. Also Michael Manisy, is returning after a hiatus.

NO LATER THAN 7 P.M. in order to be paired for Round 2 on September 15th.
MUST CALL 978-881-8728 BEFORE 7 P.M.

June 26th 2021
King is King at 2021 Summer Festival Swiss

Rob King scored 5 points out of a possible 5 to win the Summer Festival ("Kesajuhla") Swiss, aka Evert Siiskonen Memorial, on Sunday, June 20, at Saima Park in Fitchburg.
The 2011 Wachusett Chess Club champion topped the field by defeating in succession: Tom Fratturelli, Geoff LePoer, Roger Cappallo, Mike Commisso & Mariano Riviera.

Event: 		Summer Festival (Kesajuhla) SWISS 2021
Location: 	Saima Park, Fitchburg, MA
Event Date: 	2021-06-20
Chief TD: 	George Mirijanian
Time Control: G/15 d5

 Pair | Player Name         Rating  | Round | Round | Round | Round | Round | Total |
 Num  |                             |  1    |  2    |  3    |  4    |  5    |       |
   1  | Rob King            2204    |  W19  |  W7   |  W5   |  W6   |  W3   |  5.0  | 1st 🐔
   2  | Andrew Jeselson     1964    |  L9   |  W15  |  W17  |  W7   |  W4   |  4.0  | 2nd
   3  | Mariano Riviera     1651    |  W4   |  D6   |  W11  |  W10  |  L1   |  3.5  | 3rd
   4  | Paul Godin          1970    |  L3   |  W12  |  W19  |  W5   |  L2   |  3.0  | 4th-9th
   5  | Roger Cappallo      1940    |  W14  |  W13  |  L1   |  L4   |  W8   |  3.0  | 4th-9th
   6  | Mike Commisso       1852    |  W15  |  D3   |  W8   |  L1   |  D10  |  3.0  | 4th-9th
   7  | Geoff LePoer        1774    |  W18  |  L1   |  W9   |  L2   |  W14  |  3.0  | 4th-9th
   8  | Dave Couture        1773    |  W16  |  W10  |  L6   |  W11  |  L5   |  3.0  | 4th-9th
   9  | Don Ostrowski       1620    |  W2   |  L11  |  L7   |  W16  |  W13  |  3.0  | 4th-9th
  10  | Bruce Felton        1971    |  W17  |  L8   |  W13  |  L3   |  D6   |  2.5  | 10th-12th
  11  | Gary Brassard       1832    |  D12  |  W9   |  L3   |  L8   |  W15  |  2.5  | 10th-12th
  12  | Angel Soto          1425    |  D11  |  L4   |  W18  |  L13  |  W19  |  2.5  | 10th-12th
  13  | Jack Martin         1363    |  W20  |  L5   |  L10  |  W12  |  L9   |  2.0  | 13th-16th
  14  | Roland Booker       1600    |  L5   |  W20  |  L15  |  W17  |  L7   |  2.0  | 13th-16th
  15  | Don Briggs          1544    |  L6   |  L2   |  W14  |  W19  |  L11  |  2.0  | 13th-16th
  16  | Hamed Zarei         Unr.    |  L8   |  L17  |  W20  |  L9   |  W21  |  2.0  | 13th-16th
  17  | Dave Martin         1700    |  L10  |  W16  |  L2   |  L14  |  D18  |  1.5  | 17th-18th
  18  | Emily Gawboy        1199    |  L7   |  L19  |  L12  |  X20  |  D17  |  1.5  | 17th-18th
  19  | Tom Fratturelli     1675    |  L1   |  W18  |  L4   |  L15  |  L12  |  1.0  | 19th
  20  | Zachary Koutonen    Unr.    |  L13  |  L14  |  L16  |  F18  |  ...  |  0.0  | 20th-21st
  21  | Chris Warner        Unr.    |  ...  |  ...  |  ...  |  ...  |  L16  |  0.0  | 20th-21st

Past Evert Siiskonen Memorial winners at Saima Park:

2021 - Rob King - 21 players
2020 - no tournament
2019 Geoff LePoer - 16 players
2018 Rob King - 16 players
2017 Paul Godin - 10 players
2016 Paul Godin - 8 players
2015 Gary Brassard - 14 players

June 6th 2021
Unrated Fun Tournament on Sunday June 20th!

George is once again organizing an unrated 5 round G/15 tournament as part of the annual Finnish Festival on June 20th.
See details in the link below. Hope to see everyone there!
-Dave C.
Evert Siiskonen Memorial at Summer Festival in Fitchburg
Chess Event Details on MACA Tournament Rules and Other Information: Registration from 9:30 to 9:45 a.m. on June 20.
Tournament will be held outside if the weather is nice enough to do it; otherwise, an indoor event www.masschess.org
-George M.